Chapter 2: The Master’s Artifacts (1)

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“I just want to leave through here, sir. If you can just let me pass through I will be out of your hair in a jiffy,” Rick chittered, dropping the chair and adorning the best smile he could muster. He feared it would be his end if he tried to force his way through with a chair in hand.

This time it was the green mist covered Foggy that voiced angrily, “Do you take us for fools just because we bow to a human Master? Mind your tongue human cub! We are the Kings of Hell, the Vanquisher of Worlds. Do not try to play games with us!”

“Brothers,” Metalhorn held his arm out and in the blink eye, a giant halberd appeared in his closed fist. “We cannot let Master’s honour be sullied in his absence.”

This Master of Hell’s Kings was a human! The revelation took Rick for a spin.

“But…” Rick started but stopped. He doubted these Kings would let him walk out of this place scot free. Especially if he told them the truth! These creatures embodied the phrase might is right.

If they think I killed their demon legion, so be it,’ Rick decided. The Kings assumed that he had reached the eighth floor of the library by killing through whatever there was on the floors below, so he was going to use that for his advantage. Besides, the four Kings looked to be on guard against him as well.

An idea quickly took shape in his mind.

I might as well give it a try,’ Rick though. There is no other way to get out of here alive anyway. But he had to act now. There was no saying whn this Master of theirs would return, ‘Heavens know how strong you have to be to be their Master.

Making up his mind, he decided to take a leap of faith.

Only allowed on

“Not bad!” Rick spoke in a clear baritone. With his head high and his hand folded behind his back, he walked into the court in a confident gait.

Thankfully, the Kings didn’t attack outright but looked more on guard instead.

“You pass the test” Rick continued and nodded at them with a slight smile, “This is a disguise I put on to test your loyalty after all this while, Your Master, my Teacher and I hardly recognize Earth anymore. You have served well in Teacher’s absence.”

“Teacher is still busy with his work but he never forgot about you – the brave leaders of Hell. So he has sent me to guide his servants and take the throne as the ruler of Hell,” Rick could see the baffled look on the Kings’ face – now was the time to hammer the last nail. He added, “That is my Teacher and your Master’s dicta. Move aside servants!”

“Master?” the Goatleg asked in his gravely in confused.

All the Kings looked at one another confused at what to do and stole glances at one another,

How was it that the human child who was begging for his life moments ago was now claiming to be their new Master? The kid before them did not seem like an expert of any kind. Of course it was remarkable that he could climb so far up the tower, but he, in no way, gave the aura of their Master.

Rick had no idea what was going on in the Kings’ mind. He took a step forward. There had to be follow through after the performance, or his paper tiger would certainly be exposed.

The Kings were at a fix on what to do. The change in the kid’s attitude was too sudden. He even looked too young to be an insurmountable expert that was their Master would choose for them.

“Insolence!” Foggy finally spoke. “We will not bow to a mere mortal”

Rick stopped and looked at the mysterious miasma covered King with furrowed eyes,

“Zinmar speak for yourself! I believe the words of the Young Master here, and I plan to obey Master Solomon’s words!” Goatleg spoke while avoiding making eye contact with everyone.

Rick let out a sigh of relief. This felt like he was judged on a reality show – only that his life truly depended on the result. He made a mental note to remember the real Master’s name – Solomon and Foggy’s real name – Zinmar.

Zinmar Foggy looked pissed as the green mist started gushing violently. “You spineless coward. Do you really have no dignity in you to stoop down to accept the rule of a weakling like–”

“Enough Zinmar,” this time it was Greyman that spoke. “Gaap is right. I accept the words of Master Solomon and welcome the Young Master as well.”

Two down. And the coward supporter Goatleg was Gaap, Rick noted.

“I agree as well…” Metalhorn caved as well. “Think about it Zinmar. We didn’t even realize Young Master had walked into Master’s chamber till he decided to show himself. And even now I have not been able to sense the depths of Young Master’s strength! I accept the Young Master’s rule over Hell gladly.”

Rick shot one last look of disappointment at Zinmar. Taking the opportunity strode forward without pause towards the centre of the hall. Three out of the four Kings on his side – that was a definite pass.

Right as he was about to cross the throne, Rick heard Zinmar’s wisp voice, “Forgive me Young Master for my insolence. It is just that I couldn’t accept Master Solomon would leave us. Forgive this servant Master. Please take what is rightfully your – the Signet ring and the Lemegeton that we have faithfully protected these countless years and accept the Throne.”

Rick immediately became alert, something did not seem right. There had to be something insidious behind this. The others Kings were scared of disobeying Master Solomon’s words or mistook him for some expert. But Zinmar’s sudden reversal had the stench of a ploy.  

Should I make a dash?’ Rick calculated, but immediately dismissed it. That would give away his act at once. And he had the fear that despite being hardly fifty-meters from the door, the Kings would rip him apart much earlier.

Rick slowly turned around to look Zinmar into his eyes, or where he presumed they would be. But Zinmar only gave a bow and pointed towards the throne. Even his ally Kings didn’t offer any help. Instead all three of them looked at Zinmar with amazement.

“Next time… It’s been eons since I set foot on Earth. In a few hours I will be back and participate in the official coronation. Prepare a grand ceremony,” Rick calmed his anxious heart and waved at the Kings.

“Master, you must take possession of them and rightfully assume the mantle as our ruler right away,” Matalhorn was the first to betray.

And soon after the others followed suit, even Goatleg Gaap!

Rick gulped in panic as the four Kings walked towards him and urged him towards the throne, ‘This doesn’t look good for me!’ he thought.  But there was little he could do with the Kings all turned against him. Rick couldn’t possibly back out now!

Rick accepted hhis fate and slowly walked up the pedestal up to the throne. Each step heavier than the last. As he reached the top, he could finally see the lion-head up close. On the seat of the throne were two things, an ancient looking bulky book and an ordinary looking mental ring atop it

Rick looked around to see if there was any way he could avoid coming in contact with the even throne much more the things on it. But his luck seemed to have run dry. The four Kings looked at him from the bottom of the throne with intent eyes, willing him to pick the artifacts.

Looking back at the book and the ring he steeled his heart. The looked inconspicuous and harmless enough. ‘Please don’t let me die so young,‘ Rick prayed, he bent forward reaching up to the ring and the book under the watchful gaze of the Kings.

Gingerly he reached out with his hand and touched the ring… 

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