A thought flashed through Yang Heng’s mind, causing him to tremble even more. The soldiers were special forces! It was not the Chinese peacekeepers who rescued him, but the special forces! Yang Heng, who guessed the identity of the water ghosts, was even more afraid to be distracted now. He was really afraid that he would lose his life! Because ...
Edits by Sakura, Vaibhav Gaur
Chapter 4266 Difficulties And Dangers Coexist
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5 years ago ‘Could it be that the Dragon Race owed him in his previous life?’
Clever line from the author, given the organization he belonged to in his past life.
5 years ago Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels.com) might…let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don’t.