Chapter 72

After a few words with the Yuan brothers, Qi Yan said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I still have some things to do…”

“In this case, we won’t trouble you.” Yuan Cheng said before Yuan Peng spoke, “Please be careful on the road.”

“I will, thank you.” Qi Yan glanced at Zhao Zhicheng and Xiang Qiang and motioned them to follow.

As soon as Qi Yan and Zhao Zhicheng went into the car, he saw several cars behind them, he raised his eyebrows, “They…”

“These are people from the National Security Bureau,” Zhao Zhicheng said with a wry smile, “If it wasn’t for Master Qian, we really didn’t want to take you out at the moment.” Although the authorities in the capital were more vigilant after what happened the day before, they couldn’t afford it if something were to happen to the masters.”

Qi Yan remembered that the two of them had reminded him that it was best not to go out, so he nodded in understanding.

Baihe insisted on having him stay with his family to protect him.

“Actually…” Qi Yan looked out of the car window, “I think the more you alert the people, the easier it is for others to pay attention to what you’re doing.”

“Master Qi, don’t worry. We have arranged relevant personnel to protect all masters. You are not the exception,” Zhao Zhicheng said. “After the incident in Wangxiang Town, we didn’t want to make it seem like you’ve contributed a lot. Most people who knew about the incident thought that the other eight masters were the ones who solved it, you’re just…”

“I just came along, right?” Qi Yan didn’t mind this, “I know you guys are trying to protect me, so I don’t care about the fame.”

Zhao Zhicheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he was afraid that Master Qi would misunderstand their intentions, and then it would not be nice.

Qi Yan frowned. Since no one except the insiders knew that he solved the problem in Wangxiang Town, how did Yuan Chongan know the news? The strangest thing was the fact that he couldn’t wait to come to look for him at the Cen family house. Was he trying to tell him that the Yuan family knows the truth?

If Yuan Chongan was so stupid, how could he take care of the Yuan family so well?

“Bang!” Yuan Peng slammed the car door, his face filled with anger and embarrassment that could not be concealed.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you?”

“He is so arrogant. If it wasn’t for the fact that other masters would not get out of the house, we wouldn’t even come to him. He thought that knowing the Cen family means he’s part of them now?!”

“If other masters have the same attitude as Qi Yan, you will think that they are mysterious and unpredictable, but facing Qi Yan, you become angry and embarrassed,” Yuan Cheng didn’t care that his words were piercing at his elder brother’s heart, “Ultimately, you just look down on him. In this case, don’t blame Qi Yan for treating you like that.”

“Yuan Cheng!” Yuan Peng glared at his brother angrily, “Which side are you on?”

“I’m on my side,” Yuan Cheng sighed, “If you want our family to be prosperous, you should rely on yourself instead of Feng Shui. As long as we have someone like uncle in the family, no one can save us.”

Yuan Peng was silent for a while, “Xiaocheng, is this about what happened two years ago?”

Yuan Cheng looked out the window and said lightly, “I chose to give up, what else is there to think about.”

After passing through one security gate after another, Qi Yan finally saw Master Qian lying in bed reading martial arts novels. Seeing him come in, Master Qian quickly shoved the novel under the pillow with a kind smile on his face, “Master Qi is here, please take a seat.”

Zhao Zhicheng waited for the National Security Bureau to retreat.

Master Qian’s face was sallow, and he was much more haggard than the last time they met. Qi Yan glanced at the plate of fruits in the room, and picked one to cut up, “It seems that Master Qian’s spiritual power has yet to recover.”

“Old people are not comparable to young people,” Master Qian said with a tired face. “When you’re old, you tend to feel nostalgic.”

Qi Yan knew that Master Qian was talking about Master Wei. He smiled and said, “Everyone has their own way of living, Master Qian, you should let it go.”

“You understand.” Master Qian smiled, his expression somewhat relieved.

The two had a chat, and no one mentioned those troubles again, but instead talked about stories from the past.

After Qi Yan chatted with him for about an hour, Master Qian sighed and said, “You’re so kind to spend time with me.”

“It’s very interesting to chat with you,” Qi Yan saw Master Qian’s tiredness, and helped him to lie down. When he covered him with a quilt, Qi Yan squeezed Master Qian’s hand, his skin was loose and cold. “Hope you get better soon.”

Master Qian smiled and waved at him, “Go home, you shouldn’t be here.”

This place is surrounded by many people, although it is safe, there is no freedom and vitality. A young man should not stay in such a place.

Qi Yan glanced at the luxurious decoration in this room and smiled, “Then I’ll see you next time.”

Just when Qi Yan was about to leave, Master Qian stopped him.

“Master Qi, I heard that you have a nickname called Qian Qian?” Master Qian coughed several times, “My surname is Qian, your name is Qian Qian, is this fate?”

Qi Yan looked at the kind old man quietly and nodded.

“We are destined to meet, but I haven’t given you a gift.” Master Qian reached under the pillow and took out a palm-sized box, “This is for you.”

Although the box had not been opened, Qi Yan could feel the strong spiritual energy coming from the box, which was definitely a good thing.

“Take it, it’s useless to keep this thing in my place. My apprentices don’t have the ability to use it. It will only be useful to you.” Master Qian glanced at the box in his hand with a heavy heart. “Please fulfill my wish.”

Qi Yan took the box and looked at Master Qian, “Why me?”

Master Qian said with a smile, “Maybe it’s because your face is pleasant?”

Qi Yan twitched the corners of his mouth. Fortunately, he was old enough to be his grandfather. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain this.

Walking out the door with the box that Master Qian gave, Zhao Zhicheng came forward to meet him, glanced at the box in his hand, and said after a moment, “Master Qi, we will take you back.”

“Thank you,” Qi Yan said with a heavy heart.

Without a word, Zhao Zhicheng sent Qi Yan to the Cen family house and couldn’t help asking, “Master Qi, can you figure out who is behind it?”

Qi Yan held the box and looked back at him, “Captain Zhao, I am a human being, not a god.”

“Sorry.” Only then did Zhao Zhicheng realize that he had the habit of relying on Master Qi to solve problems. He couldn’t help but be alert. As the captain of the Special Task Force, what would his members think if he kept doing this.

“It’s not just me who can fortune-tell, some people can even change their fate in addition to fortune-telling,” Qi Yan looked at Zhao Zhicheng with burning eyes, “No matter how powerful a master is, they are not as powerful as the eyes of the masses. There is nothing that can’t be solved, only those who haven’t put in enough effort.”

Zhao Zhicheng was shocked and bowed deeply to Qi Yan. “Thank you for reminding me.”

Otherwise, he would go down the wrong path.

Qi Yan walked into the Cen family house and saw that Cen Baihe was already sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. He walked up to him and patted on the newspaper, “Is reading upside down a new way to protect your vision?”

Cen Baihe shook the newspaper in his hand uncomfortably, and threw it aside, “Yesterday the man named Zhao Zhicheng told you not to go out simply, why did he come and take you out today?”

“Men are fickle,” Qi Yan smiled and touched the box in his hand, “They took me to see Master Qian.”

Only then did Cen Baihe notice that Qi Yan was holding something in his hand, “How is he?”

Qi Yan shook his head and didn’t speak. After he slowly opened the box, he was stunned. There were three instruments in it, one was the compass that Qi Yan once saw Master Qian used, and the other two were more precious than the compass, the jade gourd and the Xiangyun pen. These two things were rare and valuable instruments. Many masters wanted to get their hands on them, but they didn’t expect Master Qian to possess them.

But thinking about it carefully, it was not surprising. It’s normal for a highly-skilled master like Master Qian to have several rare instruments.

“What are these?” Even if Cen Baihe was a layman who didn’t know Taoism, he could still feel the energy. It was like spring after a rain, which made people feel comfortable.

“This is for you,” Qi Yan put the jade gourd in Cen Baihe’s hand, “Put it beside your bed, it will not only replenish your energy and nourish your body, but also bless your well-being.”

Seeing that Qi Yan looked a little down, Cen Baihe obediently put away the jade gourd.

Two days later, news came from the Special Task Force that they caught a group of suspects. Some citizens reported that these people were always hiding at home and some strange people often came to visit them. They were worried that these people were spies sent from abroad, so they secretly called the police.

After Qi Yan learned about this, he was happy. Although they didn’t catch the boss, this would definitely hurt his operation. They were definitely panicking at the moment.

However, the good news lasted only a few days before the bad news reached Qi Yan.

Master Qian passed away.

When Zhao Zhicheng told Qi Yan the news, Qi Yan showed sadness on his face, but he was not surprised. Perhaps Master Qian knew about his own physical condition, so he gave him the rare instruments.

“Qian Qian?” Cen Baihe watched Qi Yan receive the news and sat there in a daze. Worried that he would be too sad, he reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

“I’m fine,” Qi Yan shook his head, telling Cen Baihe not to worry about himself. He looked at Zhao Zhicheng who was wearing black, “When Master Qian passed away, was it painful?”

“No, the old man left with a smile.”

“That’s good.” Qi Yan smiled, “It’s a good thing to be able to ascend to the realm of immortals with a smile.”

- my thoughts:
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