Chapter 23: Forbidden Spell

Rank 11, a forbidden magic spell.  Long Yi imagined a magician holding a godly magic wand while floating in the air and leisurely chanting the incantation for a forbidden magic. Mountains started to collapse and the earth started to crack up, heaven and earth changed color, and all around was razed to the ground. Just imagining these things, Long Yi felt extremely excited.

Long Yi made a decision, from now on, becoming a Master Archmage, no, a Magic God would be his aim. Helplessly looking at the black colored sky, Long Yi sat crossed-legged and started to meditate. He started to insanely absorb various attributed magic elements from the air. Long Yi discovered, among these various attributed magic elements, he was absorbing the lightning element the fastest. The absorption speed of the lightning element was several times faster than other magic elements.

He didn’t know how long he was meditating, but when he woke up from the meditation, it was already completely bright outside, the sun was already up in the sky and the whole town was bustling. Long Yi looked out of the window and discovered that it was already noon.

When Long Yi came down to the dining hall of the inn, it was almost full. Long Yi found an empty seat and sat down and casually ordered the dishes. Of course, without extra effort, he also asked whether he had stayed in this inn for one night or more to the waiter, for this reason, that waiter looked at him as if he was a mental disorder person.

Long Yi all along didn’t care about the look on the face of the savant. Knowing the answer, he was quite delightful inside his heart. “Come to think about it, God was also not ungenerous. On my deathbed,  lightning struck me and brought me to this different world. Although I had to shoulder blame many times, nevertheless, I’m at least still alive. This is important more than anything else. Also, I currently have a photographic memory. I am happy.” Long Yi though.

Casually sipping sweet tasting fruit wine, which had a delicate fragrance, he ate the dishes he had ordered. These dishes were far tastier than anything he had ever eaten in his previous incarnation. Long Yi felt happy with this kind of livelihood, but of course, if Si Bi was here, it would’ve been even more perfect. In his previous incarnation, Long Yi was the leader of Dragon team, nearly all around the year, from morning till night he was extremely busy. And this kind of leisurely and carefree livelihood was Long Yi’s dream all along in his previous incarnation.

Long Yi curiously looked all around the dining hall. Since he arrived in this world, he still hadn’t got any time to clearly look the surroundings. Before he knew anything,  he was already in the prison then afterward, just like a flower viewing from horseback, he looked at the bustling Longcheng town streets. Then he was forced to live in the wilderness for several days, until now he didn’t have any free time to carefully look, in the end, what was different between this world and his previous world.

Only allowed on

Most of the people dining here were the guests staying at this inn. Majority of them were merchants and like. Also. there were people wearing various attributed magic robes and warriors wearing suits of armor. As for beast people, elves, and other races, they were still not seen. But this was not a surprising matter. An elf’s natural nature was gentle, and because they loved nature, the majority of their kind were all hidden inside the elven forest.  Only a small number of them would come to a society populated with humans for experience, training, or adventure. Comparatively, one could only see them in big cities, and it was naturally very hard to see them in such a small town. As for the beast race, this race was ostracized by humans, which further perpetuated a long-standing friction between them and humankind. Before, the people of the beast clan could be found everywhere in the Blue Waves Continent, but after the friction with the human race, they had hurriedly withdrawn to the Hengduan mountain range.

Using an amethyst card to settle his bills, Long Yi left the inn. Suddenly, Long Yi’s eyes lit up and he exclaimed, “What a beautiful horse!” In the small restaurant at the opposite side to the inn he had just left, Long Yi saw a fiery red-colored horse with a single horn. The red was a blood red, and it’s fur seemed to gleam with a brilliance.  It had sturdy limbs and was filled with a sense of beauty. And especially that single horn on its forehead, which was dazzling with a silver light, made it look even more like a godly fine racehorse.

This horse with a single horn was not tied up, rather it had threw back its head and was standing there proudly. Its eyes were filled with unruliness and it was often snorting to threaten anyone who wanted to approach it.

From his memories, Long Yi knew that this unicorn was a kind of wind element magical beast, which could run as if it were riding clouds and mounting mist. It was a means of transport for the masters of noble and rich families. However, generally, a majority of those horses were of black or white in color, and he had never heard of a unicorn which was red.

With a single glace, anyone could tell that this was not a common horse, so, Long Yi was quite curious to know about who the owner of this fiery red colored unicorn was.

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Just then, the crowd of onlookers started to become restless, and Long Yi fixed his eyes upon the direction of the entrance of that small restaurant. He suddenly became dazed. A young girl wearing a fiery red-colored, skin-tight armor, who was also carrying a large fiery-red sword on her shoulder,  strode proudly towards that fine horse. She had golden colored hair, and her looks were very beautiful and voluptuous. Although she was not comparable to Long Ling’er and Ximen Wuhen who were lovely enough to cause the fall of a city, nevertheless that heroic spirit mixed together with her beauty formed a unique charm of her own. Just like a sun, wherever she went, she would always be the center of attention.

Long Yi rapidly measured the young girl high and low with his eyes, and his gaze finally rested at her firm jade peak which was perfectly outlined by her skintight armor. Then he suddenly sensed a strong fluctuation of the fire element magic. Long Yi knew that many swordsmen and magicians all had a number of precious stones and the like which could amplify douqi or magic. Some of these were in the form of jewelry, and some of these are embedded in weapons and clothing. But the issue here was, this young girl was obviously a person of the warrior profession, and also not a low-ranked warrior, but why was she carrying so many magic amplification items?

The expression of this young girl and her horse were downright arrogant, as expected, like master like horse. This young girl was obviously already accustomed to the stares of other people. She didn’t even have an embarrassed or angry expression under the eyes of the crowd. Just when this young girl wanted to quickly mount her horse, she suddenly felt a peculiar feeling on her chest, as if someone was fondling it.

This young girl immediately quivered all over, and her sharp gaze swept around the crowds of onlookers, her gaze stopping on Long Yi, who was firmly staring at her towering jade peak in a daze. Her intuition told her that this peculiar feeling she was feeling was caused by that vulgar man. Pitiful Long Yi, still in a daze, actually turned into a vulgar person in the eyes of this young woman. The girl snorted, a light blue colored light flashed, and firmly stared at Long Yi with her beautiful eyes, now completely filled with a murderous glint. Looking at the color of her douqi, she had already reached the Swords Master level.

Long Yi woke from his daze, and seeing her eyes were filled with anger and staring at him, he didn’t know when he had committed a crime against her, so he just smiled with good intentions. But unknowingly, in the eyes of that young girl, his good intentioned smile had turned into a lewd smile, and she thought to quickly teach a lesson to Long Yi, but that peculiar feeling on her firm peak couldn’t be used as a reason to start trouble, so she just used her murderous gaze to stare at him. After that, she mounted her horse, turned around, and changed in the sky like a fiery red cloud and disappeared from the vision of the onlookers.

Long Yi touched his nose. He was still unable to make heads or tails of what had happened just a moment ago. He was not able to understand when everything was all right, why did it suddenly became like that. He had nevertheless forgotten that his spirit had a different function in his previous incarnation. He could use the essence of spirit energy to carry out an attack. And, currently, his spirit power was far more powerful compared to his previous incarnation, so his concentrated attention on the magic fluctuation on the chest of this young girl caused him to subconsciously use spirit power to examine it. So that young girl felt as if her breast was being fondled by a person.

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