Chapter 21 To Kill

          Adam quietly stalked after Silber through the forest. Silber himself was following a large dog that belonged to the Silver Saviors. Silber watched the large dog and imitated its actions as they tracked small game. Adam couldn’t help smiling at Silber’s imitations.

          Silber had recently contracted the rather serious disease known as wanderlust! Just getting out of Julienne’s house to visit Madame’s wasn’t enough for the young wolf. With the Bear-Ghul having been dealt with by the military, Hansen had made plans to get Adam and the others out hunting with the Silver Saviors again.

          With the hunts going on, an idea came up: “Why not take Silber along?”

          Silber’s natural habitat was the forest. Maybe taking him out would curb his wanderlust. It would also allow him to interact with other dogs. Thus, Silber found himself on this wondrous expedition!

          As Adam watched, Silber and the large dog perked up. With a small bark, Silber quickly trotted down the trail. The large dog was well disciplined and quietly stalked forward, without barking. As they approached a bush, they found that a few of their small game traps had gone off! Silber had pounced on one rabbit and was in the process of chewing on it! Another rabbit was frantically trying to escape its own trap nearby.

          Watching Silber joyfully bite the rabbit, Adam heaved a heavy sigh. He hated to do it, but Silber needed to be taught proper discipline, like the dogs the Silver Saviors raise. Adam gave a sharp resounding clap near Silber and sternly said: “Silber, no!”

          Silber quickly stopped what he was doing, surprised by the clap. He tried to go back to the rabbit when he saw it was only Adam, but Adam pushed him back once again saying: “No!”

Silber looked up at Adam with big puppy eyes. Luckily, Adam couldn’t see them so he stayed firm. Still, Silber’s Aura looked a little hurt. It was as though Silber was asking in a sad voice: “Why?”

          Adam started petting him: “It’s okay. We’ll be cooking them later and then they’ll taste way better!”

          The large dog’s handler came up behind Adam. He gestured toward the rabbit still trying to escape: “You know what to do.”

          Adam sighed. After telling Silber to stay where he was, Adam readied himself to deal with the rabbit. Quickly grabbing the struggling rabbit, Adam wrapped his hand around its head and pushed it back until a small snap was heard. The rabbit went limp as Adam felt a wave of nausea wash over him.

          In his Spirit Sight, Adam could see a wave of death essence surge from beneath his hand, where the rabbit’s neck had snapped. The handler said: “You’ve gotten better at that. I think you’re getting used to it.”

          Adam shook his head: “I’ll never get used to it.”

          The handler shrugged: “Well, let’s head back.”

          Adam and the others had begun taking on more jobs during the hunt. They started out by taking active roles in skinning and butchering their quarry. After that, they began taking the lives of the animals they caught. Hansen had said: “We’re going to start out small before we get to humans.”

          Adam blanched whenever he thought about it. It was hard enough for him to even watch animals die. He couldn’t quite fathom seeing another person die. Adam’s thoughts drifted as they walked back to camp: ‘I wonder if I should just give this up. I want to be strong enough to protect my family… but this is a little too much.”

Adam’s thoughts were broken as Silber began yipping and bouncing around him. Adam smiled at the little wolf: “I’ll race you back!” he said before taking off with Silber at his heels.


          Everyone sat around a campfire while a rabbit stew boiled. They had each done a lot of foraging throughout the day and were tired.

          Kadara gave a rather loud sigh: “Why’d they have to give us all the boring jobs? Picking up rabbit traps is nowhere near as thrilling as boar hunting!”

          “And, what would you do? Just watch from the side? You don’t know how to use a spear! You’d only get in their way.” Franklin retorted.

Kadara stuck her tongue out at him: “Spoilsport!”

          While the two were bickering, Adam pulled his flute out and began to play a song. They were done with the day’s activities and he wanted to do something to move his mind away from the skinning and butchering they had been doing just minutes ago.

          The tune he played was somber yet nice to listen to. As he played, the embers flying off from the fire began to swirl in the air. Kadara was the first to catch the sudden change in the embers’ movement.

          “It’s so pretty! It’s almost like the embers are dancing!”

          Adam smirked inwardly. The embers really were dancing! The tune he was playing was just right for Fire Essence to dance along. The floating embers were so light that the pure Fire Essence inside them could move them around.

          It wasn’t truly controlling fire with a Formation, but it was another step closer.

          After marveling at the embers for a moment, Alfred asked: “Why do you think Hansen didn’t come with us this time?”

          “Doesn’t matter. I’m glad he didn’t come!” Derek said.

          Clyde laughed: “You’re just scared of him!”

          “Maybe he thought we could take care of ourselves now.” Bruno added.

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          They could only guess as to why their ever faithful trainer didn’t come with them on this trip.


          After returning from the hunt, Adam headed to the dorm room he shared with his mother. He was surprised to find his mother talking to an agitated person in the room. Slowing his steps, Adam listened to their morphed voices through his Spirit Sight:

          “Can you believe that man!? They’re just kids, why send them out on such a mission!?”

          ‘Ah,’ Adam thought: ‘It’s Madame Janette.’

          Vivienne gave a dry chuckle: “You won’t hear any argument from me. You know that I don’t really like him…”

          Janette heaved a sigh: “Yea. He’s straight and to the point, but he’s normally a gentle and nice person. I don’t understand why he suddenly brought this up.”

          Vivienne paused for a moment before saying: “We’re both talking about Hansen, right?”

          Janette flustered: “A-anyway, do you think I was too fast in turning his proposal down? He’s been very good in guiding the kids so far. I just think that mission is a little much.”

          Vivienne gave her own sigh: “As a mother, I totally agree. Who would want their child to go through such a thing? However… If this is the career they are thinking of pursuing, it’s better that they learn more about it in a controlled manner. As much as I hate to admit it, Hansen does a good job of protecting the kids. I can’t imagine a safer way for them to learn just what being a mercenary or a soldier means, other than preventing them from doing either in the first place.”

          Janette gave Vivienne a betrayed look: ‘I thought you were supposed to be on my side.”

          Vivienne laughed: “Well, I already told Adam he needs to start making his own decisions. He’ll be an adult before too long and I can’t watch over him forever. As much as it pains me to let him do it, it’s his decision.”

          Janette groaned: “Well, thanks for not being helpful and making me doubt myself, as always.”

          Vivienne patted Janette’s should comfortingly. With a smile, she said: “Anytime. Now, I’m sure you want to go mull over Hansen’s proposition again. We’ll talk about you thinking he’s a ‘gentle and nice person’ tomorrow.”

          Janette immediately bolted for the door: “It’s fine, I’ll be thinking too much tomorrow to talk! Another time maybe!”

          Janette nearly bumped into Adam as she opened the door. She quickly apologized before continuing on. Adam could only stare, unsure of her behavior. She had a bit of a pinkish tinge to her Aura, but he didn’t dare make any assumptions after what happened with Helen.

          Vivienne shook her head at her retreating friends back: “Welcome back, Adam. Don’t mind Janette, she’s just being shy.”

          “I heard a little of your conversation. What’s going on?”

          Vivienne eyed Adam: “I thought you said you wouldn’t peep on others anymore.”

“What? No, I was just curious who was talking with you in our room while I was walking over.”

Vivienne gently knocked his head: “Curiosity can be dangerous. Didn’t you already learn this lesson? Anyway, you’ll probably find out before too long. Hansen has asked to take you and the others out to watch one of the Silver Savior’s bandit subjugations.”


          Vivienne nodded: “What do you think? Do you want to go?”

Adam was silent for a moment before saying: “Actually, I’m not sure. I want the strength to protect my family and friends, I don’t plan on becoming a mercenary. I also really don’t want to see a bunch of people fight and die.”

          Vivienne gave Adam a hug: “Well, I’m still not sure if Janette will let Hansen take you and the others. If she does, you’ll have my support no matter your decision.”


Hansen seemed to be in a dour mood the next morning. He was more curt than normal as he directed their morning training. It wasn’t until late in the afternoon that Janette finally rescinded her decision about the bandit subjugation mission. Hansen was so happy when she told him, he almost smiled!

          The next morning, Hansen announced his plans: “You have the opportunity to see an actual battle! The Silver Saviors will be going on a bandit subjugation mission in a week. We are joining them as observers!”

          Hansen’s words were both exciting and ominous. Adam was still wracked with indecision. Everyone else could only feel anticipation for what was to come. Except for Franklin. He was scared at the thought of witnessing the battle. However, he had long ago decided to assume the role of watching his friends’ backs. He wasn’t about to leave them now.

          Kadara was the first to notice Adam’s conflicted look. With a devilish smile, she asked: “What, gotta poop?”

          Adam gave her a bewildered look, while Franklin gave Kadara a disgusted look. He couldn’t even figure out how to retort her!

          Despite her joking demeanor, Adam saw the mild concern in her Aura. He realized she was just asking if he was alright, in her own way. He shook his head and said: “I just don’t know if I should really go on this mission. I don’t have any interest in killing others, I just want to protect my friends and family…”

          Hansen spoke: “Even if you avoid battles, one will find you. Just like it did at Fort Erich. You can decide what to do after, but you must see what a battle looks like or you will die when one catches you!”

          Adam thought back to his home that was ravaged by Ghuls. None of them had sought that battle, yet it had come to them. Adam slowly nodded his head: “Okay.”

Only allowed on

Hansen turned to face the others: “And you lot, why are you so excited!? People are going to die on this mission, both bandits and Silver Saviors!”

          Hansen’s sudden words struck their hearts. They’d only been thinking of the glorious side of a battle; righteously winning over an evil enemy. They hadn’t thought of the death it would bring.

          “You should prepare yourselves. You will see what it’s like to kill in cold blood!”

- my thoughts:
O hey, they added a little note spot here! Took me a little longer to write this chapter, but it is a little longer for it too! The chapter name may be a little misleading, but its the one I thought of.
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