Chapter 2499 Lost Dog

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But those girls were well-behaved only daughters from the city. They had beared with Sun Ying for a long time, and so they directly surrounded and fought with her at the gate now.


On the opposite side of the road from the court entrance, in a parked black car, Li Chuhai told Mrs. Li what he was seeing, “Life is not easy, heh, she just came out, but she’s already beaten.”


“Very well, then let other people beat her first as long as they don’t beat her back to prison. Keep your eyes on them. I still want to use her; I can’t make her happy too much.” Mrs. Li finished speaking lightly and hung up the phone.

She was doing facial care with Mrs. Qin, so it was not convenient to talk about these things.


Li Chuhai kept his mobile phone and sat in his car with the engine on, enjoying the cold air from the air conditioner while waiting for the group of girls to finish their fight.

The bailiff at the door of the court heard the noise and rushed towards it immediately. He pulled the girls away and shouted, “You all are fighting at the door of the court. Do you all want to stay in the Public Security Bureau for a few days? Stop now! And leave right away!”

He ordered the girls who went to the same training class with Ye Ying to leave first.

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Too many of them were surrounding Sun Ying, and plus she had been locked up for so long, her body was a little weak, so she was naturally beaten badly.

Only allowed on

She was kicked several times, and even her face was scratched.

Her clothes were also torn. The sleeves were pulled and torn.

When she was thrown into prison, it was still the cold spring season. It only got hotter in May, and Ye Ying was wearing warm clothes and a pair of jeans.

The sleeves were ripped apart, revealing her thin to pointy shoulders. The months of the prison did make Sun Ying very thin.


The girls were still afraid of the bailiffs, so they glared at Sun Ying, who was holding her stomach, and left unwillingly and angrily.

Ye Jian could hardly ignore the big movement.


She bid farewell to the villagers and returned to her classmates. Who knew that when she just walked over, Sun Ying slowly descended the steps with a hand over her stomach, suddenly stopped. She bent over and realized that she looked very embarrassed, so she stood up straight, bearing the pain, and looked at Ye Jian with gloomy eyes.

“Today’s shame, Ye Jian…I will definitely have you pay for it! You just wait! I will definitely have you pay for it!”

Sun Ying blamed everything that happened to her today on Ye Jian.

Before Ye Jian could speak, all the students condemned unanimously, “Sun Ying, you are really disgusting! You have done so many disgusting things, and yet you still want to embarrass Ye Jian; why are there people like you in this world!”

“You have the most poisonous heart! You’re really too cruel! You keep framing Ye Jian and pretend to be innocent; you are so disgusting!” A boy couldn’t endure his anger anymore and said a few nasty things.


“This kind of person shouldn’t be released from prison. Ye Jian, look, we already said she wouldn’t change. You chose to forgive her, but she still blames you and doesn’t reflect on her wrongdoings!”


They didn’t hesitate in speaking their minds since they were not in court now.

Listening to everyone’s condemnation, the angry Sun Ying glared fiercely at her former classmates, “What do you guys know! She took everything from me! This unwanted trash made me lose everything! All of you, just shut your mouth! This matter is between Ye Jian and me. It has nothing to do with you all!”

“Heh, in fact, it has something to do with us. Now all of us know your true colors. You have succeeded in making all of us hate you.”

“Sun Ying, if there is any class gathering in the future, you are definitely not invited! We are ashamed of having classmates like you!”

“You only know how to fake. Nothing from your mouth is true; they’re all lies. I really don’t know where you get your sense of superiority. You were jailed, your parents are also in jail, all three of you appeared in the court together in prison uniforms. It’s ridiculous that you think you’re better than everyone.”

- my thoughts:
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