Chapter 57- Gathering

Astrid7Astridcharacter woke up beside KMega6KMegacharacter. He just logged into the game, so when she saw that he opened his eyes, she smiled happily. Their relationship has been rapidly evolving ever the tournament ended. They began as close siblings, and while they weren’t exactly lovers yet, she felt closer to him than ever. They were even taking their baths together. She was content with their progress for now and no longer pushed for more. She still likes cuddling with his firm artificial body though; if only his IRL one was the same.

“Good morning.” (Astrid)

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KMega smiled at her for a moment before succumbing to sadness.

She’s seen it several times already, so she knew the cause and didn’t pry any further.

“They’re going to start arriving today, aren’t they?” (KMega)

Astrid nodded. It has been a month in game since KMega sent out riders to arrive at the fort.

During this time, he’s been doing random hunting streams as filler for the important meeting that he won’t show anyone in IRL for months to come.

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KMega wore his ‘shamble knight’ set and grabbed his steel great sword before putting it on his back. He then sat in a seat reserved for the leader of the table before closing his eyes and waiting. The first to arrive were three local leaders of the towns and militant groups. The first one was a merchant named Will Rider. He was a decent fellow that KMega has been doing business with over the last several weeks to bring in food and supplies in exchange for being tax exempt, a status, and protection. The second person was a town leader named Black Wilger that was a civil leader and the mayor of the town that was voted to represent the populus as a whole. He was a good man that has been cooperating well. The last one is a fellow knight that was formerly imprisoned at the fort. He had been leading the outside forces of the fort as a whole, and while he didn’t have his own command structure, he’s worked with KMega on various tasks and understood his basic goals.


KMega and those three will represent the southern region of Eastguard. As for the northern ones, he had no idea who would come, but by evening, the sixth and most northern leader appeared, a duke’s son that was captured standing his ground with a force of one hundred reserves against an army of fifteen hundred. His father fled without conflict when he was pressured. The only reason why the duke’s son remained in power is because he was good natured to his people and was among the first to be rescued when KMega was looking for Kieser, even going so far as to help retake the land his father surrendered. The fifth to arrive was actually the prince that KMega didn’t remember meeting during the tournament. The other two were town leaders; one was a knight, while the other was a merchant.

This made a total of ten representatives for the meeting.


KMega left them to talk amongst themselves as he waited and listened to the the military leaders, merchants, and civil leaders that were the last surviving powerful men of Eastguard. KMega figured that it would be rather simple. He just needed to gather the leaders of the country, reform the government, and increase the standard of living. After over twenty five minutes of arguing and bickering though, KMega had enough.

He then pulled out his great sword laid it on the table, silencing everyone.

“For the love of the gods! Someone, anyone, please command my sword. I’m a fighter, not a politicaton! Not next month. Not next week. Command my sword now! When the blessings of the gods pass, the empire will be back, and we can’t look to the union to be merciful. They want the rich fertile lands of Eastguard as much as the empire does. Please, I beg of you, give me the foundation to stand upon the gates and repel our enemies. That’s all I’m asking for. If you don’t, we will never achieve order. In one years time, Eastguard will be nothing more than a memory in the folds of history if you don’t come to a decision!” (KMega)

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