Chapter 2511 She Is A Special Soldier

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After leaving behind their personal documents, the group of seven people jumped directly onto the strategic transport plane/aircraft and began their journey to Mogadishu, the so-called “Dangerous Capital.”


Everyone boarded the plane and directly wore their earphones. Xia Jinyuan finally handed to Ye Jian the folder that he wanted to show her earlier. When he handed it over, he had an unprecedented sense of dignity in his tone, “Look carefully, Blue Bird, remember, you are a qualified special soldier, a special soldier of our Elite Platoon! A female soldier admired by all our comrades!”

When you saw who you were going to rescue, Blue Bird, please remember that you were a special soldier of the Elite Platoon.

After countless blood baptisms, countless hardships, you were finally qualified to be a special soldier.

Ye Jian took the folder and saw a flash of distress in Xia Jinyuan’s eyes. It was the distress he had for her.

He hugged her, held her hand, and reminded her… Ye Jian, who received the folder, suddenly panicked. She suppressed her panic and looked at the rest of her comrades. They all looked at her with bright eyes, filled with inspiration.

Ye Jian opened the folder and turned it over from the first page, page by page. When she turned to the last page, she felt the eyes of her comrades focused on her more deeply.

Raising her eyes and looking at them briefly, she received smiles from everyone. It was a smile that silently encouraged her.

She finally flipped over the last page, and she saw the photo of the last scientist, wearing a military cap, and the military rank stars flashed brightly on his shoulder. He was the rank of Major General.

And his eyebrows… Ye Jian suddenly squinted her eyes and stared at him. The military scientist in the photo… she knew who it was.

Her heartbeat seemed to have stopped, and even the engine sound of the transport plane in her ears seemed to disappear. She looked at the photo, moved her eyes slightly, and saw the introduction next to it.

“Fu Yusheng, 44 years old, married…”

The unfamiliar but familiar name broke into her eyes, and Ye Jian, who was staring at the information, suddenly felt the darkness in front of her eyes. She held the folder motionlessly as if she was medicating, and no one could disturb her.


“Fu Yusheng, the Chief Engineer of China’s missile (munition) base in Northwest China. Blue Bird, he is holding some important materials, and we must rescue him no matter what the price was. The same goes for the other scientists. They must be rescued back home safely.”


A cold and sharp voice made Ye Jian blink very lightly, and the light in front of her eyes gradually recovered, the white paper and black words came into her eyes again.

Fu Yusheng, Chief Engineer Fu, was her father whom she had never met, but he had never stopped searching for her mother. Now, he was kidnapped by a group of unidentified people.

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Her breathing came back slowly. The heartbeat that seemed to stop earlier also came back slowly. Ye Jian bit the tip of her tongue with her teeth, and the sharp tingling pain triggered her brain nerves and gradually made her confused mind quiet.

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After reading everything, she closed the folder. Ye Jian looked up, and the expression on her delicate face was the fortitude of a qualified special soldier, a qualified special soldier who was unforgiving and calm.

“I understand! I will follow all orders.”

She was a soldier, a special soldier trained by the country. Facing this task, she needed to put aside her status as a child. Now she was a special soldier who was going to rescue the four kidnapped scientists back to China.

- my thoughts:
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