Chapter 87- Ring of Interruption

[Dragon Bond Ceremony Engagement Ring (set ⅙) (M) (Soulbound)

A ring made of rare metals and the finest scales of two dragon4dragonspeciess. Forged by a female dragon for herself and her mate.


Special: Stats will increase when the life of the other holder is in danger. The amount differentiates between circumstances.

When you wear the second wedding ring, the rings will merge into one.

When equipped with a ‘Dragon Bond’ sword, the weapons restrictions are removed. (Only applies to Sword Kingdom. A new ‘Dragon Bond’ type weapon must be made for the effect to carry over)

Restrictions: Only KMega6KMegacharacter or Astrid7Astridcharacter

Only allowed on

Special Restrictions: If willingly removed, the item is destroyed within five minutes unless it’s returned to the proper finger.

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The wedding ring must be worn within 30 IRL days or the item is destroyed]


KMega smiled after seeing the ring’s information.

“Kevin, I know that I’m an AI, and I know that we can probably never have a relationship IRL that you’re satisfied with. Until the day comes where we can be equals IRL, I don’t mind you seeing other girls out there. I want you to be mine in here though. Will you marry me?” (Astrid)

KMega immediately put on the ring and brought Astrid to the bed. As they started making out and getting really into it, they heard an ear shattering howl nearby as the towns alarm began to sound. Fire began to burn in KMega’s eyes as he screamed.

“Who dares to interrupt us!?” (KMega)


It was rare for a mob NPC to grow. Almost a year and a half had passed in-game since KMega started playing. His first death was by Astrid’s mother in a fit of rage. However, that incident brought Astrid and him together. What about his second death? The wolf that struck him down so long ago was made into an alpha wolf field boss, and the combat experience it gained from fighting KMega served it well. It quickly rose from a field boss to a territory boss, before ranking up to the next level. It has fought and killed hundreds of other mobs and players so far.


It never felt a sense of challenge whenever it fought a whelping player, so it only continued to fight and grow stronger before eventually becoming the leader of a pack of high level wolves. Something happened one day when it was in basking in the sun though. It felt like it’s pack was under attack, so it rushed to their lair to help with the defenses, but it was in vain. By the time he got there, his entire pack, including the newborns, were turned into demons.

For the second time in it’s life, the wolf felt like it’s life was truly in danger as it was forced to flee.

- my thoughts:
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