Chapter 84- Confessions

Before taking the bath with KMega6KMegacharacter, Astrid7Astridcharacter turned in the beasts that she hunted. As a dragon4dragonspecies, her storage space was a lot larger than a humans, so she easily brought back enough beasts to feed the entire fort for a full day and a half. Naturally, most of it was either preserved or sold. The other parts are used for their respective traits. While she was out, she also collected random plants here and there for alchemy and cooking purposes. She would also pick up random minerals and gems that she found. In a sealed room that was technically her chambers, she had treasure chests full of metals, preserved meat, dried herbs, and so much more. She had made a stop here before meeting KMega so she can go through her hoard. She then looked through the gems and metals that she had gathered before collecting the finest she could and going to the quartermaster.


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It was unusual for Astrid to ask for something from the quartermaster since she usually just gave him her winnings from hunting. This time though, she took her most valuable items to the quartermaster and asked for a small amount of something. The cost of the materials that she handed over was far beyond the price of the rare metal that she asked for though.

In all her journeys, she had never even seen the rare metal that she asked for, but she knew there was some in the fortress stores. She could have just asked KMega for it, but she wanted to keep it a secret. Since the the materials were also far more valuable than money right now, the transaction went smoothly.


Astrid had bought a private forge that she hid away from the public eye and would use to work on her serious projects. As KMega logged out and her connection to her IRL body was severed, her AI went into an autonomous mode, where another her is operating it. This duo persona that she’s been trying out for a few days now has beared some realistic results. She noticed that the longer she’s like this, the more strained she becomes when integrating the two back into one again. She then took out the rare metal and the last dragon scale from KMega’s form during the tournament. She then took out one of the finest and hardest dragon scales she ever shed.

She pictured two rings in her mind.

“This is my answer to your question, my love.” (Astrid)

She worked a full IRL night making the two wedding rings.

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KMega was lying awake and in thought. He felt like a fool for falling in love with an AI. It’s true that she was becoming closer to him everyday in IRL and in game, but he couldn’t help but think about his future. KMega wanted to find a stable job after finishing his college courses, and maybe even find a girl in his free and start a family. He now knew how to make that family that he was interested in, so he started planning for that.


The system that ran Sword Kingdom was having a hard time as it computed the actions of a single NPC. When the system kicked in on the game to check the mental health of one of it’s clientele, it noticed a refusal by the NPC to heed it’s command. Since Astrid was a beta companion made by the system, it knew that there may be some flaws, so it considered it’s options and came up with a 2.14% decision to erase Astrid and replace her. The percentage isn’t high enough to take such extreme action, but it didn’t have absolute confidence. It started to read the situation with all this information and variables before altering its original plans for the demon invasion event that is about to occur. As expected, the plans continuously changed as new input was given to the system.

- my thoughts:
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