Ch 75 / Gonrat War part 6

Ibro felt suddenly as if a spark of massive fire had appeared in his mind when he heard these two words.

‘I really really really missed you Dronil!’

‘Is the situation this bad? Let me check. Yes, it’s that bad. Don’t worry; I have gained a good ability that would turn everything around.’

‘Really? What is this ability?’

‘It’s an upgradeability.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘There is no time to talk. I want you to use your strongest strike to hit your enemies and let the rest to me.’

Ibro didn’t think even for a second about Dronil’s words. He immediately fully concentrated at the war and moved rapidly forward like a fast arrow.

His sudden movement caused a surprise in everyone around him. There was only less than one hundred meters between them and these huge monsters.

They were trying to organize their lines to stop the advancement of these monsters. Ibro’s move was illogical to them but they couldn’t stop him. He reached in a few steps in the attack range of these monsters.

They couldn’t defend him now but one person moved spontaneously trying to shield him. She was Amira. Her movement caused disruption in these veterans’ arrangements.

Before they could decide their final call in this dilemma, either to follow Ibro and leave all their preparations or to leave Ibro to his fate and continue their preparations, Ibro moved with high agility evading these long strong extensions of these monsters and raised his sword to hit the first strike to them.

His strike managed to hit that big monster body that was obstructing his way.

It was very easy for Ibro to lay this hit on this monster as this monster neglected to defend himself.

It was pretty confident in its tough skin. But when this weak looking sword touched that monster skin, a huge dark tempest was formed around Ibro’s sword that generated a massive amount of energy.

In this split of second, Ibro felt his attack to be transformed from his normal attack to be on a whole new level. His strike generated a huge sound accompanied by a visible disturbance in the skin of this monster.

It looked from a distance like the rubbles that emerged on calm water after throwing a rock on its surface. The monster’s body shock massively and then it bled from all his orifices and fell heavily to the ground.

He would never walk on this ground again. He killed it in just one stroke of his sword. Ibro looked dumbfounded to that sword.

Was this new function of Dronil with this might? He wanted to try it again but he heard the sound of Dronil in his mind:

‘Don’t celebrate early, try to gather your Mega Omega and hit another monster.’

Ibro felt excited. He was the only one in this massive battlefield that moved.

Everyone else even his enemies looked stupidly at him. How did he manage to kill such a high defensive monster with just one hit? Were they dreaming?

Ibro moved with great enthusiasm towards the next Tokam monster. He formed one big Mega Omega in his body then he moved his sword and hit this monster.

This time he felt his Mega Omega to be sucked immediately by a strange force that led it to pass through his sword. His sword generated a huge mighty thunderous attack wave that hit multiple monsters at the same time.

This wave was so mighty that even caused black ripples around its edges. This wave didn’t stop and cut the thick highly defensive bodies of these huge monsters like a knife cutting a weak tender cake.

The monsters hit by this wave screamed a high pitched scream that nearly cause deafness to Ibro and those surrounding him. He felt really excited. That mighty feeling of huge strength was really intoxicating.

He didn’t stop and jumped straight towards the next line of monsters. He changed his mind, he wouldn’t aim for those snakes but he would cut these big guys and enjoy the taste of his mighty power.

“What are you waiting for fools? Attack him! All of you attack him!”

This panicked order came from the very experienced monsters’ leader high up in the sky. There was no strategy at all but blindfolded attacks on Ibro’s location.

“Defend this man at once. Never let a single attack fall on him.”

The reply came fast from Gornat supreme commanders. That order awoke the stupefied Gornat warriors to move at fast towards Ibro’s location.

The fasted to reach him was Amira followed by a big number of veterans who accompanied him during this battle. Ibro didn’t stop in his tracks especially after the remainder of Dronil.

‘Please note that my ability consumes a lot of my energy. You need to diver all the energy you absorb and try to increase it as much as you can.

The ability to upgrade your Mega Omega is very heavy to me right now so you need to kill as many monsters as you can with each strike.’

He didn’t hesitate and jumped to the middle of these huge monsters. Although their huge body was an advantage before, it turned now to be their biggest adversary.

Ibro didn’t attack with a fixed pattern. This attack he headed to the right, the next attack he moved to the left. Sometimes he even moved to circle some monsters then left them and hit another group.

This was very irrational and made the distant monsters’ attempts to fail. This also relieved a lot of pressure on his guarding team.

When enough soldiers gathered around him, these veterans joined the slaughter too. They weren’t less courageous than Ibro and they had really strong attacks.

Ibro kept killing dense crowded monsters for hours. During which the air battle was concluded by the defeat and retreat of these Hekays. The Mognors legion didn’t withdraw and started to kill these huge monsters.

Some of them went to attack these snakes but they faced a hard time dealing with their long-range attacks. But that relieved a lot of pressure over Ibro’s area.

After all these hours, Ibro was satisfied by the damage he caused to these huge monsters. He had enough from killing these.

‘Stop your ability now Dronil. I want you to store energy for future uses.’

Dronil stopped his function at once. Ibro then changed his course.

He met a lot of chaotic battles in his way. A lot of soldiers were in feverish fights with these strong monsters. This problem had been solved even temporarily.

His goal was set again to his previous target. He must kill these nasty snakes that made his battle harder all the time. His change of direction caught everyone’s attention especially Amira.

She guessed what he was going to do. She kept herself in his tail, never allowed for him to vanish from her eyesight. Ibro evaded all these small battles like an expert.

He didn’t want to engage in other worthless fights. He wanted to make these snakes taste the bitter experience of his sword. Just when he was at the border region next to these snakes, he heard a loud shout from behind him saying out loud:

“All free warriors follow my lead. Victory is in hand. Victory is in hand. Gather up and kill these snakes!”

Ibro gave a glance to her to find her in the middle of the air. It seemed she liked this acrobatic move. She looked really cool. Ibro noticed that she replaced her sword with a long spear.

That was a good choice. These snakes were famous for their high agility. Spear would provide enough support to her to kill these enemies better than the sword.

He then turned his full concentration on these snakes. Finally, he came face to face with them. His deep frustration was unleashed upon them. He killed a lot of snakes in the game.

There were many similarities between the monsters in the game and these monsters. Was that intentional by whoever designed this game? His rich past experience gained him the upper hand in these monsters at once.

He knew where their weak points were located. He hit them hard and killed them one by one. He was like a hunter who finally caught his prey. Behind him, a massive wave of soldiers began to take shape.

Those leaders of both sides watched this scene in silence. This tsunami wave, when finished forming, would be more than enough to take down these monsters in no time at all.

This battle end was obvious to all. These leaders had very conflicted emotions. Those monsters’ leaders were really angry about their failure.

Their enemy proved himself to be a worthy enemy that they shouldn’t underestimate. Although they had a trump card which was the Tokam monsters, this card failed to achieve his goal.

If they knew this from the beginning they would have gathered many more cards to use. Their orders were clear: Failure wasn’t accepted.

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