Chapter 65- Work, Play, Work

When KMega6KMegacharacter woke up in the morning, he took a light shower and went into the kitchen to make some food for all three of them before he went out for a run. He had recently noticed that exercising regularly made him feel better, and the half an hour jog in the early morning air cleared his head. When he got back, he saw the two drooling over the food, and after mentioning that it was for them, they dug in while he took another quick shower before getting into his pod. The plain area where he would chose games was a bit more different because there were more options now. Not to mention, the first thing that occurred when he entered was a young woman jumping on his back happily.


She then kissed his cheek and let him go so they could hold hands.

“Sorry I couldn’t be around yesterday Astrid7Astridcharacter.” (KMega)

She smiled and blushed. KMega was used to being naked when he slept, and he didn’t remember that Astrid could see him through his streaming equipment.

This was normal for her at this point, so he let her have the moment before looking around.

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“So, do you know anything about these?” (KMega)

Astrid nodded.

“As a companion and a unique, I’ve been informed about the gateways. It’s hard to describe, but it’s like going into a new world that’s being built.” (Astrid)

KMega considered that.

“Astrid, this is hard to ask, so please understand the reason why. Those places may be too risky for you because you’re fundamentally a program. It may bring you harm if you go to such places.” (KMega)

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Astrid was about to say something, but she suddenly stopped. She’s evolved into something much more than a simple npc ai. When he said that she was a program, she understood completely what he meant. It hurt her when he said that, but that made it no less true.

Even if she succeeded with her desires to become a mechanoid, she can see the limits before her.

“I’m sorry if I came across insensitive.” (KMega)

Astrid shook her head as tears left her eyes.

“No, I understand. You have fun in those new worlds.” (Astrid)

KMega then put a hand on the back of his head in worry.

“Mr. Weise asked me to help him with this. It’s what we agreed on.” (KMega)

Astrid turned away before slouching.

“I know that’s it to protect me and further my goal of sleeping with you.” (Astrid)

Naturally, KMega mistook her words to be more literate than figurative.


The gate that KMega entered was for beta testing for mid or high tier class advancements. The three types of classes were; physical, magical, and support. The physical classes were divided into striker, tank, and range subcategories. Magic was aoe and single target, while support was crafting, buffs, and healing. Naturally, many classes had sub requirements. For example; to be a magic swordsman, you need to be a striker for your main class, and you needed to have single target magic and support buffs for the sub classes. KMega then narrowed his choices that he’ll test to the ones not related to his in game class.

After reducing his choices, he had a randomizer give him a class.

He soon appeared as an elven archer, a wood elf to be exact.

He was roughly middle level 300’s and had adequate gear for that level.


After the simulation where he had to defend a keep with the archer, he moved on to be an enchanter. After that, he played as an assassin called a double agent. After several more random class testings, he decided to call it a day. He spent at least two hours in game time on each class, but in real life, he took only about ten hours to test nearly a dozen classes. For someone who spent so much of his gaming life with so many styles of gameplay like he did, it was easy for him to master the basics of any class.

- my thoughts:
Thanks to Michelle Ossiander on my patreon several chapters have been paid for 6 chapters for release I have missed giving out so for this week I will be doing double releases this week.

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