When Li Jinnian, who had that exact thought flashed in his head, heard that, his expression stiffened for just one second; he nodded his head and said calmly: “That’s what I believed as well, it’s appropriate to call it a miracle for you surviving until now.” “It’s not just you that believes that, even Gramps and Gran back home believe ...

On the narrative it states that he’s just a vice president. But when he was introduce, he was president. How confusing…. hahahaha
thankyou for the chapter and aclown has apear to become green intestine in a year
Yeah, like it was a fair investigation if you never spoke to her or let defend herself. Sheesh. What kind of crappy deal are they going to try and pull?
Why shouldn’t she laugh at silly people who missed the chance to accept a super powerful girl that could lift the reputation of the whole school?
These adults are pathetic. Does he seriously think that the student who won an international competition for their country would cheat? What could possibly make it worth while to stop a student like this. Oh well, at least this way we get to see some good face slapping Thanks for the chapter!