
“I finally did it after so long…” 



A man said to himself wincing and wheezing in pain. Impaled by many swords and spears, he stood tall at the center of countless corpses. Yet he ignored all the corpses except one… 


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A large grotesque creature as large as a mountain lay in front of him completely filled with holes. 


“O Yom, God of Plague, I, Nirmanz Demigod of War has slain you. Through the tragedies, the flames, and many tribulations, I accomplished what others could not. Finally, this world has a future where sickness will not take so many… huff huff… It is unfortunate that I will breathe my last here, however, I find comfort that many will rebuild this broken world after I perish” 


Despite being impaled and gouged, he still smiled in content as blood started pouring out of his mouth. 


As he looked towards the rising sun, and thought ‘After so many years of battles, gaining power, gaining the title of Demigod, I care not for any of it anymore… I just want to slumber’. Many memories were flashing through his head as his eyes grew heavier. 


Nirmanz, born to a peasant farming family, yet held the strange fortune of being the savior of his world. The tragedy of his family and countless others dying because of Yom, constantly fighting on battlefields, he definitely deserved rest. 


As the Sun rose higher, his eyes closed never to open again… 



Alterna, a beautiful world filled with many fantastical creatures, landscapes, and phenomena. Yet strangely, over the last 124 years, a balance between fantasy and advancing technology has been cemented into the current era. 


Within this era, the Empire of Austrima, a country and continent put together is at its peak. Flourishing cities filled with many tall buildings, and folks of many different races scurrying about with small devices in their ears, or operating horseless carriages. An era of convenience in all forms thanks to technology.

Even the smaller towns or villages were caught up with the times as they also had access to better farming equipment.

However, there are a few exceptions to this access, one of them being Binshu Town. A town located deep in a mountain range on the Eastern side of Austrima. 

Of course, this isn’t a normal place either, it was home to a tribe of Non-humans called the Mountain Oni. A peculiar race with human like features accompanied by horns on their foreheads, strange markings on their faces, and very tall in height.

Inside Binshu, despite the Oni having fierceness ingrained due to living in a dangerous mountain range, an air of tension and anxiety  was present. All of the tribesmen gathered together as they looked towards the mountain peak where a large, one level home made of wood stood overlooking their town.

Even from afar, the tribesmen could hear the process of labor happening…



“PUSH!!! The head is peeking!!!” 


“What is going on?!’ Nirmanz asked himself as he was awakened by yelling. Feeling like he was being constricted and squeezed within a tight space, he tried moving his limbs, but unfortunately couldn’t move them at all. 


He shouldn’t be feeling anything at all, nor should he even be awake. He died, at least, he should’ve. The noise, the confusion, and the pain overwhelmed his mind thanks to this situation. 


He felt defeated and overwhelmed as he could only be at the mercy of whatever is happening at the moment. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait too long, the feeling of constriction vanished as a large amount of air assaulted his lungs as he gratefully breathed all of it in. 


After catching his breath, the sensation of being held brought the realization that he is definitely smaller. As some sort of soft cloth wrapped around his body, the uncomfortable feelings intensified. 


He attempted to open his eyes, only to be blinded by bright lights which brought tears. A few moments later, his eyes were able to open after adjusting. Surveying the room, everything he saw shocked him to his very core. 

 A very tall woman lay on top of a bed laying in a puddle of mucus and blood as she breathed deeply. The woman, though seemingly human, had key differences in her appearance. First being a pair of horns growing out of her forehead that stood a couple inches. Secondly, the tribal tattoos on both of her cheeks added more mystery. The final difference was her eyes that contained purple pupils surrounded by a pool of black. 



In every sense of the word, she was not human, but there was a strange connection between the two of them. She smilingly held out her arms as if to receive him. 


“Congratulations Miss, it’s a baby girl!” 


His attention was broken as he looked toward the voice, only to find another woman with similar characteristics holding him. 


After being handed over, he looked up at this woman, as she stared back with extreme gentleness within her eyes. 

‘Am I? Is this?’


Being completely befuddled by what was happening, everything started to piece together.  


The realization hit as he recalled the words ‘baby girl’ being said. A sense of dread and foreboding washed over as he looked down, confirming his fear. 


‘I’ve been reborn as a girl… And this is my new mother’ 


Any and all thoughts Nirmanz had were washed away as she smiled down, holding this new body closer to her chest and face. 


‘Damn, I’m getting sleepy again…’ 

As Nirmanz’s eye got more blurry, he saw a very robust figure coming towards him. 


Through his blurry eyes, it seemed his new mother’s lips were moving, but no words could be heard as sleep found Nirmanz again. 



The prestigious birth of Greer, the daughter of Meluk and Amani, Leaders of the Mountain Oni Tribe was considered such a special event. The celebrations lasted for a whole week throughout the whole tribe as everyone crowded in to glance at the child. 

Meluk, a very tall and robust man, compared to the typical standards of the Oni tribe, held his daughter in front of the crowd. The tribesmen knelt in reverence as Meluk held her high with tears in his eyes.

“My tribesmen! Finally, after 33 years, Amani and I have produced a child! The head clan lives on!”


The tribesmen yelled in unison as tears streamed down their cheeks.

With even more tears, Meluk held her even higher and yelled, “She shall be named Greer Binshu!!!!”



Unfortunately, the child herself slept through it all.


One year had passed… 


Nirmanz, now Greer, became quite the trouble maker as she liked to free roam as much as possible, just like now… 



“Hurry, catch her! How in the world can a little child get around so fast?!” 


Several maids and butlers chased after a baby that crawled so fast, she looked like an animal running on all fours. 


Though a complicated situation, after this year, Nirmanz accepted the situation of being a girl now.  


Why was she running away? It was because today was the first time, she was allowed outside the house.  She wanted to ditch her parents’ servants to explore the mountain town her parents were in charge of. 


“Oh no! Stop her from going towards the town!!” 


A servant yelled out as Greer had already started trying to go towards the town from the front yard before a large hand grabbed and picked her up. Greer was caught off guard as she was flipped around, only to see a tall and robust man with thick horns in a suit was looking at her. 


The man is Meluk, her father, simply holding her with one hand, like some kind of bag.

“Muhuhu, yeah, I got her. As expected of my daughter. Despite the maids and butlers being capable of using magic, she still gave them trouble! MUHUHU!”

The servants had a look of shame, but still grabbed Greer from Meluk, as he was holding her roughly with just one hand. 


“Master, we humbly ask you not to be so rough with the young miss, she’s still just a baby.”

“I got it, I got it, sheesh everyone sounds like Amani around here…” 


“Who sounds like me?” 


Meluk froze as he looked behind him, only to see Amani, his wife, smiling at him. Before he could escape, he had already been kicked across the yard as he groaned. 


“Honey, my darling, I meant that as a joke, please don’t get mad” 


Only allowed on

Amani simply hmphed, as she grabbed Greer, who wore an incredulous face, from the servant holding her.

‘No matter how much I see their interactions, this family is really crazy, but I’m glad magic still exists’  


The only thought running in Greer’s head as she felt a slight disturbance from Amani





Three more years had passed, Greer turned four years old.  


Shoulder length purple hair, golden eyes surrounded by black, attributes from both of her parents. Her face, however, was structured in a way that made her look sleepy all the time. Her forehead had two little black horns growing out. 

She was finally acclimated to her new identity and the town as not only the Oni Tribe lived here, but the Orc Tribe, a large bipedal pig race, and the Kabold Tribe, a small humanoid dog race is also here.

The just lived lower in the mountains and normally wouldn’t travel up here unless issues arose.

Life had been peaceful for Greer since she was doted on by everyone despite being a troublemaker. She was the first child born into the tribe after 33 years.

In the woods, between Binshu town and the lower mountains…

Currently, Greer was confronting a small group of Orc children and Kabold children. These confrontations became common in the last six months.

As a former Demigod of War, she naturally wouldn’t refuse a challenge, which is what is happening now.

“Hinkle, you can’t beat me even if you brought friends!”

Greer said as she let out a fierce smile full of sharp teeth.

“Shaddup! Today is the today I’ll win and become BOSS”

Hinkle, the leader of the Orc children replied back as he advanced forward alongside his friends.

Min, the leader of the Kabold children shook his head as his group also advanced forward.




Soon, the sound of trees breaking apart and screams of pain could be heard throughout the mountain.

“Despite ganging up on me, you all still lost, fufu, looks like I AM THE BOSS!”

Greer stood at the center of groaning children lying on the ground laughing at them as they stared back in shame.

‘Admittedly, I do have an unfair advantage, but teaching these brats a lesson isn’t so bad’

Greer thought to herself as she started to turn back when an unfamiliar voice sounded behind her.

“As expected of my granddaughter, exerting dominance even when outnumbered, heheh.”

She quickly turned around, only to see a tall and robust old man looking at her. His appearance looked exactly like an older version of her father, Meluk. The only difference is the fact that this old man only had one arm.

“Who are you old man?! Who’s your granddaughter?!”

Greer yelled back as she attempted to create space between them, but the old man disappeared and reappeared right behind her. He grabbed her by the collar and started dragging her away.

“Hey, wait, where are you dragging me?! You didn’t tell me who you were!”

“Oh, right. I’m your father’s father, your grandfather, nice to meet you.”

“Too casual!”

Greer yelled as she wiggled about, but still couldn’t break free as she thought he’s too strong’.

“So where are you taking me?”

She asked after giving up resistance. She knew this grandfather of hers wasn’t going to harm her.

“Since you just turned four, your parents asked me to train you since you’re at the age to start learning magic.”

“But why can’t they train me?”

“Well, you’re more compatible to my, Wismer Binshu’s style, heheh. You’ll soon learn”

‘I might die again…’

Thus, started an extreme arduous life of training under her grandfather

- my thoughts:
TimidWriter Here! Nice to meet you all! I hope you all enjoy my story and stick with me as it is my first child! Have a nice day!
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