
[Write a poem or journal entry about numbers that have special meaning to you.]

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Having only a single body, mind, life.

To use as I see fit.

My responsibility to take care.

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For granted, I shouldn’t take.

Yet I do.

Various ways, harming myself.

Aware in times of rest, eternal fatigue.

Straining muscles, through typing and gaming.

School studies, ignored for recreation.

Forgotten, are useless life skills.

Chores? Couldn’t loath more.

Soon is society taking hold of me.

Preparation, not nearly made enough of.

Learning, put off as tomorrow’s worry.

Direction? Unstable. Risks ever-present.

Apathy, laziness, detachment.

What will undo me.

Though, I hope not.

Life mayhap not hit me so hard.

Smooth road? Doubtful.

But, less bumps than common?

The dream.

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