B1 — 40. The System

Note:  The following is a comprehensive list of everything Tiffany and Edmon taught Elinor about The System and her abilities while waiting for Camellia and Valdar to finish their work at subjugating the clanless territories in the valley, either by swearing undying loyalty to Supreme Chief Elinor or choosing to serve her in death as a zombie.

Meaning, the following information will have an edge of Elinor’s own attitude and approach when identifying her abilities.  There will also be hints at abridged conversations she had about her skills and the system with her court.

I’m sorry if there are any formatting issues … it’s always so hard with these types of chapters.

I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me:

Mikayla, Caleb Bear, ZapDaddy, Sean Kent, Onill007, Evan Cloud, and my other patrons!

The System: It is unclear why or how this system attached itself to my soul, but from Demon’s comments about this seed, it contains immense power.  Even with Demon’s vast experience and age, he doesn’t know much about it.

If Demon has the capability to take these seeds, then would it corrupt him like it did me?  If it reacts to desires, then why would it make me a Lich Empress?  There’s the possibility that there’s a set of lingering information within the seed that is used with the personality of the individual.

The seed has preassigned settings, either natural or otherwise, that governs how it responds to my individual’s desires; if I overrule the Automatic Skill Assignment and Point Placement features, then I’d be able to better maximize my potential, and not knowing how many points I have is of little concern if they’re placed in the right areas.

[Elinor chose to manually put points into her skills rather than allowing her passing emotions to dictate their advancement.]

The System does not give a few articles of information, such as points or skills that are available to obtain, and most raw stat numbers are hidden.  Although, it does give quite a bit of information in regards to what I already have.  I need to be sure upon the subject I want revealed, passing thoughts will not give a rounded response.

The desire to know must be of significant degree to equal the determination to receive a new skill, and specific enough to not be given a vague understanding, which is understandable.  There are a lot of nuances with skills that can go unnoticed if I’m not focused on the right set of information, but that’s why I have Tiffany and Edmon to guide me.

Experience System:  Unlike a game, the experience system is extremely complicated since it incorporates actions taken in real-life, and a person may not only gain points from killing, but a number of other ways.  However, there is a cap to certain methods of leveling.

  • Questing System [Has a Weekly Cap]:  In a normal video game, quests are a set of tasks assigned to a person to achieve some overarching goal to the plot of some storyline.  However, in real-life, these types of quests may appear from any number of ways.  A lady asks you to get her dog, picking up litter on the street, or even cutting down a specific number of trees each day.  Quests are tasks, and specific tasks left open or failed may even come with penalties, such as lowering one’s strength or agility; penalties depend on the task failed.
  • Event System [Unlimited Homeworld Events; Capped Other World Events]:  I received quite a bit of experience by being a part of a World Event, and it appears as if there is a limit to the times one can do this type of event in a week and receive accommodations from The System.  A person can only receive bonus experience from their first completion of a week, and experience from these dungeons ends on the fifth, meaning only loot and experience from other methods will be given; there is a weekly lockout of ten world ventures.  However, this does not apply if one swaps their homeworld, resetting their count.
  • Killing [Unlimited]:  The act of killing a creature will always grant experience based on the difficulty of the kill to the target.  Therefore, Iris killing creatures of a low rank would grant her, and thereby me, less experience than a Quin taking the kill.
  • Learning [Weekly Cap]:  Even something as simple as baking a cake might grant a small amount of experience; it is about doing something you have not done before, thereby gaining experience.  Reading new literature is also a form of leveling.  In essence, learning is a means to gain experience; therefore, I need to pick up some type of trade to reach this cap weekly.

The Attribute System: is quite extensive, and is used in a multiplicative way with skills while also having a base.  I can manually add these points now that I’ve taken a firmer hold on the system rather than letting it dictate based on circumstance.  Stats and Skills are connected in a lot of ways, and increased Force would enhance someone’s ability to perform stronger feats; however, if you do not apply points into Defense, then you would suffer diminishing returns; physics still apply to a degree.

  • Force
      • Power: is the explosive, wilder use of force, which also includes potential force, meaning it’s also a good stat to use for a mage or spellcaster.  However, as a Necromantic-type, this would not be of great use to me.
      • Strength: is a slower and more controlled exercise of force that centers on internal strength rather than external.
  • Defense
  • Toughness: is how much damage I can receive before my diamond is crushed or broken.  Artificial Body does pull from this stat, but I’d need to heavily increase not only the skill but also this stat for it to have a powerful effect.  Currently, since I used a diamond, my toughness is quite high, however, that also makes me weak in certain other areas because of its properties.
  • Resilience: is an area where I lack greatly; I am not meant to absorb blows.  In fact, my whole class is centered around others fighting and taking hits for me.
  • Dexterity
  • Speed: is low, quite low.  The ability to move my body in one direction as fast as possible is not something I was designed for.
  • Agility: is the ability to accelerate, decelerate, stabilize, and quickly change directions with proper posture.  I never had great posture, to begin with, but shockingly, this isn’t my lowest stat because of my title of Empress; posture is an important attribute to be aware of while standing in court.
  • Quickness: is the ability to react and change body position with a maximum rate of force production … which I lack in, a lot.  I cannot follow swift movement or even move quickly.
  • Energy
  • Constitution: is basically my mana bar … Death Energy, Corrupted Life-Force, or whatever one wishes to call my specific energy that keeps me alive and functioning.  This is quite high, and for good reason; I am the means by which all my minions live.
  • Stamina: is how long I can function physically, which is non-existent as I don’t have a real body; Artificial Body uses this stat as a means to determine how much damage is done before it collapses, wasting my energy when I need to reform it.  If my diamonds break, then this will hardly help.
  • Endurance: reduces the amount of Death Energy each of my abilities takes.  This is a very important long-term skill to increase as I am constantly bleeding the stuff.
  • Resistances
  • Elemental Resistances: are used to determine the protection The System provides against any elemental-based attacks, which happens to include a house stove.
  • Physical Resistances: are my weakness; a diamond can be easily crushed by a hammer, killing me.  While my diamonds can withstand normal conditions for even a billion years, a simple falling rock can kill me.  However, I could increase my diamond’s toughness enough to counter this weakness.
  • Control Resistances: Mind affecting spells are more or less useless against me; I suppose it speaks to Demon’s considerable power that he was able to attack me.  Although, it was more of a spiritual attack rather than a mental one, but it would have bled over to that field, which is impressive all the same.  Emotional Loss gives me a lot of resistance to mental attacks.
  • Penetration: is a stat that bypasses resistances, and it appears The System determined Demon’s attacks were heavily influenced by this stat.  I have no need for it.

Types of Effects: we’ve been able to identify.

  • Charms: Iris has some abilities linked with charming effects when she transforms; although, her body itself is alluring enough.
  • Enrage: A double-edged sword that tends to be used by the Elite Warrior Class.
  • Paralysis: Azalea seems to be extremely proficient with this type of effect on a few of her skills.  She can even shoot her hair out like darts to freeze her targets.

The Advancement System: The two ways of advancing are through levels and proficiencies.  Experience is restricted to the Leveling System and does not affect Proficiency.

    • The Leveling System: works as expected, investing points into areas, and there is a main overarching level that a person has which grants him Attribute and Skill points.
    • The Proficiency System: has its own internal experience system that is based on the use of an ability. There are two parts to the Proficiency System, Grades, and Ranks.  The earlier Grades and Ranks are easier to level, but it gets more and more difficult as they rise, but rewards are so much greater.
  • Grades: Grades are the more substantial part of the Proficiency System.  There are eleven Grades:
  • Novice (1-4)
  • Rookie (5-9)
  • Versed (10-19)
  • Intermediate (20-29)
  • Adept (30-49)
  • Senior (50-59)
  • Master (60-69)
  • Grand Master (70-79)
  • Mythic (80-89
  • Godly (90-99)
  • Transcendent (100)
  • Ranks: are numbed from zero to ten, and advancing each rank gives a small boost to that ability.  It is not certain, but most abilities have Proficiency Skills that can be obtained when advancing to the next Grade.
  • Proficiency Skills: are augments that enhance a skill’s use and can dramatically change how someone uses their ability.  For instance, I may gain the ability for Life Tap to affect multiple people, and perhaps, when reaching Senior, I may have the ability to transform Life Tap into Vampiric Nova, or whatever it may be called, making it possible for me to drain the life of every creature within a set area.
  • Skill Advancement Restrictions: Even if you level up a skill to level 100, it will not advance to higher states unless the appropriate Proficiency in it has been reached.  Therefore, I may end up having a level 100 Life Tap that can only drain one target really fast, but that’s it if the Proficiency remains in the Novice or Rookie stages.  This restriction makes it impractical to dump points into a skill you rarely use.

Achievement System: is extremely important, but difficult to plan for.  I received an Achievement for making this world my new home, giving me the ability to raise Tiffany and Edmon.  These are powerful abilities, however, they may come with no Proficiency Grades, meaning they are extremely weak versions of the original since it requires high Proficiency of pre-required skills to reach that ability.  Edmon theorizes I may achieve an Achievement Skill if I can turn these Ri’bot into my religious following.

The Tree System: is complicated, and links to a vast number of areas.  They could be considered skills, talents, spells, abilities, but they all have some kind of power attached to them.  Tiffany describes it as a tree itself:

    • Trees: are the framework of a Class.
    • Branches: operate in a tier list that chains to different abilities and can break into smaller branches that house leaves or attachments.
  • Leaves: are individual abilities that are a part of Cluster Sets or abilities that all fall under a particular skill.
  • Cluster Sets: all abilities within a cluster are hampered by the primary skill’s Level and Proficiency.
  • Chain Skills: are skills that upgrade to stronger abilities if advanced in a sequence.  Chain Skills can be in Cluster Sets, and even Cluster Sets can be chained.
  • Link Skills: are abilities that can bridge to create something stronger, combining skills.  The Necromantics Title has spells that can link explosions to zombies and many other feats.
  • Racial Skills: are skills that are given to me based on being a Lich and Empress, but my minions also receive their own abilities; it’s centered on what they are, and my minions can even advance their natural abilities further than was previously possible with The System’s aid.  The Quen’Talrat could gain their unique ability to generate fire and make it stronger than it ever was in life, and Violet can add special affixes to her silk that were impossible before.
  • Stock Skills: charge depending on certain criteria, and usually have a maximum capacity.  Camellia has skills like this that amplify over time or by condition.
  • Channeling Skills: are abilities that take time to complete, such as Tiffany’s Rituals.  If she is interrupted, then she’ll be out of energy and the ability won’t be activated.  She hates wasting energy and would rely on Edmon to protect her like when Dalria attacked us.
  • Charging Skills: differ from channeling in that they don’t need to complete their cast to activate.  If you wish to get the full effects, then you should wait, but it can be shot off at any time; however, it will cost the same base amount, and are usually a lot more pricey than other types of abilities, meaning it could be a waste of energy if cut short.
  • Sub Effects: are additions gained upon leveling up skills, which could be freezing or paralysis among many other options.
  • Aura Skills: activate in a globe around the caster and affect everyone, friend and foe alike, such as Edmon’s Transient Frost Wall that would have also protected any enemy nearby.
  • States: are literal changes that come over a person, such as Enrage-type skills used by the Elite Warriors.


Types of Activations:

  • Active: the standard self-activated spell that requires your desire to use.
  • Passive: skills are always in effect.
  • Reactive: skills are only in effect if certain criteria are met; this is the type to highlight since it is connected to a particular event.

The Changed: Since it doesn’t involve me, Edmon and Tiffany are unaware of what other types of creatures might have come from this change, and how the seed might have affected them.  Some of the humans may even have dormant seeds within them, but it seems unlikely if Demon has not gone after them; although, it is not something to rule out.

Psyche Change:  This change has obviously affected my mind in a great many ways, which also shifts my desires.  It’s interesting to think about the effects this generates within those that have this seed; I doubt I would have initially chosen from a long list of possibilities to become a Lich Empress, yet that was what was given to me.  There are a lot of factors we’re unaware of in regards to how this seed operates.

Overall: The manner in which these systems interact with each other is fascinating; they appear to be intentionally designed in a way to focus on an individual’s way of life rather than allowing them to try and craft something other than what they normally use:

Elinor, Lich Empress: I am a summoner-based class that focuses on ruling rather than fighting.  If I need something, then I create a servant to do it for me, and thereby gain someone new to interact with.   Perhaps I was partially influenced down this path due to feeling lonely and ostracized by my friends for becoming a goth.

    • Stats:  
  • Force
        • Power: Low
  • Strength: Low
  • Defense
  • Toughness: Above Average
  • Resilience: Low
  • Dexterity
  • Speed: Low
  • Agility: Normal
  • Quickness: Low
  • Energy
  • Constitution: Extremely High
  • Stamina: Below Average
  • Endurance: Above Average
  • Tenacity
  • Elemental Resistances: Above Average, excluding Life Resistance that is Deadly
  • Physical Resistances: Below Average
  • Control Resistances: Extremely High
  • Penetration: Low
  • Achievements:
  • None:  I currently hold no Achievements, but I may once I finish conquering this valley and take ownership of it.

  • Type Abilities: my Type is a Mythickin, giving me a standard ability gained by those within the same group.
  • True Sight: (Cooldown: N/A; Cost: N/A) Passive Skill, Level Two, Novice, Rank Five:  I can see past illusions, but I have not had the chance to see many illusions.  Demon’s attack was a mixture between illusions and mental manipulation and was powerful enough to even subdue this ability, or his interference with the seed itself caused the malfunction.

  • States: 
  • Lich’s Conquest:  (Cooldown: N/A Cost: 25DE/Daily Duration: Conditional; Range: Nexus Of The Empress) Reactive Aura, Level Five, Novice, Rank Zero; is a State that is granted to me when I intend to forcefully conquest a land, and while active, I gain certain perks that will aid me in that task.  However, if I am not in a direct campeign against a force that holds land for me to take, then this does not come into effect.
  • Cost Reduction:  While it may cost a daily amount of Death Energy, it reduces the total percent cost of my daily total by 15%.
  • Furor:  Increase all my minion’s Attack Speed and Attack Damage by 5%
  • Sacrifice:  Lose 10% of my total army during the reset; at least I can mark minions that take priority over others.  10% of my weakest Undead isn’t terrible … if I’m replenishing it that day.  This also accounts for numbers, not strength.

    • Base Lich Tree Skills: These are the standard run-of-the-mill Undead staples that I obtained when I first changed.
  • Artificial Body: (Cooldown: 15 Seconds Cost: 10DE/Daily; Duration: 1 Day; Range: N/A); Reactive, Magical Type, Summoning, Level Five, Rookie, Rank Three; this is probably the one my most used abilities.  I can generate a physical body out of Death Energy, which I need since I have no senses inside my diamonds.  If damaged, then it can be repaired, but it can only take a certain amount of harm before being destroyed.
    • Lesser Corpse Detection (Absorbed into Herald of the Empress):  I met several conditions in order to advance this skill, linking it with several others in order to form Herald of the Empress.  The process seems irreversible.
    • Raise Skeleton: (Absorbed into Herald of the Empress):  It’s fascinating how many skills were absorbed or linked together with my simple desire to have a mobile way of raising the dead around me while trapped by Boss.  That one decision changed and added so many features together into that one skill.
    • Life Tap: (Cooldown: 30 Seconds; Cost: Regenerative; Duration: Until Broken; Range: Two Feet) Active, Magical Type, Summoning, Level Three, Novice, Rank Seven; I’m a little surprised it’s risen so high after I’ve used it so few times, but I suppose the Life Fruit contributed to most of my desires in raising this skill.  It corrupts Life Energy, transforming it into a product I can use.
    • Death’s Reprieve: (Cooldown: 1 Month Cost: N/A; Duration: 1 Day; Range: N/A); Reactive, Magical Type, Summoning, Level Five, Novice, Rank Zero; I can postpone my resource cost a day, but if that triggers, the price the next day will be tripled, and it has a month-long cooldown.  It’s fairly costly but could be a lifesaver in the worst-case scenario.

  • Racials:
  • Death Pool: (200DE Cap (258DE After Investing Points); Currently 1,234/258DE; Losing 300DE/Hour) Passive, Summoning, Level Six, Rookie, Rank One; is a racial energy source that is affected by my Endurance Stat.  I don’t know if I should put this in Skills or Attributes but put it here for the moment.  It apparently makes me glow faint white with how full it is.
  • Overpowered II: Reactive Link Skill, Summoning, Level Five, Novice, Rank Nine; was likely given to me when I corrupted and absorbed the Life Fruit’s energy, and I was worried about it dropping too quickly before I got to Iris.  It grants me a 10%  reduction of Death Energy loss if over my pool’s cap, while also granting me temporary storage of the surplus.
        • Emotional Loss: (Cooldown: N/A; Cost: N/A) Passive Cluster Set; Level Nine, Rookie, Rank Four:  Ironic that this would be even higher than my energy pool.  This racial has proven to keep me alive while also earning my disdain at the same time.  It dulls specific emotions while leaving others to their normal degree, making me unbalanced; however, adding Imperial Presence to the mix contrasts the negative emotions left within me, forcing me into a box.  These two skills ping-pong off each other.
  • In Moderation All Things: (Cooldown: 2 Hour; Cost: N/A; Duration: 1 Minute) Reactive Proficiency Skill Lv. 1; gives me a slight reprieve upon the dulled emotions, which is a welcomed surprise.  My small spurts of joy and amusement while watching Edmon and Tiffany must be the moments this attachment brings.  It’s not overpowering Emotional Loss, but my desire to feel joy gave me this; not bad, system.
        • Imperial Presence: (Cooldown: N/A; Cost: N/A) Passive Aura, Magical Type, Empress, Level Eight, Rookie, Rank Three; it not only affects other people’s minds but also forces me to act in a specific manner.  It makes me more dignified and regal while also implanting that mental image in weak-willed creatures around me.
          • Lesser Aura of Supremacy: (Cooldown: 5 Minutes; Cost: 5DE; Duration: 1 Minute) Active Aura Link Skill:  Releases from my crown, and it casts Horrify on others, if Horrify fails, it casts Fear.
  • Horrify: overwhelms all senses, forcing the victim to focus on me while being totally unable to function mentally and physically for a time.  Resistant rolls will be cast after every five seconds.
  • Fear: forces those present to run in terror, unable to think of anything but the urge to escape.  Effects last for five seconds, and will not renew once outside of the aura field, but the person’s lingering bodily response will have an effect on them.
  • Minion Pool: Passive Skill, Magical Type, Summoner, Level Three, Novice, Rank Max; I haven’t put nearly as many levels as I thought into this skill, but it seems like it will increase dramatically as I do, and I haven’t honestly needed to grow it since bodies are shockingly hard to come by when you don’t have designated graveyards.
  • Intelligent: 18
  • Unintelligent: 80
  • Empress Branch: The skills that force me to behave a certain way, curbing my old habits by force.
  • Nexus Of The Empress: (Cooldown: N/A Cost: 10DE Daily; Duration: N/A; Range: Eight Miles); Passive Aura, Magical Type, Empress, Level Ten, Rookie, Rank One
  • Monarch of Death: (Cooldown: N/A; Cost: 50DE/Daily; Duration: N/A) Active, Cluster Set, Level Eight, Rookie, Rank Two; the physical manifestation of my authority as the Empress of the Dead.  The following are skills a part of this cluster, meaning they do not work if this main branch is not active.
  • Life Tap:  (Cooldown: N/A; Cost: See Above; Daily Use; Duration: N/A; Range: Touch) Reactive, Level One, Rank Zero; not connected to my actual skill, but a direct augmentation attached to the crown itself.  The crown and veil are both composed of the Death Element, which means anyone foolish enough to touch them will automatically be subject to this skill.  I may need to level it up, but the process seems rather … undignified.  I’ll need to give it more thought.
  • Lesser Minion Mastery: (Cooldown: N/A; Cost: See Above; Daily Use; Duration: N/A; Range: 25 Meters) Passive Skill, Magical Type, Enhancement, Level Two, Novice Grade, Rank Nine; doubles my base minions, but this doesn’t stack with other increase minion effects.  It awards all minions in range with 5% bonus stats, excluding Tenacity, and gives all minions fifteen percent bonus experience.  It kind of sucks they won’t get the resistances and penetration, but what can you do?
  • Prose of the Potentate: (Cooldown: N/A; Cost: See Above; Daily Use; Duration: See Above; Range: N/A) Active Skill, Magical Type, Summoning, Level Eight, Rookie Grade, Rank Two; allows me to talk and read any language my minions can.  However, this means there can be errors if their education was faulty.  I could look like a fool if my minion doesn’t have the proper vocabulary to communicate at a higher level.
  • Plight Of The Empress: Active Skill, Magical Type, Summoning, Cluster Set, Level One, Novice, Rank One; a set of skills that are more or less my panic button.  It will take forever to level these skills up if they honestly have a week of cooldown time.  I’m sure I will get more as time goes by.
  • Call of the Empress: (Cooldown: 1 Week; Cost: 10%DE; Duration: 10 Minutes; Range: 30 Meters) Active Skill, Magical Type, Summoning, Level One, Novice Grade, Rank One; Sends a nova of life energy out that raises all corpses in range from my current position.  It bypasses my summoning limit, being completely independent.  The summons will be equivalent to the strongest base skeleton I can create, mixed with a portion of their previous living stats, and best-suited class, determined by The System.  The Undead cannot be revived; once the flames of life have been extinguished, the corpse is unusable, and that includes those brought back with this spell.
  • Herald of the Empress: (Cooldown: N/A Cost: 5DE Per Butterfly; Duration: 15 Minutes/Renews Cost To Stay Active; Range: 25 Feet) Active, Cluster Set, Level Five, Rookie, Rank Zero; my little butterflies do a lot more than I initially thought.  They’re a bit more pricey than I’d like, but do quite a bit more than just reanimate corpses far away.
  • Detect Dead: Passive, Magical Type, Summoning, Level Two, Novice Grade, Rank Five; within a three-foot radius of the butterfly, I can sense spirits, not just viable corpses, and they can give me more detailed information about the spirit in question.
  • Raise Skeleton:  Active, Magical Type, Summoning, Level Five, Novice Grade, Rank Ten; when I summon a minion I can choose between two types which augment the cost.
  • Intelligent: (Cooldown: N/A Cost: 25DE (x2 Per Grade) and the Butterfly; Duration: N/A; Maintenance: 2DE Daily/x2 Per Grade); now I know why Iris and her daughters took about sixty-five percent of my total when I was over eight thousand percent over my cap … meaning, I had over sixteen thousand DE.  I’m going to have to really consider increasing my cap at this rate, and how to keep my supply topped off.
  • Color/Grade – DE Cost/Maintenance Cost
  • White/Poor – 30/2
  • Green/Common – 55/4
  • Yellow/Uncommon – 105/8 (Quin/Garu’s Cost)
  • Blue/Rare – 205/16 (Valdar’s Cost)
  • Purple/Heroic – 405/32
  • Red/Epic – 805/64 (Camellia’s Cost)
  • Orange/Legendary – 1,605/128 (Azalea’s Cost)
  • Dark Orange/Mythic – 3,205/256 (Violet’s Cost)
  • Pearlescent/Transcendent – 6,405/512 (Iris’ Cost)
  • Unintelligent: (Cooldown: N/A Cost: 2DE (x2 Per Grade) and the Butterfly; Duration: N/A; Maintenance:  .5DE Daily/x2 Per Grade); luckily it’s nowhere near as expensive as the intelligent Undead, but the number of them might become an even greater issue.
  • Color/Grade – DE Cost/Maintenance Cost
      • White/Poor – 10/.5
  • Green/Common – 15/1
  • Yellow/Uncommon – 25/2
  • Blue/Rare – 45/4
  • Purple/Heroic – 85/8
  • Red/Epic – 165/16
  • Orange/Legendary – 325/32
  • Dark Orange/Mythic – 645/64
  • Pearlescent/Transcendent – 1,285/128
    • Daily Maintenance Cost
      • Lich’s Conquest: 25DE (If In A Territory Conflict); -15% Total Cost
  • Artificial Body: 10DE
      • Nexus Of The Empress: 10DE
      • Monarch of Death: 50DE
  • Intelligent Minions: 2,016DE
  • Rarity: Minions / DE
  • Uncommon: 2x / 16
  • Rare: 1x / 16
  • Epic: 1x / 64
  • Legendary: 1x / 128
  • Mythic: 1x / 256
  • Transcendent: 3x / 1,536
      • Unintelligent Minions: 51.5DE
        • Poor: 57x/28.5
        • Common: 23x/23
      • Total Daily Cost: 1,838.13DE (W/Lich’s Conquest)
  • Total Daily Cost: 2,137.5

Undead Maintenance Cost is a real issue; I’m not supposed to have such high minions at my current level, I suppose, which means I need to dump everything I can into increasing my pool.  I may have to go back to the Life Fruit before this conquest is over.  I need to gain as many levels as possible to increase my Constitution, which is already supposed to be very high for my level.

  • Spiritual Link: (Cooldown: N/A; Cost: 10DE; Butterflies Active; Duration: Butterflies Active; Range: See Above) Passive Skill, Magical Type, Summoning, Level Two, Novice Grade, Rank Seven; I used this ability to communicate with Valdar and Ke’Thra’Ma.  I also have control over where they can move since they’re locked in a sort of spiritual cage.  The further I tell my butterflies to fly, the more room they have to move; it was a clear message to the Ke that I was in control.
  • Lich Branch: 
  • Lesser Possession:  (Cooldown: 30 Minutes; Cost: 2DE; Duration: 8 Minutes; Range: 50 Meters) Active Skill, Magical Type, Summoning, Level One, Novice Grade, Rank Six; Allows me to take personal control over an Unintelligent Undead.  However, I won’t have many of my abilities while doing it; so, I’ll have poor vision if it does, but if it has great eyes, then that works, too.  Illusions will work on the minion, and thereby me.
  • Total Skill Points Used: 92

Death Energy: is my very essence; it’s the blood in my veins and what I feed my network of Undead.  There are protections that my minions can gain, such as Tiffany’s body; Tiffany can run her hand through Life Water and even ingest a light amount without worry.  I live off corrupting life.

Life Energy: my opposite, and it is possible for users of Life Energy to even purge the corruption of Death Energy, purifying those affected, and potentially reversing death itself, much like myself.  However, Tiffany says Resurrection is much more costly than my method of returning the dead and requires specific conditions.

Minion Combat Classes:

  • Fodder Units:
  • Skeleton
  • Zombie
  • Whisp 
  • Riding Units:
  • Mount
  • Physical Units:
  • Elite Warrior
  • Elite Defender
  • Magical Units:
  • Arcanist
  • Necromantics
  • Witchery
  • Songweaver
  • Hunter Unit:
  • Sharpshooter
  • Hunter
  • Assassination Unit:
  • Assassin
  • Terrorist
  • Unholy Rights Unit:
  • Dark Clergy
  • Inquisitor

Minion Non-Combat Classes: may not be nearly as strong as the combat types, but they are not weak and are given means to protect themselves as servants of the Empire.  The Royal Court members can take on tasks branching into these non-combat roles; they are there to ease the burden upon the Court.  The Royal Court will have to take on many of these tasks until I can increase my ranks.

  • Royal Staff
  • Head of State: handles all Non-Combat personnel; a Transcendent Title.
  • Head of Foreign Affairs: advises me on how to handle other cultures, devoting themselves to understanding the potential enemies and friends’ political systems.
  • Head of Industry: presides over all production in the Empire and gives an account to me.
  • Head of Research: oversees all experimentation and research; anything that might help advance the Empire to greater heights.
  • Head Butler/Maid: supervises the workload of the maids and butlers.
  • Royal Chronicler: records the history of the Empire, creating a yearly abridged compilation of the Empire’s growth.
  • Equerry – supervises lower-tier classes in tracking the damage to the Unintelligent Undead, presenting daily or weekly reports.
  • Publicist – handles the intermediary work between Elinor and the heads of the various living factions.
  • Treasurer – oversees all monetary value brought into the Empire.
  • Communications Director: once the internal network gets big enough, there will be a need to filter traffic and have someone that will intercept messages to screen if it is worthy of bothering the higher-ups.
  • Ambassador: is under the Head of Foreign Affairs and is sent to various kingdoms.
  • Curator – cataloging and general management of artifacts.
  • Horticulturist: in charge of managing and cultivating the Empress’ gardens, whatever they might be.
  • Groundskeeper: oversees the maintenance of what the Horticulturist designs.
  • Artist: not only covers paintings, but music, and other parts of artistic design, which could be a food plate design.
  • Cook: is a class that focuses on not just taste but nutrition.
  • Maid/Butler: takes care of the Empress and Courts’ needs or tasks.
  • Scientist: seek to understand the physics and chemistry of the area the Empire is in to provide insight to the Empress.
  • Inventor: tests new things and tries to not just understand but build new items to support the Empire.


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4 years ago

Ty ^_^

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