Chapter 29

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About half a mile away from Tetsu’s house, he saw an orange tree amidst the rarity of trees in Pryeg. He was sure the tree was owned by a person but he could care less. As long as nobody was around, he could use the tree without any hesitation.

Makoto tapped the tree, placed his ear to hear the movements inside the tree then proceeded to step inside the tree.
And when he walked out, he was looking at the Monster House.
Papa Monster was yelling as loud as he could. The roar was loud enough to be heard from miles away. He was surprised why people hadnt gathered around the house by now.
“You must be starving.” Makoto asked the house which had endless temper-tantrum to come.
“Yes he is.” A voice came from behind his back.
Nobukazu! His heart left its place.
Makoto spun around as an immediate reaction. But his face met with Nobukazu’s sword hilt. The impact was on his upper set of teeth. Though blood was leaking out of the cut, he could only feel numbness in that region.

Nobukazu drew his sword with scary tune of metal rubbing against sheath and there was the music of it swinging in air. Makoto heard the music well because his earlobes felt it.
He held the sliced cartilage as he awaited another swing from Nobukazu.
Somehow he got sense of ducking in time while blood dripped to his torso due to motion of his body.
Makoto was inches away from being beheaded.
“Mercy!” words spilled out of Makoto’s lips. But Nobukazu didn’t feel like considering what Makoto had to say.
Looking at Nobukazu’s intentions, Makoto had no other way than to flee so he sprinted towards a tree with thick trunk. But to his misfortune, he gave his tactic away while reacting to pain in his ear.
Nobukazu threw his sword like a boomerang, hacking the mighty tree in half before Makoto could touch the tree.
Tree creeked and began to tilt towards Makoto, who still thought he could get his way out from the tree.

Makoto moved in time for a close escape after hearing the sound of breaking tree get loud.
The tree’s branches and leaves made a fence between him and Chosokabe.HisHis breath shortened when the old man flew through the leaves with his invincible sword in grip.
Makoto had no idea what his reflexes were planning on his behalf. He ended up planting his fist on Nobukazu’s chin instead of covering his own face.
The old man took the knuckles between his eyes. The fall on ground was harsher than the punch.
Nobukazu dropped his sword.
Makoto was surprised to discover the burst of strength in him. But he could not trust it for the second time. He was in no condition of taking another shot so while Nobukazu was regrouping himself, Makoto rushed to a tree.
Again the sword glided in the air but this time it was meant for him. His reflexes came to his rescue again and saved his head. Behind him he heard the zap.

Light hadn’t even disappeared fully when he turned his head at Nobukazu’s direction. Makoto now stood infront of the roaring house with all the bewilderment he could have at once.
Light came again and Makoto felt a stiff hand wrapped around back of his neck.There was no way he couldn’t tell whose hands they were.Nobukazu’s fingernails were sinking in his flesh.
Old man lifted him in air and got ready to throw him inside Monster House.
Defenseless, Makoto’s eyes fell on the pouch which Nobukazu had tied on his waist. Most of all it was within his reach. Makoto stretched his arm and separated it from his waist with a snapand darted it towards open mouth of the house.
Nobukazu dropped Makoto after seeing his belonging flying towards a monsterthen he vanished.
When he appeared, he had the pouch in his hand about a foot away from teeth of the house. But he had lost Makoto in the process.
I know where you will go. Nobukazu held the pouch firm.

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