Back to Natura

Levi kicked the tree, and surprisingly, it shook, and the leaves fall off it.

His training was not in vain. It really made a difference. His body was now buffed up than before. It was chiseled into a muscular body.

Levi gasped after he saw his new strength, then he smiled in excitement. He didn’t waste time. He moved fast and picked the leaves from mid-air.

A few moments later, he has a handful of leaves in his right arm. Though there are still many leaves on the ground, he was still happy to get some.

Nate was just looking at him when he observed something peculiar to Levi’s right foot to his knee. It was blinking! It will disappear and reappear again, this happened a few more times, and the blinking started to gradually go faster until it stopped. Levi’s foot was back to normal.

“T-That’s…” said Nate while eyes were almost popping out.

He goes to Levi, who was still happy with his feat. Levi saw his shadow and looked at him.

Only allowed on

“Look! I got a handful! Shall we start the training now?!” said Levi with a smile.

“Do you know someone powerful who you’ve made an enemy?” asked Nate in a sudden while he holds Levi’s shoulder and shook him after that.

“N-no…” replied Levi. He looked back at his memories, including the late Levi’s memories. “Why is this so sudden?!” he added.

“Just say it to me, and don’t you dare lie. Your life is in the line!”

After careful thinking and looking back at his memories. He found something fit to Nate’s description.

“D-Destiny’s Call!” Levi shouted in reply. “It was said that I am destined to kill a very powerful man.” This is what he recalled from the late Levi’s memories.

“Oh s***! What do you mean by powerful? Be specific, is it duke? A lord? a mage? A noble? a king? A dragon? What?!” asked Nate.

“Master, What’s happening?! You’re usually so composed, what’s with this sudden panic?!” asked Levi.

“You don’t know?”

“I don’t know what?”

“You’re cursed!” Nate said in a high tone.

Nate’s last words disturbed Levi’s mind. After hearing that, he stopped moving, and his mind went blank.

“And that’s not an ordinary curse, It’s a powerful one! It cannot be cured or removed unless you kill the perpetrator or if he died.” Nate added.

“What curse is this?”

“That is the Dismemberment Curse. I only knew a few who can do that. One of them is Shera.” said Nate.

“Then Ms. Shera cursed me?” asked Levi.

“Are you on your right mind? That’s pathetic! That curse was still new, and Shera was so weak these past few days, it is impossible!” Nate defended his wife.

“Master, I need to go to Natura7NaturaThe country which was founded by the Elven-Dwarves alliance..”

“Okay, just come back immediately. We need to do something with that curse.”

Levi bowed down to his master and took his leave.

Meanwhile, on Natura. Everyone was still busy with the preparation of an impending war. Training has been intense. People were stocking up foods.

Inside Garde’s workshop, his apprentices have increased. There is a huge demand for weapons, so Garde decided to take in more workers to help in his work.

Although everyone is busy, Garde was on his bed, sleeping as he always does.

A few hours later, he was awakened by a shout behind the door of his room.

“BOSS! BOSS! WAKE UP! YOU HAVE A GUESS!” a dwarf shouted.

“You can manage to entertain him, so why wake me up?” he said while he was still on his bed.

“BOSS! IT’S MR. LEVI!” said the man.

After hearing this, Garde immediately stood up from his bed and opened the door. Soon after, he saw Levi sitting on a chair.

Valheimis9ValheimisIt is a form of greeting in the land of Ashenborn. It has multiple meanings depending on the context it was used. It can mean good morning, good afternoon, good evening, hi or hello. Garde!” said Levi.

Garde can’t contain his excitement and immediately ran towards Levi and hugged him.

“Garde?” said Levi.

Garde’s hug was gradually becoming so tight that Levi was having a hard time breathing.

“Ah-ah, I can’t b-breath.”

“Oh, sorry,” said Garde, then he let go of Levi and sat down.

He ordered his apprentice to bring them tea, and after that, they talked.

“What happened to you? It became lonely here. I thought I will not be able to make more of your inventions.”

Levi told him all of his experience but kept the dragon part. He just said that he found a man that teaches him about magic.

“So that’s it. I’m glad you’re fine.”

“Yeah. I came back here to ask you if the last draft I gave you was already finished.”

“Oh yeah, that one. It is already finished. Wait, let me take it.” Garde stood up and goes to the workplace area.

He came back holding the actual artificial arm that Levi drafted.

“Wow, it is good!”

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“I’m glad you liked it. Oh, here is the 400 gold coins. I doubled the amount because we sold a lot of those high-grade swords.” Garde handed over the bag of coins.

“Thanks,” said Nate after he gets the bag. He doesn’t have anything to do for this amount right now, but he accepted it if needed for future use.

“I’m sorry, but I have to trouble you.”

“No problem.”

“I wanted to make another of this. An artificial foot,” said Levi, then he explained the reason why.

“I can make it. Thanks to the new machine in the mines. I can get more materials. I shall do it by tomorrow.”

“Well, I have one more request. Please make more guns. I wanted to give it to the elves because they are a good marksman. I will pay for it. Also, I wanted to request a specific gun. A pistol.” said Levi. When he saw the elves’ remarkable marksmanship, he knew for sure that guns will fit them. For the pistol, he wanted it because the long rifle is hard to carry while a pistol is suitable for a close-ranged fight and easy handling.

Levi goes out of Garde’s workshop and bids them goodbye.

Now his plans are starting to kick off.

While walking towards his house. He saw something unusual. The main door of his house was slightly open.

He walked slowly to inspect his house. His house was covered in darkness, some of his belongings are on the floor.

Levi asked himself. “What happened here?”

He goes for the doorknob and slowly pushes the door.

“Who are you?!” asked an unknown man inside his house.

- my thoughts:
Enjoy this chapter!
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