chapter 24


After an an hour of endless stupid thoughts, we finally reached the hospital where hyung was admitted. I didn’t look back to Yugyeom or Dad, I just got out and ran inside. I didn’t know how my fans knew about this, it was a mess at the hospital. I couldn’t get in. I got stuck with so many reporters around. I finally took a deep breath and screamed at the top of my voice.

“Stoppp!!!!” The whole crowd was silenced at the yell.

“I don’t mean to be rude. You guys know me well. You know me better than I know myself. But not today. I can’t and I will not answer any of your questions and I am sorry for that. But just remember one thing. Today if I don’t go in, I might lose my last chance to see my hyung. He’s dying. I can lose my fame, my fans and everything. Fans and fame don’t matter to me, if I have to lose my hyung for that. I love him more than anything. You, my fans, can decide whether you want to stay by my side and support me or you want you want to leave. I will say again, I don’t and won’t mind if you leave me. The one inside is important. Now if you excuse me. Please.” I said and bowed down, my tears making my sight blurry.

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As I looked up, everybody made a way and I ran inside. At this moment nothing mattered more than my hyung. Yes I had risked everything right now making that statement. Dad and Yugyeom came right after me.

“Jungkook, here.” Dad said and pointed to the room. 

I slowly walked towards the room. As I approached, my Mom came out. She hugged me and cried very badly. Her cries were cutting right through my soul. I hugged her back and stroke here back trying to calm her down. 

“Mom, please. Stop crying. We have to be strong. Okay?” I tried to calm her.

“Kookie, my baby, there.. I can’t.. I don’t know what to do…” she said pointing to the room.

“Maa, you know hyung loves  me more. I will… I will talk to him. He will listen to me okay.” I told her, but who was I trying to fool?

Only allowed on

“Dad..” I said and Dad took Mom and I held the door handle to open.

“Jungkook, don’t stress yourself okay. You have to think of your health too.” Yugyeom said and I nodded.

I finally opened the door and went in. I heard the beeping sounds of the machine, then I saw the end of the bed, before my eyes fell on the person lying on the bed there. And like that, my whole world came crashing down.

- my thoughts:
Hope everyone is fine and doing well. This chapter is very close to my heart as I lost my brother to suicide, and it made me feel very lost. To be honest, I, myself am suffering from depression, and have tried to put an end to everything many times. But every time I tried, I saw my parents, my family, my siblings, my friends and how much they would have to suffer because of me and I drove away those thoughts. But never imagined or thought that my own little brother was going through so much. I failed to recognise his pain, his troubles. I felt like I failed him. But then, I know he would not want me to be sad for long. If possible let all your loved ones know that you love them, or you might miss your chance like me.... Also, if you're hurting, please speak up. Say that you're hurting. Say that you can't take it anymore. Your family, you friends and people who really care for you have to go through hell. I know it's difficult but still, don't lose hope. Hold onto the very end and trust that you will be saved. You will survive. Don't give up easily. It's easy to give up, but if you hold on even for a little while, you will know that beyond the darkness, there is never-ending light waiting for you to open your eyes. Be brave and open your eyes to the light, the world is still beautiful beyond knowledge, and you will realise how much you would've missed if you gave up. Love to all!! Peace!!

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