Volume 14, Chapter 23: Kali Stick Retrieval (I)

Monday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 10

“Eh, wasn’t too bad,” Jacque said as we gathered in the hallway to discuss our final literature exam for the quarter.

“You’ll probably end up getting a better score than Jin like last time,” Zhuyu responded with a laugh.

“That was so dumb. Fuckin’ Jacque didn’t even read it and still did better than me. That’s b******* right there,” Kisai said, shaking his head.

“Bro, that was one time, no way I can pull it off again. You’re gonna end up getting the same score or better than me,” Jacque admitted.

“Was it the garden for the last question?” Kisai questioned.

The four of us went over the test and everyone felt confident about their answers. I took the train home and felt my phone vibrate midway through the ride.

“Tomo, Shigetzu and Darryl have obtained information related to their ultimate weapons. Please accompany them for the retrieval. It will be begin on Wednesday. Ksi and Jacque will join you as well,” I read.

Another weapon retrieval already? I texted her back and stared out the window. Guess I wasn’t going to have a pain free week.

Wednesday Spring Quarter 2016 Week 10

“You’re the first one here?” I sat across from Ksi.

“Shan said he’d be late because of lab work,” Ksi replied, adjusting her glasses. “Tomo, what’s your opinion on Tess and the others?”

“Uh, they’re kind of lazy but get things done. Couldn’t really trust them at first but after being with them for awhile, they’re pretty dependable,” I answered, not sure why she cared.

“Really? Interesting,” Ksi murmured, a doubtful look on her face.

“You guys wait long?” Ichaival arrived a few minutes later. “Where’s Shigetzu?”

“Didn’t he tell you? He has lab,” I replied.

“Forgot to check my phone. There’s one more, uh, Jacque right?” Ichaival asked.

“Yeah, he’ll be here once his class ends,” I answered.

“It’s almost five,” Ichaival remarked.

“Yeah, Jacque has an art class that ends around 5:30. Did you get out early today?” I wondered about the false archer’s schedule.

“Actually didn’t have class today. Worked out at the gym and made some food for my little brother and sister before heading out,” Ichaival revealed.

Jacque, carrying a tote bag, showed up alongside Shan thirty minutes later.

“Darryl, how was the gym?” Shan asked an innocent question.

“Fine. Why do you care? ” Ichaival was suspicious about his friend’s question.

“Just asking, that’s all. You see that girl from last time?” Shan questioned.

“I didn’t. Let’s just go and get my s***. We’re done talking about this!” Ichaival shook his head.

“Come on, Darryl, you can tell me. Or are you too embarrassed since Yuki and Jacque are here? Don’t worry, they won’t say anything,” Shan assured him.

“Shut the f*** up, Shigetzu. Let’s go already,” Ichaival refused.

Jacque and I followed Ichaival over to the transportation portal. Shan continued pressing Ichaival for information but the false archer divulged nothing. Ksi probably thought we were a bunch of idiots.

“We’re talking with Lyra first,” Ichaival revealed.

“Get it started, you’re the main star today!” Shan grinned, pushing Ichaival forward.

Za’ard – Lyra’s House

Lyra was in a better mood today, allowing us to enter without going through of her obstacles. We arrived at her room and saw someone already there drinking tea with her.

“Long, you didn’t tell us you’d be here,” Ichaival exclaimed.

“Yeah, didn’t think I would be here either. Something came up,” Zhuyu explained.

“You joining us today?” Shan inquired.

“No, I’m just here to talk to Lyra before going to Jin’s dimension for a meeting with Liliana,” the zero vector user answered.

Why was Zhuyu speaking with all the prophets? Probably related to Tess since he was the archivist of our activities. Lyra pointed at a stuffed animal and Zhuyu handed her a bow for it.

“Thanks for getting this. Are you leaving now?” Lyra asked.

“Yeah. Good luck guys,” Zhuyu said and departed.

Lyra removed Zhuyu’s tea tray and returned with five clean ones. She poured everyone a cup of tea, giving us an expectant look. The tea wasn’t tainted like the cookies from last time, right? I took a sip, finding nothing wrong.

“Here about your Kali sticks?” Lyra asked, staring at Darryl with her hazel-green eyes.

“That’s the plan. Get him back up to full strength so he can actually kick ass. You can help us out, right?” Shan inquired.

“I won’t make you do another challenge,” Lyra said, placing a flash drive on the desk.

“This is going to unlock the place?” Ichaival held it in the air.

“Duh. Why else would I give it to you? Be careful though. Not everyone likes you even though I warned them it was suppose to happen. No one listens to me,” Lyra pouted, hugging one of her stuffed animals.

“What did you guys do?” I inquired.

“It’s kind of…,” Ichaival started.

“Destroyed half of the dimension. Only about a third of it is livable and the rest is pretty spotty. Even Lyra doesn’t know what’s happening in those areas,” Shan revealed.

Of course, whenever the heroes were involved, destruction always followed. Judging from Lyra’s tone, it wasn’t intentional. I gauged Ksi’s expression but she didn’t care.

“Hey, you didn’t have to say it like that,” Ichaival responded with a sigh.

“Might as well tell Yuki the truth. It’s a pain to lie, well actually it’d be pretty easy, but saves time. It’s why Ichaival got stabbed last time,” Shan argued.

“Guess you’re right,” Ichaival agreed with his friend.

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“Explains all the dirty looks when I was here last time,” I remarked.

“Don’t die. I don’t want to feel sad!” Lyra provided us with directions.

“Impossible! Not when Darryl is so fired up about getting his weapons back. Thanks for the help, Lyra,” Shan assured her of our future success.

Acidic rain fell as we traveled to the transportation portal. What a refreshing sight. Acidic rain, along with a thick smog, and broken down buildings. Just beautiful.

“What kind of s*** did you guys pull?” I waved my hand at the destruction around us.

“It was a magic cannon. You saw what that s*** was capable of when Jin was breaking the seal on his powers,” Shan answered.

“Who was running the thing? Don’t tell me it was you guys?” I stared at them.

“Not us. When we got here, the magic cannon was already configured to fire. The goal was never for us to stop it. There wasn’t anything our weak asses could do at the beginning. We were suppose to clean up the mess but people just assumed it was us. What can you do if they don’t believe the prophet?” Shan revealed.

We arrived at the transportation device, a rusted display panel with a smashed light next to it. Ichaival pried open the bottom to reveal multiple processors and electronic chips. He switched in the parts Lyra gave him earlier and the screen turned on. Ichaival tapped a few symbols on the touchscreen and a loud whir followed.

“It’s ready,” Ichaival informed us.

Exiting the portal, I saw rubble and broken down buildings all around us. Large vines wrapped around the exterior of the buildings. Despite the destruction, a variety of different plants ranging from flowers to trees flourished here. It made for a surreal scene.

“Yuki, watch out!” Jacque hurled a small paint bottle into the air.

It splattered and revealed the invisible attacker. The head resembled a Venus flytrap while the body resembled a snake’s. I immediately doused the enemy with flames. The creature combusted and its head fell to the ground with a splat. I constructed a barrier, preventing any of the mess from striking Jacque and me.

“Good job. Learn from Yuki, Darryl,” Shan complimented.

How was the artist even aware of the creature? I didn’t sense anything at all.

“Hey Jacque, how did you know that thing was there?” I questioned.

“I just saw it. Not sure how but I just did,” Jacque answered.

“Better ask Tess when we get back,” I decided.

“Prepare to fight, now!” Ksi twisted a spiked ring on her thumb and released blood.

I spun around, noticing vines with spikes shoot up from the ground. Leaves flew into the air and a few cut my arm. F***, that hurt. Jacque opened his sketchbook tapped the page. A portable flamethrower appeared in his hand and he blasted the plant creatures around us. Every time Jacque pulled the trigger, his weapon fired off small flame pellets.

“F*** me!” Jacque lamented.

“Shan, I’ll cover Jacque!” I summoned my sword and moved in front of the artist.

The gravity manipulator floated upward, scouting out the situation. Ichaival placed portals near our blind spots and fired off knives. Our enemies ingested his blades and they reappeared as sharp accessories on their body surface.

“Ichaival, stop that!” I dispelled his portals.

“What?” Ichaival stared at me, caught off guard by my actions.

“They’re adding your knives onto their bodies!” I pointed at a towering plant approaching us .

“Oh s***, my bad. I’ll be more careful!” Ichaival rolled away from an attack.

A vine grabbed his legs and three golems raised their wooden clubs above the hero’s head. Luckily, Ksi slashed through the vines and golems with her sword. The woman continued her attack, dashing back and forth, slicing up all enemies in her path. Jacque built a barricade and fired off shots from the trenches. It was explosion time with so many enemies assaulting us.

“Shan, can I f*** up the place?” I confirmed nothing important was in the vicinity.

“Do it! No one will care!” Shan gave me permission.

I pointed up at the sky and large meteors rained down upon us. Craters lined the entire area and smoke wafted up into the air. Acidic rain started falling again, resulting in a pungent smell. All of the plant life was decimated.

“Amazing!” Ichaival clapped. “You just plowed through everything with one single attack. Yuki, you’re crazy strong.”

“Let’s not forget you almost f***** us over with your knives and portals,” Shan reminded.

“Shigetzu, shut the f*** up! Thanks for saving me, Ksi. I would have been in trouble if you didn’t get to me in time,” Ichaival said.

Jacque almost tripped as his left foot struck a crater and steadied himself at the last second.

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“Why the hell are there so many plants? Thought you said this place got f***** up,” Jacque questioned.

“Most of the animals and wildlife who were here are extinct. The acidic rain and shift in landscape could be factors,” Shan speculated.

“I’m interested in reading about it. Any places you recommend?” Ksi asked.

“Try Shane and Emily. Lyra actually could point you to some leads. Why are you so interested?” Shan named off a few places.

“Just curious,” Ksi replied.

“I can help you out when I’m free then,” Shan said.

The trek culminated in the five of us arriving at a large lake. A splintered sign warned against trespassing but we ignored it and transitioned onto a freshly paved path.

Lake Rahu, one of the few pure bodies of water remaining,” Shan revealed.

“How is that possible?” Ksi asked, staring at the lake.

“Something about ancient magic. Sounds fancy but it’s just the stuff people knew before the wipeout. But only a few people still know how it works,” Shan replied.

We walked over to a nearby cabin with a sign reading “Safety Bunker” hanging on the front door. Shan tried the doorknob but it didn’t open. He glanced over at Ichaival who shook his head.

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