
[Pick a state or country you’ve never visited. Write about why you would or would not like to visit that place.]

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            Europe (and Australia)!

            Yes, I named a continent(s), but I’m referring to all countries within Europe.
            Why would I want to visit them? Simple! Because I want to see the world…where English is spoken a lot.

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            To feel the crisp breeze as I climb mountains or visit placid lakes. To share stories with strangers at random cafes. To learn about cultures from where they originated.

            Really, just to experience completely new things, because as great a life I have in the U.S., I crave new experiences and sights. I want to see the places Western philosophes began.

            With all that said, It’s not like I don’t want to visit everywhere else, but…I doubt I’ll have the time in my lifetime to do so. I wouldn’t be satisfied with just a couple weeks per country. No no no! At LEAST a few months! And with how there are so many countries…that’s quite a few years.

            Anyway…sorry for the short, boring post, but I can’t come up with anything entertaining ;-;

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