Chapter 19- Contact with the South Part 2

{Emperor’s Diary}


Leonard was a tough old bastard if I had to say. He was perceptive to a fault too. He figured out most of our plans before we even hinted at them. No wonder he was the leader of a legion of beastkin. Currently, over two thousand of his men were within the city. What became of the numbers of the city amounted to this. The first division totaled about five hundred scouts. The majority of the forty dragon1dragonspeciesnewts we freed will also be in this division. The second division will mainly consist of beastkin men and lizkin who will by led my love to secure the north. The third division, which will have a vast majority of the women, as well as the old, young, and other non-combatants, will follow the second division. While I, in the fourth division, will go free more slaves as we hit more towns and cities along the way as we slowly head north. Instant communication over vast distances with my mate is possible because I learned soul rend from her, while she learned a large area of attack anti-miasma skill similar to what I use to absorb the curses6cursesstory mechanic of the slaves. The how and why we learned these things is because the city is housed over a world spring source, even if it’s nearly dead. When I used my miasma absorption skill, I accidentally purified the source. It doesn’t have the strength to serve as a miasma dump, but it can serve as a respawn point for me if I needed it too. Combined with my massive miasma, and the knowledge from the slave organizations, as well and my ability ‘curse manipulation’, my skill evolved yet again.


Curse Physics (Greater) – A complete understanding of the concept of curses. With this, you’re immune to all curses and can bestow high curse resistances passively to anybody you share a link with.


Which means, me and my love will never be affected by curses again. Since I gained curse resistance 10, I am now immune to all curses. Add to the fact that I add curse resistance 3 to all my followers, and resistance 5 to everyone near me. It’s hard to describe. I feel like I’m walking down a dark path with all this curse stuff. We spent over a week in the city. Considering the only people that visit a place like this are slave dealers or merchants, I didn’t have any quarrels with anybody that killed them. They simply chose the wrong occupation at the wrong place and time. On the morning of the last day, my love was getting dressed in front of the bed we both were laying on earlier. I just woke up, as she tied her shirt on her back. Her wings were spread wide, then I sighed as I moved over to help her.

“I never imagined that we would get this far.” (Empress)


I loosely tied the knot before sitting on the bed.

‘The first part of the plan has been completed. Let’s hope that this luck continues.’ (Emperor)

She looked at me over her shoulder and noticed my glum look.

“Don’t worry. It’ll only be for a few weeks. While I’m gone, if any of those cute cat beastkin jump on you when their in heat, I won’t mind.” (Empress)

I became nervous when she said that.

‘You noticed me looking at them, huh?’ (Emperor)

She nodded, as she sat down and put on a sock.

“Of course I noticed. I know you fancy to touch those ears as well.” (Empress)

I swallowed hard.

‘I have no desire for a harem.’ (Emperor)


She put on another sock, then smiled at me as she took my hand.

“I know. You’re loyal to me, but it’s not bad to experience others. We need to train that vigor of yours too. Maybe a beastkin’s lighter touch will do more for you than me.” (Empress)

I actually considered it for a moment, then I felt my hand being crushed.

‘All right, all right. If they come into my tent, I won’t turn them away unless I’m tired. Otherwise, I’ll show restraint.’ (Emperor)

She then released the death grip on my hand.

‘And you. If I need to train my vigor, you need to train your head. In the next battle, you must lead your people without actually drawing your weapon. A good commander knows how to fight, but a great one will never need to.’ (Emperor)

She became slightly disappointed as she sighed.

Only allowed on

“Fine, it’s a small price to pay.” (Empress)

I smiled at her while nodding.

‘I wonder how long we can last on our current luck?’ (Emperor)

I felt her look away from me unhappily.


I met with Leonard in a bar in the afternoon soon after. My love left shortly after dawn, and Leonard was about to move out his own forces. I moved over to him, then I handed him a letter. ‘I had my love write this up before she left. After we create our nation and become stable, we will be open to diplomacy with the south. That letter carries the mark of the empire we will make.’ (Emperor)

Leonard took the letter, then slowly put it into his armor.

“I must say that I’m surprised. Freeing so many slaves just to create an empire with them. That’s a story of the legends. It’s a shame that I couldn’t spar with you.” (Leonard)

I then thought over what he said for a moment.

‘As I recall, I threw the strongest curses I had onto you, and you still stood on even ground to my love. When the time comes, you can boast about such an accomplishment.’ (Emperor)

He considered that for a moment.

“True, though I believe that you could have killed me at any time.” (Leonard)

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I then rubbed my chin with a finger before speaking.

‘The thought crossed my mind, but you did stop your sword. Another inch and I would have dodged backwards. I’m sure at least one of us wouldn’t be here talking right now.’ (Emperor)

He sobered his mood at my words.

“In the future, let’s have a proper spar.” (Leonard)

I shook my head in response.

‘Let’s agree to have a drink instead. If I succeed in my plans, then I will buy it, and if we don’t…. the first one at the bar in the next life buys.’ (Emperor)

He soberly laughed at my meaning.

“I can agree to that. For a human, I like you kid.” (Leonard)

I then smiled at him before nodding. Perhaps, we were friends in a former life. I rubbed the back of my head after waving at him. I wonder if we made that agreement at that time too. I also wondered if we did make that agreement, which part was held up?



The slave rebellion. The war that led to the creation of the empire. On the continental year 12,654 of the Ers era, this event has been formally recognized in history, and is often referred to in military lessons to this day. Because of a simple, but straightforward objective of founding their own nation, it was an unprecedented event of an unimaginable scale at the time. The entire population of the entire continent was just over twelve million. To the south, in the beastkin empire. there laid a population of five million people. To the north where the empire was founded, there less than one million people. At the time during the war, the total military might of the south was an estimated eight hundred thousand. The humans had a total of twenty five hundred thousand there, with a reserve of five hundred and fifty thousand. At the time, sixty percent of the human country populations was believed to have been slaves. In the winter of that year, word had spread throughout the continent about the demon hero and the hero reaper. By this time, the human leaders started to take action. A total of twelve major cities had fallen, and hundreds of other locations had been seized and looted. When the rebel army’s population reached one hundred thousand people, a full continent of the humans combined elite forces finally acted to put an end to the bloodshed.


- my thoughts:
Due to errors with site moving and my own inexperience several changes have occurred. First, if I had not stated it before, the normal schedule for releases is mon-fri is Karma Streamer and sat/sun is Level 1. Instead of a 1 a.m. est release time I moved the time to 10 p.m.
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