Chapter 73- Lesser Black Bear Demon

For the first time since the tournament, KMega6KMegacharacter set foot outside the fortress and headed to the village with the bear problem. He had little knowledge about the actual changes that Eastguard had gone through, other than some tidbits that he had picked up in the forums. His first stop was the cliff that Astrid7Astridcharacter’s mother lived in. To his shock and surprise, the rare flower that was supposed to be growing on top of the hill were destroyed. There was also signs of people blasting through the inner core of the hill with magic, which broke his heart. He held Astrid dear, and while her mother killed him once, he held no ill will towards her. To the soldiers, this place was special because this is where they began their counterattack to retake their homeland.

However, since it was out of the way and unimportant, there was no patrols there.

When they saw KMega storm back into the fort later in the day and heard the order that he gave Yirk about restoring the place, the soldiers themselves felt touched by this and decided what they would do.


Since heading back to the fortress caused a delay and cut into his travel time, he didn’t arrive at the village until after dark. While his name was well known, his face wasn’t, and he didn’t have any real defining features. He didn’t even seem like a noble to the tavern master, so he gave him only a simple room for the night. Before sleeping, he went to the bar and had dinner to hear the local rumors. Among them, there was one about the bear that caused his quest to update. After seeing it, he went to bed satisfied.


Only allowed on

When KMega went into the forest, he found a player camp that had a protection ward place on it. He didn’t think a lot about it though, as most of the players preferred camping with their gear instead of paying for an inn. He then hunted up to Level 120 wolves and boars as he searched. He thought that it was nice to hunt animals again, so he did so enthusiastically. Since six months had passed, his stats have been nearly restored to normal. It was nice to see the once hundreds of penalties down to a few dozen. Not to mention, it finally felt like he was playing the game again. Even the Level 140 black bears were nothing but a warm up to him before the main fight. When KMega finally got to the location on the map that the villagers said, the sky turned black even though it was noon. The nearby woods then died out and a black  bear with red eyes, a twisted pair of horns, and a black aura had appeared. It was a Level 200 Lesser Black Bear Demon.

“Lesser demon?” (KMega)

KMega said to himself. He had heard about demons from the church, but never heard about them appearing. He wondered if this was some prelude to an event. In any case, whether he took care of it or not, he would have to report it to the church. As the bear got ready, the system had to yet to consider them engaged in combat. KMega then proceeded to start the basics of any raid; buffing!


KMega started the battle by cleaving with his greatsword. Since the bear’s fur felt like thick armor, KMega barely did any damage since he had to fall back and avoid the bears charge. After a dodge and a roll, he got back up on his feet and prepared a massive hit skill by charging his sword with fire and holy magic. The feat was simple enough with one magic being cast on the weapon, but two took discipline and focus. As he brought down his sword on the exposed arm of the bear, he received a notification that he wasn’t expecting.


[Critical hit! 10,117 damage has been dealt.]

[The lesser demon is vulnerable to holy magic. Damage increased by 150%.]

[The lesser black bear demon is vulnerable to fire. Damage increased by 150%.]

[You have performed a multi-elemental critical hit. The damage increase has stacked by 150% with the damage dealt.]

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In an instant, the bears health dropped by a third after losing 75,000 HP and one of it’s limb falling to the ground. However, this move left KMega exposed to a counter attack.


[You have taken 15,346 points of damage to your right arm after the enemy became enraged. Your shoulder guards have absorbed 12% of the damage. The durability of the right shoulder guard has been reduced by 136 points. (98%->17%) Your arm is also numb from taking heavy damage.]

- my thoughts:
:p accidentally posted the story in author comments. fixed now. also new schedule is mon, wen and fri is level 1 and sun, tues, thurs and sat is karma.
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