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Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.

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Thanks. Have a great day.

This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. This is for the word count. 

— New chapter is coming soon —
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