Chapter 009 | Partner

Chapter 9


Arthur woke up before noon. As soon as he got out, he immediately noticed that Garo stood in front of the room adjacent to his. He looked up and knocked on its upper leg.

“Is the vampire girl inside?” he asked, but the Armor didn’t react. So he advanced to the door and tiptoed to reach the knob. Before he could turn it, Garo picked him up and brought him to the kitchen, sitting him to the dining table.

“Hi, sunshine,” Katarina greeted like usual, as though nothing happened the night before. Dark bags hung under her eyes. Sweat rolled on her forehead due to accumulated fatigue and lack of rest.

“Are you alright?” Arthur asked in a low voice.

“Of course, couldn’t be any better.” She beamed, but her heavy breathing betrayed her every word.

Giving her a doubtful glance, Arthur stood and held her hand. “You’re not fine. Please, take some rest granny. I’ll take care of myself.”

Her laugh echoed as she brushed his hair. “Aw… my Arthur is so sweet.” She bent her knees and looked straight into his eyes. “But don’t worry honey, I’m fine. Granny is strong, right?”

“Alright,” he said hesitantly, pouting, before going back to his seat.

“Anything you want to eat?”

“Can I have corn again? With honey and milk?” Arthur’s eyes sparkled, his mouth watered just from the thought. “And meatballs too!”

She smiled again. “Anything for you, honey.”

Arthur read the books that Pirro brought in the dining table as Katarina busied herself in the stove. Halfway through reading Hula Duliri’s Legend, he peeked at her back. “Granny,” he called. “Where’s Duliri and the vampire girl?”

Katarina turned, “Duliri’s somewhere. The girl is in the room next to yours.”

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“Can we eat with them?”

“Maybe next time, the girl needs to rest.”

“Okay… But how about Duliri?”

She let out a nervous laugh. “You don’t need to meet him again, Arthur. I’m afraid he’ll be a bad influence for you.”

“I don’t think he’s a bad guy though.”

“He’s not. But he’s kinda creepy, don’t you think?” She knit her brows jokingly. “And he has a weird sense of humor.”

“He is,” Arthur merrily replied. “But I still want talking-friends. Pirro, Servo, Garo, and Hans never talked to me. Even Alberta won’t.”

“What I should do to you, honey?” Katarina sighed, shaking her head in defeat. “Okay… Granted. I’ll get him after we ate and he can stay in your room if you want.”

Arthur blushed in delight, jumping from his seat. “Really?” He ran to Katarina and hugged her legs, looking up. “I promise I’ll tell you if he’s teaching me weird things I don’t want to know.”

Katarina only laughed and patted his head before she continued cooking.


After the meal, Arthur stayed in his room before Katarina entered with Duliri in her hand.

“Hi, Art–” Duliri was about to greet him when Katarina clutched him tighter, sending a deadly glare. “Sorry… Sorry… I mean… Lord Arthur, I heed your call.”

Arthur stood from his bed. He smiled innocently, yet Duliri felt an ominous feeling from it. “Arthur is fine. It’s uncomfortable calling me lord.”

“I apologized, but I have to address you with proper etiquette to show my re–” he stopped again as he felt his pole trembled and his body cracked from where Katarina held him. She was grinning but he sensed the same vibe of Arthur’s smile from it. “Alright… alright… Arthur, it is,” he added nervously as though he was about to cry. If only he could run, he would have the moment he saw the two of them.

Duliri thanked the Almighty God, Superus Dupulu, once Katarina let him go. Then he glided to a corner and remained silent while trembling, not wanting to disturb the two and incur their wrath.

“Arthur, honey,” Katarina called, guiding Arthur to sit in his bed again. “I’ll be out in the woods until dinner. Don’t go outside or to the room next to yours, okay?”

A few seconds of silence and Arthur asked, “Why?”

“Granny has to gather something out there.” She smiled warmly. “So you have to stay inside.”

“Alright…” He nodded before his head snapped to the staff that remained shuddering. “Will Duliri accompany me?”

“Yes, he will.” Katarina also looked at him, beaming. “Right Duliri?”

“YES!” Duliri exclaimed in reflex, further backing away into the wall, which he was sure would break if he was strong enough.

They exchanged a few more words, then Katarina finally set out into the forest. Once she’s out of their sight, Arthur raced in front of Servo.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Duliri asked, following him inside.

“Going in the secret chamber,” he said before placing a hand on Servo’s stomach. “Funtore!” he declared.

“Are you crazy?” Duliri blurted out as Servo stepped aside and the door slid open. “What if Lady Allegia comes back?”

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Arthur glanced back. “She wouldn’t. Granny may not be young anymore, but she never forgets anything.”

“Well, you know, just what if?”

“She wouldn’t,” Arthur smiled. “Trust me.”

Duliri could only voice a sigh before he and Arthur descended through the stairs. “I’m telling you, I’d be dead if ever she finds out.”

“Don’t worry.” Arthur stooped on his tracks, grabbing Duliri in his right hand and began to walk again. “If granny finds out, you can put all the blame on me. This was because of my stubbornness, anyway.”

“You’ll really do that?”

“Sure, why not?” Arthur briefly looked up, smiling.

“That’s a little reassuring.”

“Still… I think Granny may break you a little while leaving you barely useable,” Arthur said honestly, laughingly.

Duliri would have stopped if Arthur wasn’t holding him. “NO! NO! Let’s go back, Arthur! Let’s go back!” He screamed tirelessly while his master continued to laugh, even wiping some tears from his eyes.

“We’re here!” Arthur declared, just a moment after using him as a hook to touch the serpent’s eyes in the door.

“Are you going to study magic here today?” Duliri asked as Arthur dashed to the far corner of the room and pulled out the book they found yesterday.

“No,” he answered, pulling out other books. He read the titles and confirmed the two other volumes of the book in his hand. “I’ll take them to my room.”

“What?” Duliri exclaimed. “Are you crazy?”

“No,” Arthur answered with tired eyes. “I’m pretty serious about it.”

“You can’t be. Lady Allegia will find us out.”

“With these many books? No, that can’t be. Oh, well, unless,” he paused, giving Duliri a suspicious glance. “Unless you tell.”

“Of course, I won’t tell! I would never sell you out!”

Arthur shrugged. “Then, there’s no problem…”

“There is, Arthur! There is!” Duliri glided to him in frustration, now trembling. “You are too optimistic. And you’re underestimating Lady Allegia too much. I’m telling you, she’ll notice.”

“Please?” Arthur said, looking at Duliri with pleading eyes. “Trust me. I promise I’d take responsibility if she finds out.”

“Fine…” Duliri sucked a breath. “But promise me this too, you’ll never practice or use magic without my supervision. Because while magic is wonderful, it’s also extremely dangerous.”

“I promise…” Arthur beamed a smile. “Partner!”


“Yes, buddy! From this day on, we are partners in crime.”

“Does that mean that you trust me?”

“Of course! So trust me on this one.”

Duliri would have blushed and smiled widely if he had a face. To hide his embarrassment, he laid on the floor while saying, “Praise, Superus Dupulu. After all this time… After all this time…” He paused, rising diagonally. “Finally, someone saw how trustworthy I am.” By the time he ended his monologue, he stood straight from the floor.

They both snickered briefly before hurrying outside of the chamber.

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