chapter 33

P.S. The Story now begins in the present tense. It will pick up from the 10th Chapter where it stopped.


“Hyung….!” I yelled and woke up covered with sweat. 

My breathing was ragged and my heart beat like crazy. I held my chest and my other hand clenched my bedsheet very tight. The door opened and in came my best friend, my brother. Yugyeom. He put on lights quickly. It didn’t even take him minutes to arrive. He ran to me and sat beside me. He held my hand and looked at me.

“Are you alright? Another nightmare?” He asked me and I nodded still breathing hard.

“Hold on, let me get you some water.” He said and he went to the kitchen to me water. 

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While he was gone, I looked at my phone. It was 3.45 AM. Past midnight. I sighed holding my forehead. My heart calmed minutes later and my breathing was slowly coming back to normal. Yugyeom came in with a glass of water. I took it and drank it quickly.

“Slowly, Kookie.” Yugyeom said rubbing his eyes. 

I looked at him through the corner of my eyes. He was sleeping, but so alert even when sleeping, I was lucky to have him by my side. I was so used to him by now, I dreaded the thought of him not being there. He was my safe spot, my comfort zone. But it was high time, how long is he going to keep doing this. I should ask him to find some one. As far as I’ve known him, he never took any interest in any girl, not even a boy. But then, he spent all his time with me and hyung. I felt bad for him.

“Kookie, are you alright? You sometimes scare the s*** out of me.” He said taking the glass from me and keeping it on the table besides bed.

“I am fine. But since I come here, I have started dreaming of hyung. It’s like, he is trying to tell me something and then he suddenly disappears. I don’t know. I keep on losing him and unable to find him, which scares me like s***. And this is the second time since we came here.” I told him. 

“Don’t worry. Everything will make sense on it’s own. But you know what, I noticed you yesterday. It’s not like you. You seemed weird and I thought, before it all becomes a mess, I should take you away, so I asked them if we could leave.” Yugyeom said to me.

“How?” I asked shifting on my bed.

“Why’d you explain what happened to you to Jin hyung? The way you called him hyung, seemed like you know him well. And how the hell you know his restaurant? We just arrived 2 days ago.” Yugyeom said and suddenly it made sense.

“But then, you remember the doctor telling you to gear yourself up, because you will experience a lot of changes?” 

“Yes, you’re right. Probably because of my heart?!” I replied.

“Let’s call Doctor uncle tomorrow and tell him about this. Also remember, as time goes by, I will have to do what your brother told me. And one of it is telling them about him and you. Also I will introduce you to them. But these 3, Jin hyung, Taehyung and Jimin  were very close with hyung. So maybe because of that you will feel familiar with all of them.” Yugyeom said and I somewhat agreed with him. 

Only allowed on

I did feel familiar with the surroundings and with these 3 and the others. 

“Okay, go to sleep now. We have a meeting in the morning again, which couldn’t happen yesterday. You will be fine right? Want me to sleep here?” He asked me and I smiled.

“Alright, sleep now. I will turn off the lights. Don’t worry, I am here.” Yugyeom said and smiled back.

“Yes. I love you Yugy.” I said making him cringe, but he still replied back.

“Love you more, donkey.”  

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