Chapter 72- Back in the Swing

Since KMega6KMegacharacter has been living in his new home at the GSP for only a little while, he was naturally out of sync on things. To top it off, his new work kept him distracted, but once things settled down, KMega started streaming regularly again. The news that he was accepted into the Green corporation went over well with his fans, as they all knew that he had it in him.

Six months had passed in game since KMega was left with Jork Fortress. For a top-tier ranker, this would have been murder on their ego, but KMega was just a gamer. Between rebuilding Eastguards government, keeping the peace, building up Jork fortress, and with his IRL responsibilities on top of that; this was the first time that he actually had to go out. He had learned about a high-level bear that had been preying on the nearby village’s hunters, so he decided to check it out.


Astrid7Astridcharacter wanted to go with him, but when she heard about his target, she decided to stay behind and begin working on her spouse’s greatsword since it was a good time for him to get stronger.


Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.

[Damaged Dragon Bond Great Fang (L) (Soulbound)- A large sword made from the blood, sweat, and body of a young dragon4dragonspecies and her mate. While it’s in an incomplete state, it’s core is cracked. Despite the efforts of the forger, this greatly affects its durability. The sword won’t break until it’s durability reaches 1. Once broken, the sword will have to be reforged from scratch. Only the creator of this weapon can repair it.

Durability- ?/?


Attack- +800

Defense- +200

Special- Regenerate 10 hp/second

Only allowed on

Regenerate 10 mp/second

Increases fire damage inflicted by the blade by 15%

Fire damage heals the wielder


Restrictions- 250 strength

         200 endurance

         Level 150+

Special restrictions- You must have the blood of a dragon in your veins. Anyone who touches the blade without it will take 100 damage/second for five seconds.

You must also have the blood of the person that helped forge the sword. Anyone who touches the blade without it will take 50 damage/second for five seconds.]


Terrar was in Eastguard as a spy for the empire. It had been over six months since the tournament, and his part was so minimal, nobody remembered his face. He was rather annoyed by that, but the fact also gave him his current main quest.


[Infiltrate Eastguard


Quest level: AAA


The Markwell Empire desires information about Eastguard as it plans it’s second invasion. Learn about any weakness that you can report or cause yourself.


Reward: Based on what you report or cause, the reward will change

Failure: The Empire may have to cancel their plans for a second invasion.]

- my thoughts:
apologies, due to adapting to new policies put on the new site I have to adapt a new release schedule again, or rather return to my original schedule. Sun, tues, thurs and sat is Karma and mon, wen, fri is Level 1 till it is over.
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