Chapter 58- The Plea Lands on Deaf Ears

In video games5video gamestheme, VR games in particular, the ultimate goal for many games is to earn money from the game. There are three ways to do this; items, services, or videos. For the first, items have to obey a certain set of rules placed by the system. Crafters have the ability to slightly bend these rules, but ultimately, the cost of doing so is high. Few people have the money to dish out thousands of coin on a whim for an op item, but on the other end of the spectrum, making large numbers of items that people can afford isn’t profitable.


The second is services. In short, real money being traded for accounts or in-game currency; it’s illegal in most cases though. While the Green corporation allows these types of services, they’re closely monitored and harshly punished if they’re bypassed. KMega6KMegacharacter uses the third type; videos. These people sell their efforts like actors that work on movies for their fans. While they can earn more money like KMega did during the war, most of the people that use the third income option are relatively poor except for a few top ranked players.


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The video that he’ll later name ‘council of fools’ will become one of KMega’s top ten all time videos. It will earn him tens of thousands of coin over the years of views. The npc’s reactions and the player setups are a prime example of Karma biting them in the butt. The video showed two complicated systems in vr games, One of them is trying to make a player be the king even though they just want to have fun, while the other is players fighting for their own path.

A lot of players would naturally jump at the chance to become a king, but not KMega.

He didn’t have the skill, and he also wanted to proceed towards his desired end game goal with all his might. He wanted to become a noble knight, so even if heaven and earth is hell bent on changing that, he’ll still be one.

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After KMega’s speech that was actually a plea, he settled into the chair he was in. The room remained quiet before someone stood up and walked over to KMega’s side.

Everyone else in the room just stared at him in surprise as he grabbed KMega’s sword.

“Naturally, if you’re giving your sword to the prince, then I will gladly take it. Your words ring true. As a knight of Eastguard, you also swore your fidelity to the royal court.” (Prince of Eastguard)

KMega corrected him.

“I wasn’t present during my knighting ceremony because I was called to the god of war’s side. Let me correct you on another thing; my oath is to Eastguard itself and its people. It’s not to some person I’ve never seen on the battlefield.” (KMega)

A slight ‘tsk’ came from the prince as he tried something else; bribery.

“Well, Earl KMega, I hope you’ve liked the fortress here. If you continue to serve diligently, I’m sure your command over the southern reaches will continue for many years.” (Prince of Eastguard)


KMega crossed his arms in annoyance because he didn’t mistake the meaning behind his words.

“As soon as Eastguard is stable, I intend to leave the title of commander behind me to someone that’s trained in the art of leading men over some commoner knight.” (KMega)

Another ‘tsk’ came from the prince as he tried the last thing he could, but didn’t want to use; threats.

“Do you not know who you’re talking to?! I’m Sebal, the future king of Eastguard!” (Sebal)

After he finished speaking, the other council members stood up in anger.

“Oh yeah, you’re the prince of a kingdom that failed to protect its people. I was there on those bloody fields when you and your father were hiding in the capitol. I was surrounded and had to fight my way out while you were safely behind protected walls. Make no mistake, I don’t care if you rule or establish a senate. Just know one thing; I will not be talked down to by some man who doesn’t know war like I do. The kingdom of Eastguard is also gone dear prince; it is now a republic.

The question is, do you want to work with the change or against it? If you continue with your meaningless prattle and keep distracting us from rebuilding Eastguard, I will strike you down myself!” (KMega)

As KMega spoke, he glared using the same ice cold glare that he gave the imperial soldier during the tournament. As soon as he was done, he closed his eyes once again.

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