C101 : Cry for Help

Country of Molten Steel, western borderlands…

Because of the lush vegetation and the towering trees, there were hardly any traces of large scale cities in the dense forests of the borderlands.

With just a couple of steps west, one would step into the realm of the unexplored.

Amongst the rare few thoroughfares that were fully explored, a tiny road could be found leading all the way south from the Burning Mountain, circling around the outskirts of civilization before finally leading to the countries further down south.

This was a road rarely used by travellers. Not only was it a long winding path, it was extremely dangerous and those who saw it knew to steer clear of it without asking.

It was three times the length of the main highway leading south from Molten Steel and was often plagued by a variety of unpredictable beast attacks. Moreover, travellers also had to contend with fatigue and ailments caused by the high temperatures and high humidity.

However, now that Molten Steel and Cold Iron were in the midst of preparing for war, one could, from time to time, see the silhouettes of rushing travellers and carriages.

They were the refugees of war from both sides. Not only did the refugees of Molten Steel use this road, even those of Cold Iron did so as well in search of another livelihood.

Naturally, no one of Cold Iron would reveal their identity while on this road. Should they ever be found out by the soldiers of Molten Steel, they would most likely be forced out of the national borders and into the explored regions.

…that region was even more dangerous than the war itself, even nine lives weren’t enough for one to survive in there.

And yet that wasn’t the greatest threat. There was another existence that stood above them all.

An existence which hid itself in the most primitive and most wild instincts of man.

Amidst the dense canopy that cast a permanent pall of twilight over the road, there were an almost countless number of shadows perched atop the tree branches, quietly observing the road beneath them.

After an indeterminate amount of time, a suitable target finally entered their sights.

Hidden Bandit A: …two of them, no one in sight within half a kilometer.

Hidden Bandit B: Opposite direction, from the south, spies?

Hidden Bandit C:  Doesn’t matter, as long as they are worth something, it’s fine.

Hidden Bandit D: Either way, all their valuables will end up in our pockets.

Hidden Bandit E: That short one over there, he looks rather weak, probably not worth much.

Hidden Bandit A: If we can’t sell him, we’ll just get rid of him. As for that long haired one, don’t injure him. Just tie up and we can make a killing off him.

Hidden Bandit A: —move.

Hidden Bandits: Got it!

Silently and swiftly, a bunch of ropes descended from the tree tops, that was the practised result of god knows how many hundreds of drills.

With their specially modified shoes, even stepping on tree branches wouldn’t cause too much of a sound at least not till they were right behind their targets.


It was a precise stab right into the back of the victim’s heart region followed immediately by a swift withdrawal. Even till the point where the target collapsed, he wouldn’t notice the spurt of blood from his blood.

To the bandits, there was nothing more practised and natural.

This was how they made a living.

The moment the skinny youngster collapsed, the other four bandits immediately surrounded the long-haired man and cut off all his escape routes with their razor sharp knives.

No Longer Hidden Bandit B: You’d better behave if you want to live! Take off all your clothes and drop all your valuables! Quick!

No Longer Hidden Bandit C: I’ll give you 30 seconds! If you can’t do that, you can just go accompany your friend in the other world.


The long-haired man slowly turned his head around and glanced at his fallen companion.

There was no shred of emotional change in the man and that puzzled the bandits. It was as if he didn’t notice them at all.

However, it wasn’t like they hadn’t encountered such a situation before. Because they were so swift, a number of victims ended up only wailing once they were tied up.

??: Di Qi Ju, how should I settle this?

No Longer Hidden Bandit A: …huh?

Today’s catch seemed different, refreshing almost. The man was actually talking to the corpse of his companion? Did he already lose his mind?

They originally thought that he would at least try to resist but he actually turned out to be worse than a coward…

No Longer Hidden Bandit D:  Boss, let’s just strip him and tie him up already, no need to waste more time.

No Longer Hidden Bandit A: …alright. The other travellers will arrive soon so be quick about it.

No Longer Hidden Bandit A: —eh?

The head of the bandits suddenly froze as an ominous sensation overwhelmed him.

A hand, firm like an iron vice, grabbed his own leg and prevented him from moving at all. A second later, a resounding crack echoed within the ears of everyone present.

No Longer Hidden Bandit A: —-AHHHHHHH!!! My…MY LEG!!!

The rest of the bandits panicked. However, it wasn’t because their boss was attacked so suddenly but rather it was another matter entirely. Another utterly terrifying matter…

The youngster, who was lying dead by their boss just moments ago, eerily stood up as if he was a zombie and gazed at the detached leg in his hands for a mere second before casually tossing it aside into the bushes like a piece of garbage.

The bandits had taken the bait and now, it was time to clean up.

???: Nine Heaven, they mentioned thirty seconds just now?

??: That’s right.

???: —how many seconds has it been? Do you think you have enough time to clean up the other four?

??: Trash like these will take me a second, the question is, to kill or not to kill?


???: I’ll leave it to you.

??: I understand.

No Longer Hidden Bandits: —huh?!

In the blink of an eye, the bandits all fell to the ground, leaving only one person standing.

The slightly skinny youngster and the long-haired man began walking towards him. In his eyes, there was nothing scarier than what was unfolding at the moment.

What was going on here? They were the ones who were supposed to be the hunters, so how did they end up as the hunted instead…

Why…were they, the hunters, trembling instead?

Di Qi Ju: This big brother…

No Longer Hidden Bandit E: —AH?!

The youngster merely addressed and that sent him into a state of panic.

That’s the one…the resurrecting demon who messed up all his plans.

Di Qi Ju: —if it’s not too troublesome, can I have all your money and valuables in a doggy bag to go?



At night, in the western frontier of Molten Steel, in a tiny town within the forest…

Built around the ten meter thick ancient trees were wooden structures connected by a giant road that cut right through the tree trunks and into the distance.

Flowing by the roadside was a shallow rivulet that flowed downwards and gradually disappeared into a pile of fertile soil.

This entire town seemed to have been built into the forest itself. The structures, the people, they seemed to be a part of mother nature…except for the multitude of weapons in their hands that seemed just as cold and shiny amidst the dimming light.

Whether they were patrols from Molten or civilians fleeing south away from the war, they all passed through this town like an endless river.

Perhaps only the true arrival of war could change such a scenery.

Thus, the arrival of two “guests” from the south didn’t garner too much attention.

Nine Heaven: …so we don’t have to camp outdoors tonight, right Di Qi Ju?

Di Qi Ju: I’m fine either way. There’s no need to have any contact with other people.

Nine Heaven: I say…

Nine Heaven pulled at his hair and let out an exasperated cry.

Nine Heaven: Ever since we left Reitdarke, you haven’t eaten, drank or slept anywhere except amongst the grass and twigs…

Nine Heaven: It has been tens of days already! I swear my knowledge of you has reached a whole new realm…

Nine Heaven: How about I just recognise as my God? You’re Westrealm and I’m your faithful believer. I’m your little brother, your slave, is that enough?

Nine Heaven: Can you at least treat me as a person and not as some monster like you?!

Di Qi Ju: Monster…

Di Qi Ju: But I’m just an ordinary human being, extremely ordinary.

Nine Heaven: Hah…that’s the 23rd time I’ve heard you say that already….

Di Qi Ju: ……

Di Qi Ju: I understand, we’ll stay in this inn tonight then.

Di Qi Ju: Order the best food and wine as well, you can eat to your fill tonight.

Nine Heaven: Well thank you then.

Di Qi Ju: Either way there’s a ton of people willing to give us money along this trip, not using them up would only create more baggage for us.

Nine Heaven: I won’t mind having more money. Whether it’s this country or the one we’re heading to next, I will never mind having more money.



The town wasn’t a big one, its entirety visible within a glance.

Though there were several inns set up here, it was always the biggest one that attracted the most travellers.

Just stepping through the doorway, one was bombarded by the sights and scents one would expect from an establishment like the National Fragrances.

The source of this mistaken impression would be the inn’s vast dining hall and the stage opposite it. Other than that however, the inn, with its pure wooden exterior and decorations, couldn’t even compare to the National Fragrances.

Pulling up a seat near a corner of the stage, Nine Heaven and I ordered enough food and wine to fill up the entire table. Naturally, that cost a tiny fortune but that wasn’t important at all. At most, we would have to rob more bandits in the wilds; simply put, there was no shortage of money here.

Nine Heaven: Aren’t you going to eat?

Di Qi Ju: You can have your fill first, I’ll eat the leftovers.

Nine Heaven: So, you can indeed survive without food…

I turned my head elsewhere, ignoring his words entirely.

Di Qi Ju: How far are we from Cold Iron?

Nine Heaven: It’s still quite a distance. I said so before, in order to avoid any potential trouble we would meet on the main highway, taking this side road around the borders is necessary.

Di Qi Ju: I get it, I get it. It’s to avoid being mistaken for foreign spies.

Nine Heaven: Have a look at this—

Nine Heaven whipped out a map from seemingly out of nowhere and opened it up between the dishes.

Di Qi Ju: This map…where did you get it from?

Nine Heaven: From the person selling maps at the inn’s front. Of course, I made sure to leave some money for him.

Nine Heaven: If I’m spotted buying a map, the soldiers might get suspicious.

Di Qi Ju: How careful.

Nine Heaven: Did you think my days as a soldier was for naught?

Di Qi Ju: Alright alright, so what’s our next step?

Nine Heaven: First, we’ll take the western route around Molten Steel to the Flame Mountain after which we have two choices.

Nine Heaven: One, circle around the west of Flame Mountain. That’s an unexplored region filled to the brim with dangers men have never encountered before.

Nine Heaven: Two, take the eastern route around the Flame Mountain and pass through the Flame River region, there’s an independent city there. However, this route is closer to civilization and is more likely to be affected by human factors.

Nine Heaven: If we take that route, we need to make ample preparations to avoid being suspected as spies.

Di Qi Ju: Is it really that easy to be mistaken as a spy here?

Nine Heaven: That’s right. Those without a clear identity are treated with greater suspicion the more one approaches the Flame River region.

Di Qi Ju: ……

Di Qi Ju: Why can’t we pass through the Flame Mountain directly?

Nine Heaven: —NO, that’s the worst choice.

Di Qi Ju: …why?

Nine Heaven: That…

Nine Heaven: …is a long story.

Di Qi Ju: …??

Inn’s Boss: —Dear brethren of Molten Steel, tonight’s “auction” has started!!

Guests: Wooo—!!

Di Qi Ju: —!?

Nine Heaven:???

Just as we reached a crucial junction in our discussions, the inn was suddenly thrown into a frenzy. The lights around the center stage went out, leaving behind the dazzling lights of the center stage.

One by one, a group of tightly bound up men and women were dragged up to the stage. Around them were armed guards who stood by on high alert to prevent any potential escapees.

The guests around us all had an appraising look in their eyes as they scanned over the selection of humans for their desired goods.

Di Qi Ju: Nine Heaven, what’s this?

Nine Heaven: It’s a slave’s auction, those on stage are probably people from Cold Iron.

Di Qi Ju: Is this really common?

Nine Heaven: I’ve never seen it before but I’ve heard of it multiple times. Cold Iron does this as well.

Di Qi Ju: Those who attacked us today, they intended for us to be on that stage as well?

Nine Heaven: I think so too.

Di Qi Ju: ……

Di Qi Ju: Is that so.

Inn’s Boss: —without further ado, it’s time to introduce the first product we have on today!!

Inn’s Boss: Men, strip her!

Guests: Wooo—!!

A female with lips pursed and eyes shut tight was pushed up onto the stage and after several whooshes, had all the bindings on her along with any shred of clothing she had left sliced off.

Her nape, chest, thighs and all the curvatures on her body was bare for all to see except for those areas covered by a rough piece of undergarment.

Immediately, the sounds of bidding erupted, filled to the brim with undisguised desires.

It almost seemed like a fire had been lit underneath them by the heat of the summer night.

Oh, slaves? Or perhaps toys…

…either way it has nothing to do with me.

In my previous life, the mere sight of a female’s naked body would cause my face to blush a furious red. Now however, the problems about my sexual management no longer plagued me any longer. Even looking at that beautiful woman stand before the crowd so helplessly naked, I felt nothing but an unmoving coldness.

The desire the help. Lust. None of these were present at all.

…all of them squeezed out by another thing.

Di Qi Ju: Oh right, do you have sexual needs, Nine Heaven?

Nine Heaven: How about we settle our accommodations and food first before talking about women?

Looking at him ravenously wolf down that piece of meat, even I was beginning to question whether or not my attitude towards him these past ten days was a bit too cold.

Unlike the time we were at odds, a cooperative Nine Heaven was a lot more dependable than expected, deft even. There was no signs of him rebelling either.

Did this mean we were in a superior-subordinate relationship? I’m not too sure…perhaps “comrades” would be a more accurate description.

Both of us had lost things we would never recover.

However, Nine Heaven still had the desire to start anew and recover what he wanted, as for me…

??: —Master!! Save me!!

Suddenly, a shrill scream echoed from across the stage towards us. It was supposed to be a vehement call for aid and yet that bit of hysteria was lost on me. It sounded more like the high pierced caress of a string instrument, gentle yet pitiful.

Perhaps it was out of my kind of buried instinct within me but I decided to turn towards her anyway.

??: Master! Master !! It’s me!!! Save me—

It was a black, long haired woman completely wrapped up in a filthy cloth sack. From the looks of things, she was the next product to be sold.

Just looking at her face…she was really pretty.

She had a pair of light, almost pure eyebrows. Beneath them were a pair of eyes that could hook your soul with just one look. As for her face, it was perfectly proportioned, a little rounder and it would’ve been plump, a little thinner and it would’ve been gaunt. The sheen on her lips, it almost seemed to invite others to want and clean it off with their tongue.

Had she been from our world, she would have definitely been a goddess whom every man would fall to their knees for.

In my eyes however, she was just a pretty vase, one that couldn’t arouse any interest.

But…why was she looking at me?

I didn’t recognise her at all, was the master she shouted for behind me?

Nine Heaven: Di Qi Ju, that girl is calling for you.

Di Qi Ju: Unlikely, I don’t recognize her at all.

Nine Heaven: In my eyes, she’s definitely calling out to you.

Di Qi Ju: …It’s probably because she wanted to find a friendlier looking master in lieu what’s to come.

Di Qi Ju: I won’t fall for that.

Nine Heaven: Well, that’s up to you.

I turned around to look at the map once more.

*pah*—! A clarion slap resounded across the inn, silencing it noticeably.

Inn Soldiers: Stop yapping! Do you really think I won’t give it to you?!

??: ……

The woman’s screams finally stopped. At least now I was able to focus on analyzing this map without any distraction.

??: —Master!! Don’t you remember ?!

??: —We met not too long ago in the flower district of the National Fragrances. You bought my services then, don’t you remember??

Di Qi Ju: …

Di Qi Ju: !??

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