chapter 23

P.S. Here Mr. Jeon from now is going to be Jeongukk and Jungkook’s father.


Yugyeom called me and said Jungkook was getting very anxious because Jeongukk hadn’t reached the venue yet. I told him I will call and get in contact with him. I called Jeongukk. It rang but he didn’t receive, until later I decided to hang up, he received.

“Appa I.. I love you and I love mom too.” He said which got me confused, but I felt his love and I almost teared up.

“Boy, what’s wrong you? Are you alright?” I asked him.

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“Appa, tell Jungkook that I love him more than anyone. Tell him not to hate me. It was always a last option for whatever might happen from now on. I didn’t think that the time will come soon. Tell him I will always be with him and yes, if possible, let him go to Korea. Let him sign up with HYBE.” He said and I kept wondering.

Jeongukk was talking in future tense. I was worried for my boy. He left his friends and everything and came to America as soon as he heard Jungkook wasn’t doing fine without any second thought. He never questioned about anything. Him, asking me to tell Jungkook not to hate him was….. quite suspicious. Why would Jungkook hate him.

“But Jeongukk…” I said and then I heard a loud crash and the line disconnected.

My heart skipped a beat and tears flowed through my eyes. My phone fell down from my hand which caught my secretary’s attention. He came running and stopped in front of me. I lost my control and was about to fall to ground but he held me and helped me sit on the couch in my office.

“Sir, are you alright? What’s wrong sir?” He asked and I looked at him.

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“Jeongukk… he..” I stopped as I couldn’t say it.

“Let’s go home.” I told him and he quickly called the driver helping me to get down to the entrance.

After about half an hour, we reached home. I got out and went in. My wife was shocked to see me in this state and she ran to him.

“Honey are you alright?” She asked.

“Madam, something is wrong with Jeongukk. I don’t know any details. But before this sir was speaking to Jeongukk.” My secretary told her.

She held my hands and shook me. I looked at her and shook my head while crying.

“Dear, Jeongukk.. he.. met with an accident while on call.” Hearing it my wife fell to the floor and cried loudly making my heart break to pieces.

Jeongukk’s words still bothered me. I didn’t know what and why he said those. I called Yugyeom.

“Uncle, any news on hyung? I just sent him in for the next performance. But he will ask me again later.” He said as soon as he received the call.

“I am coming to take him. Jeongukk has met with accident. I was on call with him. And he even said some stupid things, which I didn’t understand. Keep it from Jungkook till I come there. No one other Jeongukk can stabilize him if he…” I told him holding back a sob which threatened to leave my mouth.

“Okay, uncle. You come safely. Ask somebody to drive please. You can’t drive now, okay?” He said and I agreed to him.

I was waiting for the hospital to call me. But then it wasn’t long before I got a call from them.

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