Chapter 66- Back to Work

After KMega6KMegacharacter was employed by the Green corporation, Weise had a day off, which he enjoyed by going out for a while. When he came back and was ready to work, he was surprised that KMega had already filed several notices. Semi-hardcord gamers liked playing games, and they naturally griped and noticed the imbalancing in them. Weise expected one or maybe two character reports, so he was surprised when there was over a dozen. They didn’t have minor details either; they were full of real time notes. They even recommended adjustments and basic strategy guides. This was beyond normal. The sheer versatility and variety he applied to each test character was abnormal. He also tried doing things with these characters that the designers never thought of. Combine the fact that he applied his own possible outcomes to some of the characters, Weise felt like it was a wise decision to bring the youth into the folds of the company as he sent the notes to the proper department.


KMega was tired after the gaming session, so he went downstairs.

He then saw that the two women were arguing over takeout because Emma chose Thai since it was her turn, but Winter doesn’t like Thai. He then ended up cooking for them again to resolve their fight. They then played some competitive fps games. Emma and KMega weren’t even close to Winters score, but KMega surprised her on the last game because his was two kills below hers. She’s never seen a score get so close to hers, even in competitions.

After giving the excuse that he was tired, KMega went to bed and finished his first real workday.


KMega’s pattern for the next three days is as follows; he cooked breakfast, exercised, played games until he was hungry, and then made dinner for all three of him. After dinner, they would hang out together. However, when he was testing out a commander type character on the fourth day, he was forced out of the pod.


It took a moment for KMega to realize what happened as he rubbed his eyes before being yanked out of the pod.

“Hey there, pipsqueak. You weren’t in the main area when we arrived. You need to have respect for your seniors.” (???)

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KMega doubled over as a fist struck his midsection.

He then unintentionally coughed up a mouthful of spit all over his attacker before another voice cut in.

“Oh man, you overdid it again. The boss is going to burn you bad…” (???2)

While his attacker was distracted, KMega used his position to wrap both of his arms around his attacker before raising him up off the ground and body slamming him onto the other man.

Before any of them knew what was going on, KMega had the attacker’s arm in a scissorhold.

“Tap or break. Your choice.” (KMega)

The attacker laughed before tapping KMega’s leg.

Only allowed on

“All right new guy, I give.” (???)


KMega spent several hours a week playing games and streaming, but that didn’t mean that he was unhealthy or unfit. After moving out of his parents house, he started exercising by running to nearby grocery stores for food, which was over half a mile from his old apartment. His biggest fear though is that he may one day get sick and have to take time off. Even worse, he may have to ask his family for help or to pay for medical fees. On top of that, KMega’s played virtual reality1virtual realitystory mechanic video games5video gamestheme for years, so his mental reflexes were rather sharp. Contrary to popular belief, mental memory works on a person’s reflexes. However, not to the degree of when they train, but only after spending long hours doing combat training each and every week.

- my thoughts:
Thanks to Michelle Ossiander on my patreon several chapters have been paid for 6 chapters for release I have missed giving out so for this week I will be doing double releases this week. bonus 3/6
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