Chapter 26

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Dog barked more and more, causing situation to worsen. Its barks were causing walls of the house to become fleshier every passing second. The cracks which were luminous began darkening during the unfolding of events.

“Get in this crack!” Shinji yelled on top of his lungs.
“And think about the door while you get in.” Shinji tore the rubbery crack.
The crack was just losing its light but was getting narrower too. But both of them squeezed inside there, wishing to be on the door.
Walls were soft when they had entered but began hardening when they were halfway through.
Somehow they wriggled in the bone crushing tight way and crawled they way out.
At least he was relieved to see the door.
“The entire house is Papa Monster!” said Fujimoto, helping Shinji to stand.
But he failed to stand inspite of Fujimoto’s support.

“You are green!” Shinji pointed at Shinji.
Shinji saw his foot turning into frog limbs. His thigh bone had shifted to his waist. Fujimoto tried to pull him vertical regardless. Shinji’s bloated stomach peeked at him. His clothes were tightened around the swollen belly.
Fujimoto couldn’t guess if his shirt was going to tear first or the stomach.
“I am turning into a toad!” Shinji burped out words.
“S***!” Fujimoto cried out when he saw Mother Monster coming out from a door. The monster seemed to have sleepy eyes. It looked around to guess what was happening. Doing so, she spotted Fujimoto attempting to hoist his frog friend on his shoulder.
Saliva dripped from Mother Monster’s beak, her eyes became normal and she showed some movement.
Mother Monster took long sprints towards the two beings.
Fujimoto dropped his friend when Mother Monster had come close to them. Shinji fell on floor on his back and bounced back to his frog stance like a ball. Fujimoto lifted Shinji’s sword and waited for her to come in the range of the sharpenss.
Once she was there, he began hacking her tentacles.
“If I survive, I will find you a good pond, Shinji.” Said Fujimoto, severing two tentacles at once.

A tentacle got glued to his chest.
Mother Monster cried in anguish after realizing how much damage the human had put on her. She was vulnerable without six of her tentacles. Now they were wriggling around.
Fujimoto was about to go for her head but she let a green liquid out on him. He began gagging by the mere smell of her fleeing weapon.
Is it poison? Fujimoto spat out the bitter liquid from his lips. He was glad he had not let his war cry out while trying to severe her head otherwise his mouth would have been filled with the ink.
But his eyes had been open all the time. Blue blindness caught him.
There was no burning or itching in his eyes but everything was blur in the contrast of bluish tint. Fujimoto rubbed his eyes and his sight went through some improvement.
Fujimoto felt floor underneath him disappear. The entire passage turned vertical from there.
“Shinji!” he gasped and managed to catch him by his hand.

Mother Monster fell to darkness first. Then there came turn for the two cut-throats.

Shinji and Fujimoto slid down on fleshy tunnel which pushed them downwards like it was swallowing them. Fujimoto’s hands were touching the walls all the time but he didn’t find luck in finding something to hold on.
He did not want to lose contact with the wall in any condition. The friction was slowing them down by the barest of all margins.
There came an abrupt pause in their fall. Fujimoto tapped the wall while trying to find what thing he had grasped on. But his hands were suspended in air.
When he moved his eyes down, he found a tentacle attached on Fujimoto’s chest which attached on the tunnel wall.
Door which once was infront of them now lay above. But dangling like a pendulum in Papa Monster’s throat wasn’t a relieving position to be in.
“This won’t hold us for long.” Shinji said, holding Shinji from one hand and his sword from another.
“I must drop this sword to pull you up!” Fujimoto made situation clear.
“No.” bellowed Shinji in his frog voice.

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