chapter 18



Jungkook underwent a surgery again which made his life little better. But he still needed a transplant. The surgery was just a temporary solution. Doctors said that it was impossible for him to go on like this. But the list of people waiting for transplants was huge. Jungkook could not afford to wait for that long. 

It was almost 2 years since I left Korea with Mom and came to America. I completed my college here. I also became friends with Yugyeom, Jungkook’s best friend. Unexpectedly, Yugyeom caught onto the habit of Jungkook calling me hyung and he also started calling me hyung. We 3 became very close in a matter of time. Boys and girls all swooned over Jungkook and  Yugyeom. I wasn’t really used to this life. So, I almost stayed away from this. But given Jungkook’s nature, it was impossible. For a year, Jungkook never stopped bragging about me to his friends and other students. 

One day, Jungkook was practising a song which he had written long back, me and Yugyeom had some time alone. I decided to ask Yugyeom if he would help me.

“Yugy, I need a favour from you.” I told him.

“Hyung, when did you started asking for favours? Just order. I am like your little brother.” Yugyeom replied with a smile.

“Okay, listen. I can’t talk about this when Jungkook is around. I know you are his best friend. And I think if anyone is close to him after me, it’s you. So I will give you one more task.” I told him.

“What do you mean, hyung?” Yugyeom asked me back.

“I know it is really selfish of me to ask you this or even so this, but this is going to save Jungkook’s life.” I told him and he gave me a confused look.

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“I have decided, that if, I mean if things come to worst, then I will donate my heart to Jungkook.” I told him and he literally fell off his chair.

I helped him get back and patted his shoulder.

“Hyung, you…” His eyes filled up with tears.

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“Don’t…” I warned him and he quickly wiped off his tears.

“Listen Yugyeom, I have given it a lot of thought. And actually been thinking all of the possibilities, that’s when I reached this solution. You are the only one besides myself who knows this. I want you to keep this secret for me. I believe you and I trust you. Also, besides you I don’t have anyone else so close with whom I can share this.” I explained him.

“Hyung, you were in Korea for so long, didn’t you make any friends there?” He asked me and once again I was reminded of those 3 people whom I tried not to remember as it caused me real pain. 

Saying that I missed them was an understatement, since I did more than that. I felt bad. 

“I did. Two best friends and one hyung. I miss them. Never got to say bye to them. And its been two years already. I mean even if I do remember them, they must have already forgotten me. Like I never contacted them and I even left without telling them. Anyways. If at all, I have to do what I told you, then probably I won’t see them ever.” I told him and tears welled up in my eyes.

“Hyung, wipe your tears. Jungkook is coming out. He texted.” Yugyeom said showing me Jungkook’s text.

I quickly wiped my tears and tried smiling as I had to pretend doing that again.

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