Chapter 12 – Immortal Legacy

Looking back at my life before getting involved in this mess of a world, with its host being a bratty incompetent girl who doesn’t understand the basics of game development. I was a simple cashier at my local grocery store. Life was rather boring, scan this, scan that, go home, sleep, and repeat.

The pay was less than desirable but I was able to pay off both my Internet fee and Immortal Legacy subscription so it was all the same to me as long as I could pay off those two major life necessities. Oh how I’d love to leave this excuse of a virtual game world behind to play a match of Immortal Legacy with my internet buddies.

Immortal Legacy, a global success. Millions of players and tons of profit. At first sight, Immortal Legacy looked like any typical MMORPG game. Immortal Legacy was different though. Any player could earn millions of dollars when finding one of the legendary items known as “Legacies”.

Immortal Legacy’s lore is vast and deep but there’s one simple concept that every player understands; legacies, the most powerful and rare items that one can get inside of the game and getting them is a player’s ultimate goal. A Legacy can be anything: a sword, a bow, an item, … The game makes or breaks players by promising everyone the chance to find a Legacy-tier item.

I lost my job in the process of gathering these so-called legacies. I’ve spent most of my hard-earned money on Loot Boxes and other pay-to-win mechanics in order to get them as fast as I possibly could. Needless to say, I never achieved anything by spending money on Immortal Legacy. I remember a certain Korean player getting an Immortal Legacy after grinding his way up into the high leagues. Now what was his name… Ujin! I think his name was Ujin. What a guy he was, he’d been grinding for years to achieve his goals. Well, anyway, I’m still stuck with her for the time being.

Yes, she’s constantly updating the game, improving it in some kind of way. I won’t say that those updates really improve the game as a whole – they’re riddled with bugs and OP mobs that desperately need to get nerfed as soon as possible. Well, nothing I can do about that last part. I’m still a weakling in that regard, I have no power in this world and she knows it. She makes use of that very fact, the fact that she’s still a moderator and has her own world with her very own little toy, a toy called Zane.

What a life… What a great f****** life I have. Looking at my equipment isn’t motivating me either, my wooden sword shattered during my fight with that spider boss at the first level of this 69 floor spanning dungeon. Maybe I should just give in and get myself killed in some way. Maybe I should just stab my rusty old wooden friend straight into my heart and forget about the world I left behind. Well, I don’t think she’d allow to let me kill myself – that wouldn’t be fun for her at all, right?

I think I might continue doing her bidding, for now clearing each level and progressing to the next, grinding my way up. Hopefully, I’ll die… actually I would really like to die now, I don’t care how. If it means leaving this place behind, then by God, kill me now. Sadly though, I have the feeling that she won’t allow me to die from some low-level mob – I think she might even materialize herself and protect me, crazy isn’t it? She wants me dead, yet, she doesn’t want me to die a pitiful death.

I think this system is beyond broken at this point. I don’t know how she became a moderator or whatever rank she got before that. There must’ve been a big mistake when she was pulled out of the algorithm as the best candidate to rule over this virtual world. And looking at that Super Administrator’s world, he pretty much lived in an illusion of a perfect Utopia where players could do whatever they liked.

Well, I would like to live in that illusion as well, even if my body was rotting away on some hospital bed. Maybe I’m really crazy, like mentally unstable and bashing my head against the wall whilst drooling, thinking about non-existent mobs and levels.

Worst of all, maybe I’ve been in this state for most of my life… Scary isn’t it? Anyway, I’ve been rambling on for too long. I’ve got to show her something, instead of telling my boring reflection upon my situation.

I’ve got to show her that I will die in the most beautiful way ever, so that she’ll accept my death. Hopefully, I’ll just wake up in a hospital bed with a beloved copy of Immortal Legacy waiting next to me.

“Zane-Sama, please insert me into your disk drive and spin me ‘round all day long!”

Hah, now that would be something I’d do all day long, just looking at that beautiful disk spinning in my driver would be perfect.

[What are you thinking about? I hope you’re thinking about a strategy to defeat the 2nd floor’s boss.]

“Yeah, of course, I’ve come up with a near-perfect strategy!”

[And what might that strategy be? You’ve got me interested, congratulations!]

“I take my broken wooden sword…”




“Well, I need a new sword, don’t you get it? It’s broken, and when are you going to roll out that “tool tinkerer” update you were moaning about a few hours ago. I can actually repair stuff that way, I really need that update or a new sword.”

[You never change, do you?]

“Well, how can you be so sure about that? I’ve been in here for a few weeks but that doesn’t mean that you know me!”

[Actually, you’ve only been in here for a day at best… Remember the time delay! I want to have as much time with you in this world as possible!]


[What did you say?]


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