Chapter 5.5 – Hello, Daughter

After cradling my daughter for awhile, she falls asleep. She has a cute expression on her face.

I am glad that she seems to be alright.

Maybe it was only my feeling, but just now, I felt like she tried to tell me that she was already full. Hmm, must be my motherly intuition.

Or have I gone into the doting mother type now, for considering my child to be cleverly talented from the beginning?

Oh come on, me, she is barely a few days old.


Today is the first time I can cradle her again in my arms.

A few days ago, I only managed to hold her for awhile, before she got taken into the intensive care unit. For she was not yet stable.

I spent a few days recovering from giving birth to her… and during that time, I never missed a single day to pray for her safety.


I was so excited when the nurse came in earlier. I could not even keep my mind straight–I only had one thing in my mind : my newly-born daughter. I would be glad if I have the chance to apologize to the nurse who came in today… If memory serves me right, I replied her in an unfriendly way, so…

After my distraught and unfriendly reply to the nurse, she handed my baby over to me.


The moment I held her, I saw her innocent face, looking at me.

Ugh. I feel… guilty.

“Sorry,” I murmured.

Sorry for giving birth to you prematurely. I must have paid more attention and care during my pregnancy.

Sorry for not being there for you during your first few days of life.

I hope you did not feel lonely. For I will be there from now on, guiding you, my beloved daughter.


[ Rihtes h¯ælu onbescêawung (Detailed health examination) ] I cast a magic spell while she is asleep.

Only allowed on

After all, I cannot help but to be worried.


Alright, she seems to be all healthy and well. I am so relieved that her premature birth didn’t affect her health in the long run.


“I hope you will like your home, Lyra.”

Aah, I want that person to quickly take a look at her. To know how lovely she is. She takes after that person a lot.

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Fufu, I smile at those thoughts.

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