B2 — 27. It Takes A Pawn To Corner A Rook

PoV :   Empress Elinor (What and … interesting Seraph…)

Recap: Elinor has found herself in a game with Demon, and she’s managed to track down a few leads about those that wish her harm.  Sari’aél, our lovely Seraph, is quite an interesting character, and we’ll get to slowly learn more about her as we go … Demon is very keen on keeping her away from our Empress, though.

The game between them continues!

I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me:

Fraxx, Mikeju, Katherine, Elsie Nnaji, Tim, Markus, Tarodan, Brunoid, Falxie, and my other Patrons!

Elinor left the first gatehouse barracks, passing through the wood overlaid stone walls while eyeing the artwork furnishing it.  Even places like this were crafted exquisitely, showing how prosperous the Nalvean Empire had become.

Sari’aél was hovering beside her, lips curved ponderously.  The exchange she had with Mocreln was something perplexing to the Seraph.  Elinor had no doubt the angel never bargained or compromised in her life.  The Children of the Sun were so far above any other creature that even interacting with other races must have been foreign to her, which was why this was turning out to be so bizarre yet attractive for her.

The curiosity awakening in Sari’aél was the only way Elinor would get the angel on her side, and so, she had to continue revealing more cultural shocks to rope her in.  Kimlira would be the next event to add to the Seraph’s mind.

Elinor connected with her escort through her Nexus, linking Castella, Violet, Klaus, and Edmon to keep everyone on the same page and get the ball rolling.  I’ve already promised to kill Kimlira, but how to do it without suspicion while sending a message to the Statesman?

Edmon’s smooth, deep voice spoke with confidence.  “She’s a broker, handling the middle-ground work between parties.  Her position in the treasury grants her a certain level of access to records within the Empire, allowing her the ability to fudge the numbers.  Clients go to her to shift funds around and pay parties; Statesman Baltoma is not her only client.”

The Doom Guard’s head shifted left and right, eyeing the architecture of the barracks they were moving through; its hallways were large enough to allow Nalveans to slide by without getting too close to their party and artistic retractable barricades could be swung out to provide choke points if needed.

“It shouldn’t be that hard to pressure her to follow us to the Statesman’s room.  A simple request for her presence to see him for a financial matter should suffice.  Do you know her, Castella?”

“Kimlira?”  The former Nalvean Lieutenant asked.  “No, not particularly well; although, I did deal with various associates within the Treasury Department for my unit’s weekly payments or guard duty for specific personnel.  I know where she would likely be.”

“Excellent.  Lead the way.”

Klaus was about to comment on something, but Castella spoke in the silence before he could talk.  The brightly colored salamander woman’s nose creased with agitation while guiding their party outside of the guard room and into the brightening pathway, rising to the second gate; the palace had three gatehouses, and they’d walked all the way down to the last, separating the palace grounds from the town.

Judging by her tone, Castella was very agitated.  “I just cannot believe how much corruption is within the palace … the High Ruler, the Shadow Hand, assassinations, ordered by a Statesman, and Princess Tal’tamine … I cannot forgive someone who would do such a thing to an innocent child!”

Elinor thought she had Castella’s personality pinned when she’d first raised her, but the constant evolution to her character made her realize that there was more to the creatures she raised back to life than she thought.

Castella’s personality was rapidly changing the more she was immersed into the Nalvean Empire’s underbelly.  She’d been an honest and hardworking Nalvean soldier, believing in her leaders and doing what she was told with pride in her breast.

Now, she found more and more pieces that clashed with her noble mental image of the homeland she loved.

What they’d learned about the princess’s condition was more significant to the Nalvean than Elinor initially considered; although that might have only been amplified after learning of the High Ruler’s affair … Castella felt personally attacked by the national hero.  It was as if Nukulara had rejected half of their entire people, and Elinor could understand it … in a way.

Kukulara, their supreme monarch, in selecting the Golariex Grand Duchess as a mating partner, in addition to keeping it secret and even going so far as to construct a hidden chamber for the affair, had proven to Castella that the High Ruler knew what he was doing was unacceptable.

It was wrong … without the shadow of a doubt, Castella believed that mating with a Golariex was an unpardonable sin, and he knew it, too.  It didn’t occur to the female warrior that he didn’t think it was wrong in the first place … she couldn’t ever accept he’d be so blind.  Actions speak louder than words, and his actions said there was no beauty or grace found among any female Nalveans.

If Castella did come to the same conclusion Elinor had, then her body would be quivering with rage at this moment … the High Ruler thought such a cultural restriction was old-fashioned and should be done away with.

At the same time, Elinor could understand both sides.  The High Ruler could have any female Nalvean he wished to fulfill his needs, yet he chose not to … meaning, it could be implied that not a single Nalvean female could satisfy him.

He had five children in his over a century of being on this planet that had an 18-month year cycle, compared to earth, given the extra 6 hours in a day, and only to propagate the Royal Line, which stopped the moment he had Tal’tamine, the heir with the proper gene.

After that, he had no use for the female Nalveans since they didn’t fulfill his needs, or at least this would be what the Nalveans women saw, and so he chose to search for it outside of the race, which was insulting, to say the least, from a female perspective.  They were only worth getting the right child.

The Golariex appeared to have had such an impact on the Nalveans in the past that it had turned their female population’s entire self-worth and view of beauty on its head.  There had to have been a conflict with this intermingling, birthing this sexual war with the Golariex, and for all Elinor knew, it very could have been a real issue for them.

Elinor’s gaze shifted to Castella, walking with a disdainful, brooding expression while doing her best not to think about the dark wood-like creatures.  Her long, girthy tail flicked left and right in agitation, clawed fingers balled into fists.

Edmon and Klaus were busy discussing where they could go with the current options before them, leaving Elinor time to ponder future conflicts that might arise if High Ruler Nukulara’s vision came to pass.

The cobblestone streets of unknown gleaming white stones were easy to walk along even while climbing the slightly raised road.  She caught the guards on the second gate up ahead; a small crowd of people was gathered around its front, but she paid it no mind.

Nukulara wanted her to build a safe pathway from the Golariex Holy Empire to the Nalvean Empire.  If that happened, then how many Golariex might make the trip?  How many large trading companies would take more visits to the Holy Empire through her lands?

How much strain might it cause between the cultures as the men and women split sides … men could want the freedom to be with the Golariex, which would likely lower the Nalvean population while increasing the Golariex population.  An entire population of spurned women, feeling as if they’d been replaced, was not a healthy environment.

The Golariex were similar to fantasy succubi with their tactics at propagating, and Elinor doubted it, but there was the possibility the intercourse between the High Ruler and Grand Duchess was actually non-consensual.  Still, the number of times they’d met over the past century made her very critical of that possible outcome.

She could empathize with the High Ruler, too … perhaps no Nalvean female could give him what he needed, or he actually loved Juliquah.  Who was she to say his feelings weren’t real?

Then again, it could open the door to disaster for the Nalvean females, or race as a whole, forced to share their males with another race and likely becoming 2nd-class lovers.  Given what Elinor had been told by Violet, the succubi wood creatures were very attractive to most males, yet had no effect on the females of any species, a byproduct of the exotic pheromones they could customize to their male prey, which would make the Nalvean women unable to compete with the Golariex’s advanced sexual abilities.

On the other hand, the Golariex had no males, an entirely female population, which meant they’d die out without stealing the male seed from other races.  They were facing extinction if they didn’t fight for their own species.

It certainly was a complicated situation that Elinor was happy to exploit … but not put her opinion on.  The culture would sort itself out, which could eventually end with the females rising up in arms against the Golariex for a domination war over who would get the males … she imagined it would be a bloody one.

It was ironic, really, but also concerning.  They fought for the right of sexual satisfaction and propagation of the species, which could bring about a war, and a war brought corpses, soldiers to be raised.  Elinor couldn’t possibly see it naturally turning out well, viewing it as a 3rd party, and with Castella’s reaction, it all but cemented the eventual outcome in her mind.

The issue was Castella and any other female Undead she raised, especially since she would need to raise a Golariex to properly communicate without problems; the race had garnered heat from all other females among the allied nations because of their sexual advances during the Fire Wars.

She hadn’t expected it, but there could be somewhat of a difference in opinion within her own ranks once she went to obtain an alliance with the all-female species; she could imagine the things they’d want from her Empire.  That was troubling; of course, she could quell it with a word, but that would be forcing their real feelings down by the status of her rank, and she wanted her people to be happy … she wasn’t even positive if her Undead could conceive, different species could create offspring various ways.

“I am … perplexed.”  Elinor turned her attention to Sari’aél as she hovered nearby, shifting to float in front of her.

She took note of everyone before responding to the angel.  Castella had entered the conversation with Edmon and Klaus, going over the areas the treasurer might be if not in the Royal Library of Records.  Violet noticed something up ahead, which caused a shift in her emotions, but continued to monitor the situation.

About?  Elinor asked.

Sari’aél floated to Castella’s level, lips pulled in while studying the lizard woman.  “You begin the conversation with how to isolate this Nalvean currency handler with a State ruler, the same ruler that holds my body, and then your mind pivots to Nalvean and Golariex culture the moment Castella speaks about her dissatisfaction.  It is consuming your mind when an immediate action cannot be taken.”

Ah.  Elinor took a short breath, noticing the green grass, flowers, and neatly trimmed trees between the two gates along the path they were walking; groups of Nalveans were apparently being barred from entering.

As the Empress, I set the direction I wish to go, but my mind will still wander between topics that might be important to discuss or plan for in the future.  I can only focus on so much at a time, which is why I leave many of the fine details to be ironed out after I set a direction.

“… I see,” Sari’aél hummed, golden eyes shifting to Edmon.  “I am not accustomed to such … wandering shifts in mental processes … nor how slow the discussions play out.  A problem is brought forward, the solution stated, the action is taken; it is concise and without a doubt.  Also, the aspect of seeing things through other’s eyes is quite deeper than what I am accustomed to … to pity the weak is natural, yet … empathize?  Hmm … it is a new concept.”

Elinor slowed a little as they neared the gate to think about the angel’s statement, drawing the other’s eyes, but they swiftly matched pace and kept discussing.  Violet kept track of the crowd making a wide space for them; the guards opened the gate with nervous glances to one another.  The Spider Sister’s senses were sharp, much sharper than her own, so she allowed the girl to handle it.

Sari’aél’s statement had sparked a realization … the Seraph’s view of others drew a stark comparison to Tiffany’s explanation to her of how she viewed the living.  Their personalities couldn’t be further apart, but their views were almost identical.

To the angel, all life forms equated to how humans recognized ants; if you noticed you stepped on them, you might feel somewhat alarming, but the emotion wasn’t even in the same universe as stepping on a puppy … you felt regret, compassion, concern for the dog … an entire colony of ants only elicited pity.  The next moment, the creatures were out of your mind as if they never existed in the first place.

Tiffany was right; Elinor couldn’t recall how many insects she’d killed in her life; they were utterly invisible or irrelevant most of the time … sometimes annoying, and sometimes pitied.  The Children of the Sun saw everything like that … except, there was something Elinor had failed to consider … Sari’aél was not a normal Daughter of the Sun … she felt hate for the Searing Concord.  Something had opened her up to that … but what?

The very fact Sari’aél was following Elinor’s emotions and thoughts also categorized as an entirely alien world to the Seraph.  Empathy for anything that was not her people was something new.  Perhaps the angelic woman’s acceptance was growing more in her favor than Elinor first thought.

While in her mental revere, Violet cut a sharp knife through her thoughts; they’d almost made it to the third and final gate.  “Murderous intent ahead, making their way toward us.”

They all came to a stop, almost causing their two Imperial Guards to bump into Edmon.  Their grips tightened around their spears as the Doom Guard’s shield appeared out of a sheet of ice that rapidly generated in his left hand as he prepared for the attack.

Elinor glanced around but couldn’t see any threats; in fact, she didn’t see any signs of life.

“I sense it … although they’re chasing someone … a thief or murderer?  Wait … Castella … where are the guards on the towers or at the gate?  They were here when we passed by earlier, and now I only sense two within the walls.”

Elinor peered around Castella and Edmon; they had just entered the gate to the inner courtyard.  Not a single Nalvean was in view.

Castella’s head lifted to scan the walls and courtyard in surprise.  “They should be there … it makes no sense unless there was an emergency that required immediate attention.  I haven’t heard the warning horns, though.”

Violet continued to calmly weave her invisible threat across the ground to act swiftly if needed.  “More from behind, and they are closing the second gates.  The Nalveans ahead are yelling for a murderer to be stopped, a Seaweaver.”

“A murder … who?”  Klaus asked.  “I have not heard of any notable assassination jobs scheduled for the palace today.”

“Hmm?”  Castella’s tongue slid through her teeth as a high whistle sounded.  “A murder within the … that’s the emergency gate order…”

Elinor couldn’t even react in time as the metal gates right above them began to slam down at an accelerated pace.  Edmon scooped her up before jumping inside the palace walls, and Castella saved one of the guards escorting them that didn’t react fast enough.

“Gah … by the High Ruler’s tongue!”  He cursed, tail whipping out of the way in time for the pointy ends to slam into the fitted grates in the stone.

Elinor winced at the loud noise that stunned her ears, causing her to rub them.  Luckily, her internal Nexus didn’t rely on sound.

“I don’t like that timing,” Edmon growled, glaring at the left gatehouse.  “Why are there so few guards here?  There were at least twenty in sight when we left the palace with many more palace staff and visitors.”

“Well,” Castella mumbled, “if there was a murder within the palace, it would certainly cause many guards to get involved.  It’s been fifteen years since the last murder inside the palace.”

Edmon’s tone matched his words.  “It certainly would cause a stir … but this feels like a setup.  We have a gate at our back, the watch has been moved locations, and we are being cornered.  Be on your guard.”

Elinor put her hands behind her back, breathing in deeply before letting it out in a long sigh.  She should have felt anxious, but perhaps she’d become somewhat accustomed to her semi-immortality … she just wanted to get to her destination.

 Violet, Castella, and Edmon had formed a tight triangle-formation around her as Castella explained the situation to the confused Imperial Guards.  They swiftly took up a defensive position in front of them to defend her.

Sari’aél watched in fascination from above, legs crossed, wings spread, and hands clasped behind her back.  These types of interactions really seemed to spark something inside of her that Elinor couldn’t quite see.  It might have just been the sheer futility of weak, struggling creatures, but she suspected there was so much within the angel’s breast that she was missing.

Elinor’s lips tightened to the side, catching a glimpse of the figures inside the palace entry hall … the scene raised one of Elinor’s eyebrows.

A red-scaled Nalvean was rushing down the walkway, spinal spikes glowing, and inside a swirling mass of water; he was weaving like a dolphin inside of the vortex, jumping into the air and bypassing the twelve wide steps leading to the ground.  The red liquid gently flowing down the stairs lifted to join him as he headed right for them.

Castella’s tone was filled with confusion while catching sight of his silks.  “A Trade Noble’s personal guard from the southern territories?”  Unluckily, the Elite Warrior was empty-handed, having been stripped of all her gear after her death and resurrection.  So, she held up her fists in preparation for a brawl.

Fifteen guards chased the murderer, but none of them seemed to be Seaweavers like the criminal.  Help must have been called in from the gate below because three more Nalveans were taking up positions on the opposite side of the wall to cut him off if he somehow got over the closed gate.  Elinor didn’t think it was likely since it was over 20-meters high.

Huh…  Elinor lifted an eyebrow at the brightly colored Seaweaver, swimming in the moving red water.  He noticed them reasonably quickly and the fallen metal latticework.  Did we just come to the front at the wrong time?

“Maybe?”  Castella mumbled.  “I just don’t know why…”

“Empress!”  Elinor’s hand tightened around her wrist as Quin got in contact with her through Klaus since the boat was too far away to reach her without ping-ponging the message.  “Green flamed projectiles are being fired at our boat from the buildings across the bay!  I have deflected what I can, but there are thirty of them!”

Elinor’s released an irritated sigh, watching the guards chase the private guard toward them, spears and halberds in hand.  Wonderful…

“Wait, green fire?”  Castella asked, somewhat upset at the news.  “How could they get their hands on JadeFire?  It’s heavily restricted … more corruption?  Water won’t put out JadeFire, and it is incredibly challenging to smother.”

“Empress … I cannot put out the flames … although, it does not harm me, the boat is burning, and the Ri’bot are cut off…”

Edmon swiftly took command; it seemed he was getting sick of the constant string of events happening to them.  “Quin, throw the Ri’bot over the flames and into the river before following.  Remain in the river.  Castella … will it burn the gems?  They are valuable resources.”

“I don’t think so,” Castella replied; she was ready to jump forward to attack the incoming murderer, but a sharp chill dipped the surrounding temperature as Edmon took off the circular part of his shield and threw it at the approaching Nalvean.

The red-scaled Nalvean’s red cyclone of water instantly crystallized as a trail of ice exploded across the courtyard, expanding over eight meters in all directions and freezing it to the spot.  Everyone else locked up in pure shock from the event, but Edmon continued as if nothing had happened, his detachable shield reforming in its original place.

“Gather the crystals when they drop down after all the wood burns.  I assume the fire will continue to burn on the ocean ground, and you can handle the heat?”

“Yes!”  Quin responded.  “The Ri’bot are safely in the water, but one of the arrows almost hit him in the air; they were aiming at me, but once they realized it wasn’t effective, they swapped to the Ri’bot.”

“Good.  Keep them safe; they are important resources for the Empress’s religion.”

“I will see to it!”


“I’ve already set things in motion to discover the identity of whichever group attacked our ship and further investigate the murder at the palace.  There is chaos in docks at the moment with the JadeFire spreading.  Seaweavers are being called in to attempt to move the flames to a controlled location with water.”

“Excellent … now to deal with this…”

Elinor was a somewhat annoyed spectator of the whole event.  They were being delayed from getting to their target.  “Castella, find out what is happening, and Edmon, let’s skip past this whole exchange.  We need to get to reach Kimlira before someone else … no…”

Edmon fell silent as she spoke, probably coming to the same conclusion she had.

Castella didn’t hesitate to follow her orders, though, rushing around the large icy zone that Edmon had created by freezing the massive area.  She seemed to know the Imperial Guard in-charge.  “Lieutenant Romiguri!  There was a murder in the palace?”

Romiguri didn’t appear pleased to see Castella, his light blue eyes shifting to Elinor for a moment.  “Lieu…”  He caught himself, tongue sliding through his teeth as his nose flared.  “Castella … yes, there were four murders, including an assistant of a Grand Treasurer.”

Elinor let a slew of curses roll through her mind, but she kept her outward composure.  … Demon … it has to be … unless Statesman Baltoma is more cautious than I thought, and considering his City-State is in the southwestern part of the nation and a Trade Noble’s personal guard performed the acts.  Maybe I didn’t give him enough credit.

Romiguri’s eyes burned with hate that Elinor didn’t catch at first until Violet pointed it out.

“Empress, this Nalvean wishes you dead but will likely not act upon those urges at this time.”

A low puff of blue fog passed through Edmon’s closed helmet, and he guided their group around the ice to the leader.  Their two Imperial Guard escorts were whispering to one another from behind them about how insane Edmon’s attack was, instantly incapacitating the Seaweaver.  In fact, it almost sounded as if they’d gained respect for the black knight.

If anything, they’d been utterly useless for most of their trip, but perhaps they could be of some use in spreading good rumors about the Empress’s intimidating metal knight, stopping the palace murderer in one throw of his frosty shield.

Castella held her hands behind her back, and she was clearly smiling at the scowling Nalvean; Violet’s message had only passed between Edmon and Elinor.  “Umm, isn’t it your day off, though, Lieutenant?”

Romiguri’s eye twitched before he turned his gaze back to Castella, softening in almost a sad way.  “It would have been … if someone hadn’t gone off and died.”

“Oh…”  Castella mumbled, vision falling to the cobblestone with feelings of guilt flooding her breast.

Peeking inside her personal link with Castella, Elinor discovered that Castella had been Romiguri’s mentor, and he greatly respected her.  In fact, the question of Romiguri’s feelings being more profound than just student and mentor had swirled in the woman’s breast in the past, but shockingly, within their culture, she’d been one of the few that had never mated.

No male had ever asked her, and that had played on her psyche in her later years.  Of course, she had been in the Fire Wars during her youth and sustained scars that Elinor hadn’t seen but would have been instantly noticeable as a beauty flaw to a Nalvean.  Now, she was in the prime of her beauty, and she was gorgeous, according to the mumbles they’d heard.

In any case, Elinor was the big bad guy that had taken away his mentor, and judging by rumor, forcefully returned her to life to fill a spot in her own army.  It wasn’t actually that far off from the truth … although, the fact the High Ruler allowed it to slide was something he probably didn’t understand.  He’d undoubtedly attack her if he had the chance.

Romiguri released a low hiss before pointing at the ice.  “Is he dead?”

Edmon’s tone was neutral, but he didn’t like the Nalvean’s attitude.  “No.  I can revert the Ice Lock whenever I see fit.  We do have a way to get answers.”

“… Yes, and we have our own,” Romiguri curtly replied.  “Release him, and we will take care of the rest.”

Edmon really wanted to take him to Klaus but complied to keep their standing from falling further.  Without making a gesture, the ice shattered, creating crystalized flakes to fall around them that not even the hot jungle climate could melt.

The private guard collapsed on the cobblestone with heaving gasps as the powder settled around them, and the Imperial Guards surrounded him before binding his arms and legs with strange black dyed ropes.  Without another word now that they had their culprit, Romiguri turned his back to them and marched off with four of his men.

Sari’aél’s head cocked to the side as Castella returned to Elinor, rubbing her arm with empathy in her heart for the man.  The angel lowered to Elinor’s front, wings bending to not hit her while turning to face Elinor.

“Many wished to kill you … while others did not, awestruck by your strength.  Edmon wants something but does not take it, yet does during other circumstances when he is clearly much superior to those he faces.  The weak are … odd.  They do not do what they wish and are not united.”

Indeed…  Elinor released an internal groan.  The life of the weak is filled with contradictions, struggles, and illogical behavior.  How would you like to experience that?  She asked, hoping to get at least something out of this exchange.

The Seraph’s pink, full lips drew in.  “… I cannot say … I have never felt such things, nor had such desires, yet … there is a certain fascination I do find in observing them.  It was not against the codex to mingle among the weak, yet I do not know of any Son or Daughter of the Sun that did.  These experiences you share are … strangely appealing, I will admit.”

A small smile brightened her glorious features as her glowing eyes narrowed.  “Although, if you hope to raise me from the dead, you must first recover my body.”

Heh…  The Pressure in Elinor’s chest lightened considerably; she was getting through to Sari’aél.  I’m working on it.  You do know that there is a bond fashioned between us when you join.  I am the Empress.

A lovely giggle slid through the angel’s throat as she turned away to look up at the sun, broad wings blocking much of her view of the palace entrance where the Nalveans retreated.  “I’m planning on it.”

Wait…  Curiosity sparked in Elinor as she began connecting dots.  Are … you actually a little masochistic?  Obsessed with feeling weak…

“Hmm?  Masochistic … such a strange opinion and image you have for such actions.  I do not understand the sexual connotation linked to the thoughts you connect to the word, but the aspect of being weak while someone is strong over you … to be helpless.  To be obsessed with perfectionism … to judge yourself for negative emotion … drama is oddly compelling to be a part of or witness.  Hmm … perhaps in some ways, but not others.”

The part that threw Elinor off about the Seraph was how serene and drop-dead gorgeous the angel could look as she turned to give her an innocent smile while saying. “I certainly do feel a craving to understand what it means to have someone dominate you … it is something I never thought possible for myself.”

Wow … I see.

Elinor’s lips pursed while examining the perfect form of the woman in front of her.  The heavenly figure was so utterly beyond the scope of the conventional understanding of power that to be under someone else’s boot had never crossed her mind.  Her people had a culture that was entirely opposed to masochistic or dominatrix behavior, yet the moment she had one taste of weakness at the hands of the Searing Concord … she was hooked, and now Elinor was offering her a seat forever under her boot.

Well … okay, Sari’aél, if you really want to explore what it means to be weak … to feel what it is like to be powerless before my commands, then I will do everything within my power to obtain you.  Is that what you want?  To know what it’s like to be owned?  Powerless before me?

Sari’aél’s left hand slowly rose to her breast, chest fluttering slightly as she took a shuddering breath.  “I … can sense something resonate within my hearts with those questions … I do not know what this sensation is … but I do wish to explore it among other tasks that I have observed.  In that case,” her smile returned, “if you can show me that you, Empress Elinor, can provide what it is I seek, then I will bow before you … I am no longer a Daughter of the Sun, seeing as I have fallen, but the Blood Sun will forever be my father, and will never abandon me.  Take me, if you can.”

Elinor didn’t know exactly what she meant by that statement, but she would take anything at this point, even with those ominous implications.  It was difficult to suppress the excitement rushing through her artificial veins.

Brushing off the powder that had settled around them, Elinor turned her ghostly green eyes away from the visage of perfection to the intimidating black knight beside her.  Edmon…

Her Doom Guard had given Quin further instructions and discussed the next steps with Klaus, Castella, and Violet, but the conversation died when she overruled the connection.  “Yes?”

Fire was alight in Elinor’s breast; she hadn’t felt this kind of emotion in so long.  I don’t care what it takes.  I don’t care if we steal it.  I don’t care if we kill Yesenia or threaten the High Ruler.  Come up with a way to get me Sari’aél’s body … now.  Klaus, help him find a path, and Castella, take us to Statesman Baltoma’s room.  I want this resolved.

Edmon’s tone held a smile to it.  “I take it she is willing to join?”

If I can claim her as my own.  Elinor stated, already marching toward the palace; Nalveans were beginning to show up around them again.  If Violet needs to string him up and Klaus tortures him to get a location, I don’t care.  Iris is still alive, and Sari’aél is my only hope at getting her back safely … I will not lose my Iris!

Elinor caught Sari’aél’s gaze falling to the cobblestone as her fingers tightened against her breast, and a small smile lifted her lips when she finished her statement.  Was it the possessive traits she was feeling?  It was possible.  Possessiveness could have been one of the components that drew the angel in.

Klaus used his contacts to ambush another faction of the Shadow Hand, gaining further information about their ship’s attack.  However, there was no link to Baltoma.  Of course, the connecting link had been assassinated … but then Edmon mentioned something Elinor felt stupid for not even thinking of … she was assassinated … body ripe to be raised.

They changed directions, making their way to the point of the assassination in the Royal Library of Records … to find Kimlira’s body incinerated by JadeFire with the ashes of half a bookshelf worth of ancient documents.

Dammit!  Elinor growled, watching the soldiers and Seaweavers contain the emerald flames by cycling it around water and constantly having to replace the red liquid as it evaporated away.  Was it Demon that tipped him off that I can’t raise the dead without bones?

“Possible,” Edmon hummed.  “It could also be inferred from the Throne Room display of your power.  It could also provide a limitation they can exploit now that he knows we’ve been here.  I bet he has spies watching us … there’s no way to tell who since we stick out so much.”

Not finding a better option, Elinor asked, System, give me something to raise the dead without their bodies; there must be something!  Huh … Raise Wisp Level 1.  What is a Wisp?

The information flooded her mind; a wisp was a first-stage Undead spirit returned to this world.  They cannot interact with their environment in this stage but eventually gain skills and a class of their own as they leveled.  They could be Intelligent or Unintelligent but will never enjoy the pleasures of having a body unless they gain the ability to possess a living being.

Wisps are considered Energy-Type Undead.  Wisps were visible to the living for a certain time, eventually becoming permanent, but their physical shape will take time to reform, depending on the Grade.  It was the same as Bone to Flesh-Type Undead.  It was even possible to have a Wisp Transcendent Court Member if she came across one.  Demon had no way to predict she would gain this skill.

A wicked grin split Elinor’s sour face, and she called upon Herald of the Empress; two butterflies hovered over the ashy remains, causing the Nalveans in the room to freeze, but her next words caused a shiver to run down their spines.  “Return, Kimlira … and confront your murderer.”

Sadly, Kimlira was a Common-Grade, which meant she needed to feed to grow stronger, and apparently, it took a lot for an Energy-Type to get strong enough to kill a creature in the physical realm.  Kimlira would probably take a very long time to do it, but siphoning off emotional energy was her treat.

A green mass of energy lifted out of the ashes, and Elinor gave her the order to feed on anyone nearby until she gained enough experience to speak and manifest to the public.  There was a limit on how much she could draw from a target, especially at her level, but they had an entire Empire on her dinner plate.

Soon after the event, the green wisp of flaming light shot over a nearby Nalvean, becoming invisible to the normal eye.  With how abnormal her spiritual Energy-Type was, it would be a rarity for someone to be able to sense her, and it would take someone even more specialized to be able to kill or combat her.

Sari’aél’s silent figure showed amusement yet had a particular look in how her eyes creased that told Elinor she was impressed with her resourcefulness.

She was sure there were such methods to kill her spirits within the Nalvean Empire and this world, but it would be very niche.  In fact, the Mother Superior’s abilities might be a counter to them, now that she thought about it.  It was a good thing they were on her side, which reminded her of the elderly Ri’bot’s request.

“E-Empress?”  One of the nearby Nalvean Seaweavers asked, rubbing his wrist while his tongue flicked out of his mouth.  “Did … what did you do?”

Elinor looked him dead in the eye, causing the much more giant and frightening creature to shiver.  “Spread the word.  I have set Kimlira’s spirit free to accuse her murderer … it is only a matter of time.”

With that, she turned and walked back through the halls.  Statesman Baltoma would come to her.  Now, it was time to buy treats for her lovely followers.

“What now, Empress?”  Castella asked, eyeing the Wisp, visible to all of her people but invisible to the world.

Now, we go get some sugary treats.  We’ll either have another assassin come after us that we can use or a messenger to bring us to the Statesman.  He’s been shockingly more intelligent than I first gave him credit for, but I think we’re reaching checkmate.

She added Aileen and Emelina into the conversation.  We’re going to grab some treats to bring back for you girls.

“YAY!”  Aileen cheered, practically bubbling with excitement, through her link.  “Treats!  Sweets!  Oh … oh, umm, I mean … uh…”

“Hehe,” Elinor chuckled, “ I love your energy, Aileen.  When it’s just within the Nexus, I have no problems with you being a 100% real girl.  We just need to show a certain image in public.”

“Wahoo!  Yay!  Thank you so much, Empress!  Umm, if I get super strong, then … then maybe I can be a real girl all the time!  Oh, and, and I dreamed about cotton candy … well, I mean, I didn’t really dream it, but I kind of like … like dozed off or something, and it was like I could taste it!”

Dozed off?  Elinor asked with a soft smile, feeling a little wrong with using the term real girlBy the way, Aileen, you’re already a real girl, but … if you do get super strong, then yes, you can be 100% yourself in front of anyone.

“Thank you!”  She cheered.

Emelina answered.  “Apparently, Aileen has gained a meditation-like skill that allows her to enter a sort of trance.  I suspect this is what she is talking about.”

“Yeah, that thing!  It makes me feel all woozy,” Aileen giggled.  “Oh, but in a good way … not like, sick, or anything like that!”


Edmon spoke up with mild amusement.  “You know, Aileen, creating cotton candy isn’t all that hard once we get sugar … Tiffany knows how to make it.”

“Whaa … no way!  That’s so awesome!”  Aileen squealed.  “We can have cotton candy again?!”

“Cotton … candy?”  Castella asked in utter bewilderment.

“I am confused about these … sweets, as well,” Sari’aél hummed with interest.  “Some kind of oral nourishment that is bad for you … yet tastes good?  So … you willingly poison yourself for enjoyment?  Strange…”

Well … when you put it like that, Elinor smiled.  It was fun hearing other creatures’ opinions.  Kind of, depending on the candy and the amount you eat.

With that, they made their way to the marketplace, Elinor passing off the turn to her enemies while Kimlira ate her way through emotional energy to consciousness.  What’s your next move, Demon?


Post Conquest

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Tetra Avalon
5 years ago

Ugh, really tired of these girls that berate people before getting to know them. I hope she isn’t a love interest and just some annoying friend of Li Fei Fei. MC is a little bitch(seriously, stop being the generic harem anime protagonist) a lot of the time but still doesn’t deserve that kind of treatment. Forreal though, too many women being introduced now. Author has to slow down…………I REALLY hope some of them are just side characters. I doubt it though, since they were described too well. In these novels, if women are described too much, they are either a love interest or a villain(or both -.-)

View Reply
6 years ago

Well, colors just interpreted something to be looked more interesting~
And so far the uninform thingy still awesome, at least for me~~

6 years ago


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