
[Write a poem or short story using your name in some way or form.]

            FaebyenTheFairy, huh? I’ll try my hand at another poem.


            A great savior in my time of need

            Was how I got the name I use

            That person quickly helped and freed

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            Me from what I suffered: abuse.

            It was not only the physical kind

            That was almost tolerable enough

            The bad stuff altered my mind

            I’m glad they were there to snuff, it.

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            But it wasn’t without repercussions

            Just remembering it makes me feel guilty

            Even though we had a lot of discussions

            The regret is almost enough to kill me.

            Though, I refuse to let myself die

            Because then what she did would be in vain

            Instead, I don’t dare try to deny

            Life is painful and won’t always result in gain.

            In that way I found I can continue to live on

            Despite the fact that I still suffer much pain

            I remember her kindly, like she were my mom

            I even based my online alias after her name.

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