Chapter 47: One more wife doesn’t matter

Leng Youyou sensed that Long Yi didn’t move for a long time, and the enthusiasm that filled her heart slowly faded away. After that, the two of them intimately cuddled like this without making any noise. No one spoke even after a while, and the atmosphere became very strange.

Neither of them knew how long they were cuddling on the bed for before Long Yi climbed down from the top of Leng Youyou and arranged his clothes. Right now, his heart was in utter chaos. As he had never thought that the one mediating was Lu Xiya, and the one sleeping was Leng Youyou.

“You are leaving just like this?” Just as Long Yi reached the exit of the tent, Leng Youyou questioned him. She did her utmost to make it seem like she was calm, but her quivering voice exposed the chaos in her heart when she spoke to Long YI.

Long Yi paused, lightly sighed, and gloomily said, “I’m sorry.” The moment he finished speaking, he lifted the curtains and walked out of the tent with large strides.

Leng Youyou finished putting on her clothes in silence. That fiery touch still seemed to remain on her private parts, but her heart felt a sharp stabbing pain. The pain in her heart felt like someone thrusting a sharp knife into her heart repeatedly. “When did I start to like that mysterious man who always had a cheeky grin on his face? Was it the first time we met and had a spirit battle or at the time when he embraced me in his bosom when he cut off the probing from the Dark Temptation spell? Even i have no idea when i started to fall in love with him… Does he not love me? Even a little bit?” She thought to herself.

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Leng Youyou didn’t blame Long Yi, she thought that everything was her fault. When Long Yi held her tightly, she already knew that it was him. The struggle in the beginning stemmed from her instinct, but her actions after the struggle was clearly her own selfishness. She clearly knew that Long Yi mistakenly thought that she was Lu Xiya, but she still didn’t make a sound to warn him. She innocently thought that as long as she gave her body to Long Yi, she would become his woman.

Two rows of clear tears spilled over the rim of her eyes, The tears seemed to carry the deep affection the young girl had for her lover as it fell to the ground, before breaking apart.

Long Yi agitatedly paced back and forth inside his own tent. A feeling of shamelessness washed over him as he felt extremely irresponsible that he took advantage of the young girl and left immediately afterwards. But he was also not stupid, he knew very clearly that Leng Youyou had a big part to play in the mistake he just made for not letting him know that she was the wrong girl he was looking for. However he was the one who made the move first, and clearly, he took advantage of her big time… Not to mention she was a girl, so how could he push the blame onto Leng Youyou?

“Ai, now she definitely hates me to death, but what was i supposed to do at that point? Could it be that I must promise to marry her? How can that be possible?” Long Yi hit his own forehead, then with a jump, he threw himself onto the big bed.

Long Yi buried his head into the pillow, as he very carefully thought about how he felt towards Leng Youyou. Although she had an ordinary look, she was nowhere near ugly. She also possessed an extremely superb figure. On the surface, she was cold, but warm inside her heart. He also felt that Leng Youyou seemed very lonely. She cultivated dark magic and spirit magic, which made her similar to himself. Putting it this way, it was not impossible to accept her. As he thought about it over and over in his head, Long Yi finally reached a conclusion.

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At the moment it seems like he was going to develop more intimate relations with Leng Youyou. In any case, he had already decided on having three wives, having one more didn’t matter. Since in this world he was living in now, as long as you were strong enough, no one would say anything about marrying multiple wives. More than anything, being able to marry multiple wives was a kind of status symbol. After convincing himself, Long Yi thoughtlessly slept. Unknown to him however, Leng Youyou’s thoughts were in a whirl right now.

Early next morning, Lu Xiya woke up from her meditation. She stood up and moved her muscles and bones, before turning around to look for Leng Youyou. Unexpectedly, she was unable to locate Leng Youyou as she was no longer on the bed. Outside the tent, a burst of cold air blew, the earning morning air of this marsh region was moist but not fresh. Lu Xiya tightened her skintight clothing, raised her head and saw Leng Youyou standing not too far away looking into the distance.

“Big sister Youyou, you woke up so early in the morning.” Lu Xiya went over to Leng Youyou and said.

Leng Youyou turned around, and said with a stiff smile on her face, “Yeah, I was unable to fall asleep, so I came out to take a breather.”

Seeing Leng Youyou’s looking like a trainwreck, Lu Xiya couldn’t help but ask with concern, “Big sister Youyou, your complexion looks so bad, are you feeling unwell?”

Leng Youyou lowered her head and sighed with anguish, “I’m fine… I was just unable to sleep properly last night.”

Lu Xiya had surprised expression on her face, normally the sleep quality of magicians were very good. As all magicians had the backing of formidable spirit power, they should not be easily disturbed while sleeping. However, she knew she should not ask anymore as Leng Youyou was obviously trying to aviod the topic.

Just at that time, the lazy voice came through behind them, “Good morning, two beautiful ladies.”

Hearing the voice of Long Yi, Lu Xiya happily turned around and quickly ran over and pulled one of Long Yi’s arms with her little hands

“You are flattering me by addressing me as a beautiful lady. You two can fool around and flirt at the side by yourselves.” Leng Youyou coldly snorted. Lowering her head, she hurriedly passed Long Yi as she quickly walked towards her tent.

“Hey, Leng Youyou, don’t run away ah, having three people to fool around and with is more interesting than only having two.” Long Yi quickly said as he stared at the back of the leaving Leng Youyou.

Hearing Long Yi, Leng Youyou’s body became sluggish. The heart of this young girl started beating wildly. “In the end what is the meaning of his that sentence? Is he making fun of me or is he hinting that he intends to accept me?” Leng Youyou didn’t dare to think too much, as she ignored him and scuttered into her tent.

“Long Yi, big sister Youyou seems to have something weighing on her mind.” Lu Xiya said with worry in her voice.
“M-hm, there should be… you know that you womenfolk all have some days in a month where you have bad moods and love to be cranky?.” Long Yi mischievously laughed.

Lu Xiya blushed, and angrily replied him, “Hateful, don’t talk nonsense, big sister Youyou’s is not having ‘that day’.”

“Oh, then when is that?” Long Yi started to probe the cute little elf.

“At……why do I have to tell you that, big pervert?” Rolling her eyes, Lu Xiya replied to Long Yi.

“Then tell me yours.” Long Yi said with a mischievous smile.

Lu Xiya looked left and right, only after making sure that Barbarian Bull, Ha Lei and the others were not around, she stood on her tiptoes and moved closer to Long Yi’s ear..

“At this ** time, satisfied, I am going to accompany big sister Leng Youyou.” When she finished speaking, Lu Xiya didn’t dare to look straight at Long Yi’s passionate expression. She immediately ran away with a bright red face like a frightened rabbit.

After casually eating their breakfast, Long Yi and the traveling party once again continued their journey. Throughout the way, Long Yi frequently looked for an opportunity to tease Leng Youyou, but no matter how hard he tried, his little girl seemed determined to completely ignore him.

“Ha Lei, how long will it be before we can cross this marsh region?” Lan Yan sluggishly asked. As his physique was the worst in the entire group, the long journey have already worn him out. He seemed like he would be unable to stand if the journey took any longer.

Ha Lei took out the map and carefully looked for a while, before answering, “Very soon. With our current speed, we will be able to get out of this marsh in one day.”

Hearing they would be able to pass through this marsh within one day, everyone couldn’t help but feel their spirits lifting. This was because as soon as they managed to pass through the marsh, they would be able to arrive at Lost City. Instantly, the group felt as if a weight was lifted off their shoulders as they began to chat happily while crossing the last stretch of the marsh.

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