Chapter 17 – Baron of Hell


“Shut up already.”

Zane said before cutting off the last imp’s head.

After finally killing all the demons guarding the door leading to the throne room, where the boss was waiting for him. The boss could see him through the open door but instead of attacking him, the demon was sitting cross-legged on a throne of skulls, challenging him to come so they could fight it one on one. The muscular demon looked almost humanoid, it had a reptilian head with elf-like ears and had red scales covering its yellow skin. Its gigantic frame and wild-looking flaming mane would’ve made Zane hesitate if he still had his emotions. He checked its status.

[Baron of hell, Ghormada] [Level: 70] [HP:  250,000/250,000]

“Did you have to make it that strong?”

[It wouldn’t be a challenge otherwise.]

“Seems like you definitely retained some of your toxic personality. So what’re my stats?”

[Same as before] [Player: Zane] [Lvl: 50] [Hp: 5100] [Equipment: *Dwarven Steel Sword* *Dwarven Chainmail Armour + 1*] [I told you, you can’t level up further. Your level cap is 50]

“Well, I thought maybe you were wrong or I could surpass my limit.”

[I’m a moderator so this is one thing I can never be wrong about, and we’ll both surpass our limits once you finish the 69th floor. We’re almost there.]
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“I know, and did you need to make the theme of the 68th floor demons? What’s the 69th? Angels?”

[…It’s a surprise.]

“well, let’s finish this already.”

[Before you go, why don’t you use the store? Wasn’t it hard to get here with your gear?] [Dwarven Steel Sword: Damage Output: 200] [Dwarven Chainmail Armour + 1: Defensive output: 145]

“Not really. Even if I wanted new gear, I could either loot it or combine what I have to make a better alternative”

[Like how you combined a couple of dwarven-steel bars with your old chainmail to make your current one? You could’ve made some dwarven plate mail, it would’ve been so much better.]

“But it would’ve limited my movement.”

[For a stronger defence, I’d feel that would be a good sacrifice.]

“But it would make me an easier target to hit and easier to cook alive with fire magic. That’s just not my style, let’s go and face the boss already.”

[Buying runes would’ve taken care of that… Sigh… Suit yourself, but don’t say that I didn’t warn you.]

After that, Zane stepped forward into the room, earning a wide grin from the boss.

 “So you’ve been waiting for me, huh?” He asked the boss, only to receive a chuckle as it rose from its throne.

“Let’s get it done then.”

After he said that, the boss lunged from its seat towards Zane. Zane immediately rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack.

He then ducked, avoiding a swipe from the demon’s spiked tail.

Zane then charged towards the red and yellow giant and slashed at its ankles, barely denting the red scales.

“You had to also make him tough, didn’t you?”

[I know you can beat him.]

Zane dodged to the left, evading the demon’s fist as it came crashing down. He then got an ice bomb from his inventory and threw it at its feet. Not only damaging it, but also angering it in the process.

It tried charging at him, only to smash into a pillar once he dodged. He then continued his attack on its ankles, which were now easier to cut as the scales were weakened by the ice.

He kept hacking and hacking while avoiding the boss’ attacks until eventually he almost got slammed by the boss’ arm but managed to block with his sword.

He then ducked as the boss thrust his tail towards him. He tried cutting it off but failed as the demon immediately withdrew his tail before his mouth started glowing.

Zane rolled out of the way as his opponent gushed torrents of flames at his previous location, melting the stone ground into goo.

[Watch out. The attack’s still on!]

He immediately moved out of the way avoiding the approaching flames and kept running away from it for a couple of minutes before the attack finally ended.

‘Why did you program that?’

[I was trying to make it as close to the real thing as possible.]

‘Well, try making it less real next time.’ He told the system before avoiding another charge attack and countering with another slash to the ankles..

The fight kept going on for a while and Zane managed to cripple the demon’s left leg decreasing its mobility considerably. Once he did that, the fight seemed easy as he learned its pattern and the fight devolved into a monotonous task of dodging, blocking, and attacking. He kept slashing and stabbing the boss till the end finally seemed near.

The demon couldn’t take it anymore and after one more slash from Zane, it fell to its knees. Using this opportunity Zane stabbed it in the chest, causing it to bellow out a loud roar of pain.


[It’s not over yet, Zane.]

“It’s not?”

“GRaghh… Graaaaa!” It roared before its body began to crack and glow a deep red which caused Zane to cover his eyes.

“A second form? Are you serious?” He said with a sigh as he gazed at the now smaller fully, yet still taller than him, humanoid demon who gazed back with his fiery eyes.

[Don’t worry. Its second form isn’t as strong as the first. It’s just a way for it to either continue fighting or have a chance to escape.]

[Baron of hell, Ghormada – Weakened] [Level: 70] [HP:  50,000/50,000]

“Well, that’s good. I can’t take another tough fight right now.”

The demon summoned a sword imbued with fire and charged at Zane. It swung its blade at, only for Zane who blocked it.


Zane quickly moved towards its left and slashed at its sides, barely causing a scratch as it moved out of the way and retreated a couple of steps.

The demon pointed its sword towards Zane and released a fireball, It then followed up with a charge that Zane only managed to barely dodge before slashing its back once it was exposed.

They kept trading blows. Each time Zane mastered its pattern more and more until the fight became just as trivial as the last time, spelling its end.

Eventually, the demon fell once again but this time it was beheaded instead of getting stabbed.

Only allowed on
[So, what do you think of Ghormada?]

He replied after he retrieved the sword before it could evaporate “Lame. I expected something grander considering his title was a baron of hell and you really should work on making their attacks less obvious.”

[Is that really something you’d want?]

Zane Shrugged “Guess not. Now let’s see what we’ve got.”

[Hell’s Fury:

Damage Output: 350

Attribute(s): Unholy – Fire]

Zane whistled “Not bad. Would be pretty useful to deal with the final boss. The 69th really is the last floor, right? There isn’t any secret floor or special event after it?”

[There isn’t. The 69th floor is the last one.]

“Let’s go then.”

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