Chapter 25- World Quest

{Emperor’s Diary}


I moved through the cave system after the pass was secured at both ends. Only the dragon1dragonspeciesnewts and lizkin, the most trusted of my loves subordinates were with me. I know why they were there too. Even if I’ve earned their trust, and even if I’ve proven all I could, I’m still a human after all. My species is one that they can’t fully trust. I don’t blame my love’s doubt though. In fact, I respect it. I would hate to have a blind and obedient lover. I want one that thinks and feels for herself. We soon came upon a ritual pool where the miasma was very thick. It was thicker than what it could safely contain a several dozen times over. I then closed my eyes to ponder what I should do as I opened and read my quest menu.


Title- Purify the Voice of the World

Difficulty- World Rank

Task- Collect miasma and release it into a world point to be purified

Optional Task- Use the miasma that you collected to gain control of the world point by force to become a greater demon

Reward- World Rank Reward


Only allowed on

I reread the quest, then I wondered whether the menu itself is part of this world, or if it’s a system of another type. However, the answer was plain. The task says to collect miasma and release it to be purified. Which means, all I have to do is absorb it then release it where I need too. I moved over to the altar and removed my clothing because I need as much flesh and miasma to make contact with each other as possible. I spread my arms and looked up as if greeting god’s warm embrace as the miasma started to pour into my body. What greeted me instead was pain. There was thousands, millions, and many more slave curses6cursesstory mechanic pouring into me. When it went past the thousands and kept climbing quickly to the millions, I began to scream in agony and fear. I could feel the dragon blooded ones behind me watching on afraid and nervous as well.


Time seemed to have stopped for them as it stretched on even longer for myself. For me, it was like centuries and beyond passed while I was in pain. It was all with the single purpose of absorbing the miasma. My body and soul passed it limits long ago, but I held on for dear life to a fragment of the man I once was. Black blood poured from my pores and orifices, and disgusting bile poured out from my anus and p****. It stopped after what felt like an eternity. For a fraction of a moment, I felt the living hell and torment of so many people. I nearly slipped from reality and succumbed to the power. With the last of my will, I took a step forward before falling and landing flat on my chest. I then reached out for the water near me and barely got a finger into it. As soon as I came in contact with it, I spoke weakly.

“Soul rend.”

As soon as I said that, I passed out.

Notice! Skill Evolved.


World Curse Master {Ultimate}- The final evolution of the curse series. By completing the ‘Voice of the World’ quest, all of your abilities to normally bestow curses on people has been sealed. In its place, the world has granted you another ability. You are immune to all debuff skills and have all positive known buff skills applied to you at all times. Also, those that are hostile to you inside your curse defense field will be applied with all known debuff skills and will no longer be able to buff. The range of your curse defense field has also been increased to be 100% greater and no longer requires miasma to activate, but WE {World Energy} is used. Remember, the world is always watching you.


When I became fully aware again, I felt like my body had been destroyed and remade over and over again. At times, I was a demon, and other times, I was an angel. I experienced countless lifetimes at a very fast pace. I understood everything in one instant, then I forgot it in the next instance. None of that was a concern for me currently though. Loren was on top of me when I actually woke up. For a moment, I thought it was my mate. She looked liked a hungry predator and I was the prey.


{Pages damaged and omitted}


Surviving content entails some information about being with the dragonnewt who will later become the priestess to the young dragon that was saved by the empress. There is little details other than a single comment of how the empress was impressed by her mates growth and couldn’t wait to be with him when they finally have the time. There are also discrepancies between the little surviving record and the legends of this event. If these pages survived the trials of time, they would have clarified these as mysteries.

Notice! Vigor +3.


[Undamaged pages}


They say love is war, and the battles continued while I was out. My love brought me to the other side of the pass as hundreds of humans and their slaves pushed on it, but it amounted to nothing. My body wanted to sleep, but my mind refused. Perhaps it had something to do with the one I was using as a lap pillow. My love was also awake while watching the battle.

‘You need a distraction.’ (Emperor)

I thought to her, as she turned away toward me. It wouldn’t do her any good to see more death. ‘Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Tell me anything. Just talk to me.’ (Emperor)

She smiled as she stroked my hair.

“Tell me about heroes.” (Empress)

I paused as I swallowed. That’s not the kind of topic I was expecting.

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‘Well, they’re idiots.’ (Emperor)

She only looked at me confused after I said that.

I sighed, then I took her hand.

‘We’re all fools and morons, including myself. We are, after all, from another world and unfamiliar with yours. To cope with this, we substitute our logic for yours.’ (Emperor)

She grasped perhaps one or two bits of what I just said, as I took another slow deep breath.

‘All right…. We think of this world as a game.’ (Emperor)


Now I could feel that she was insulted after I said that.

‘Wait a moment. I’m not toying with you. That’s the process that the humans created to help the heroes cope. We are beaten and strengthened, then put on a leash of a woman, a companion, that follows them faithfully.’ (Emperor)

I got off her lap, then I sat down with a knee raised and my arm on it. I made an image of the princess that I was supposed to be bound to with my power.

‘To put it simply. I was summoned, slaved, and strengthened like normal, so they loosened my collar. I escaped that collar before I became their pet though.’ (Emperor)

She took my free hand and she gripped it, I could then feel her worried emotions. I waited for a moment before making a fist and destroying the image of the princess.

‘I did see this world as a game as well. It’s not hard to cope because of that. The moment we were together in that cave and talked, and the moment our flesh came together in acceptance. I knew and believed in my heart that this was my life. I don’t believe in second chances or things like that when it comes to my life. I live my life how I want too, and with the will of who I want included in that. Right now, you my love are included in that.’ (Emperor)

She didn’t know what to say or feel about that. She could tell that this was a very serious and troubling topic.

“I understand. You’re not like the other heroes who keep harems.” (Empress)

I blinked for a moment. Is that why she asked me why I wondered for a moment and felt my humor.

‘You expect me to sleep with every woman I meet? My loins can barely handle you.’ (Emperor)

I was glad that her mood was better as she pulled me back to rest on her lap.

“So, why do heroes have so many women following them?”


I thought about it. In truth, other than Kiko, her sister, and Loren, I’ve never been with another woman. I turned to the logic of my old world.

‘It’s a man’s dream I guess. Ow ow owwwww. Let me explain before you pinch me again. Every man wants to leave his mark on the world. It’s a legacy to be shown throughout time.’ (Emperor)

She gave me a moment to think, then I rubbed my arm where her talon like nails made me lightly bleed.

‘If I had to guess, I’m not a typical hero. They normally seek high quality women in large quantity to make many babies. Honestly, my libido would kill me if I had a dozen women. I would also be mad from all of their attention. That’s why, instead of a high number of decent quality women, I went with the highest quality one.’ (Emperor)

Strangely, I felt like she was really happy after hearing that.

“I knew it was a smart thing to let you be with others. You must know the fruits of other trees to figure out the one you like the best.” (Empress)

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes after she said that.

‘After this battle, lets rest in each others arms for a few days. I want to learn a few ways to taste your fruit.’ (Emperor)

She let out a dragon-like sound of pleasure when I said that, and her mind finally relaxed.

Notice! Quest, ‘Found an Empire’ longevity has been increased by 50 years. Chances of successfully founding an empire has increased by .5%




The lineage of the empires first couple. While a high number of successors to the throne are from the direct line of the emperor and the empress, not all of them are. This is due to the fact that the position isn’t actually a hereditary title. After the emperor/empress of the time feels that their prime has passed, the selection process for the next generation begins. At times, when there’s no emperor/empress, the government set up is stable enough for the next generation to be found. The process is quite simple actually. Individuals of charisma and leadership are chosen by their potential for training at a young age. When the group is between fifteen to twenty years old, they would go to the core world source of the empire. The selection process is open to everyone, and may be taken at any time, but the final selection process is made by the world itself. When the selection of the next generation is done, there is a grace of about one to three years before the former leadership passes the reins to the next. During that time, they are taught the finer details of leading the empire.


There are a rare exception to this process though, This involves the ‘curse of the emperor’. The mystical protective power of the empire. When the empire faces great strafe and hardship, this power will appear in someone that is most believed to be the supreme leader of the empire over the current leadership. While they hold such a power, they reign over even the current emperor/empress of that time. They often overthrow them due to corruption from their leadership. Even still, when the time of peril is over, they too must be chosen by the world in the end. Many times, they rule for only a short time before the next proper generation comes to be.


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