Chapter 2513 Comrades Who Through Life And Death Together

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Special operations were characterized by flexibility and changeability. There would be no specific and strict division of labor. The identity of the main team personnel would not change in major operations. Still, they would be flexible and changeable when immersed in operations, and they would cooperate with each other until the final combat site.

As Xia Jinyuan made the arrangements, Ye Jian and all the other personnel did not immediately check the information of the four scientists and the national security personnel but listened carefully to his arrangements.

“Because this mission is a secret operation like I said, the strategic transport plane we are currently on cannot directly land at Mogadishu Airport, so we need to transfer to the destination.”


“Then, we will take the jeep to Mogadishu to find our contact person. As for the subsequent operations, we have to wait until we have the specific location and actual situation of the four kidnapped scientists before making arrangements.”


“We need to be able to contact the country at any time. Z7, you must ensure we have smooth communication with the country. K7, bring the emergency medical supplies and translation materials after we get off the plane. Ye Jian and I are responsible for peripheral security and clearance. After G3 and T6 break-in, V8, you are in hiding mode and will strike at any time. If there is any unexpected change in the situation later, all of you must adjust accordingly.”


Xia Jinyuan’s combat deployment was always flexible and changeable. Some cards could not be played according to common sense. The more so, the more scheming the Elite Platoon’s personnel would be. They would be like a ghost; they would float around with the news, full of uncertainties, full of mystery.

“This is my arrangement. If you have suggestions, you may voice out now.” After Xia Jinyuan finished speaking, his eyes swept across everyone’s faces, including Ye Jian.

Here, there was no such thing as boyfriend or girlfriend, just comrades who fought through life and death together.


“No!” After receiving a unified reply from the team members, Xia Jinyuan said, “Hurry up and go through all the information.”

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Ye Jian was already looking at the information of the first scientist when he said that.


When she saw the detailed records of who the scientists had contact with before they went abroad, she saw something wrong, “The military suspects that there are spies among the scientists?”


“Yes, keep reading; it’s just a temporary suspicion.” Xia Jinyuan turned sideways and clicked the down button with his finger. The white computer screen was illuminated, reflecting his handsome facial features that looked as if it was covered with a layer of thin ice, making him look particularly cold. 


Ye Jian retracted her gaze and scanned the text carefully.


Soon, the pages turned to Fu Yusheng’s personal details. Ye Jian, who had never known about her biological father, finally got a detailed understanding through the information.

Married, widowed, unmarried…From those points, she knew her father’s affection, and she also knew that her father never gave up looking for her mother.


They were lovers but separated due to the wrong timing, and finally, the yin and yang were separated. Fate sure knew how to play them.


Ye Jian looked at it carefully, and Xia Jinyuan watched her carefully. When he saw Ye Jian analyzing all the scientists with a very professional attitude, a slight smile appeared on his cold face.


Excellent, Little Fox, just go on like this and complete this task with such a professional attitude!

You would surely receive a surprise in the end.


Soon, all the members of the Elite Platoon finished browsing the data. Then, Z7 immediately destroyed all the electronic files.


Xia Jinyuan spoke again to his comrades who were preparing for the mission, “While there is still time, let’s take a good rest and rejuvenate our spirits. When we arrive in Mogadishu, we will have no chance to sleep. We will be resting in that chaotic place. But we must always keep our eyes open, or we won’t know when danger will come.”

After speaking, he directly closed his eyes, leaning on the cabin cross-legged.

- my thoughts:
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