Chapter 33

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”These costumes will not help them when Great Invasion comes.” said Shinji when he broke his way in guard’s house from the window.

“You have started speaking urban tongue.” Fujimoto said while trying to avoid getting cut from glass pieces.
“Better remember words of active people than of surrendered killers.”
“I’m surprised. Nobody beyond our circle calls it apocalypse.” Fujimoto said, “Watch out for the rooms. We can yank the damn guard when he returns from the festival.”
“I don’t understand such appeal behind a stupid festival.” Shinji started to walk in the empty room.
“How do Tetsu’s guards live here?” Fujimoto couldn’t see any furniture around.
When he unlocked a door, they reached to a room where main door was affixed.
In the room the guard’s hollow armor stood upright.
“Maybe they just keep their armors here.” Fujimoto watched his reflection on armor’s chest.

“Second one must have gone with Tetsu.” Shinji deduced, “Fujimoto!”
“Yes.” Fujimoto turned his back at the armor and saw Shinji pointing at a door set on the floor.
“Bunker.” Shinji’s face lit up.
He started to pull the door, “Come on, help me out.”
Shinji heard the metal clang on something. As he spun back, he saw the armor throwing a punch at Fujimoto.
Without wasting any second, Shinji took his sword out and flew towards the armor. The armor noticed him and kicked Shinji straight on his chest.
Contact of metal foot on his chest caused the sword to slip away from his hand. Now the armor was looking to stomp Shinji’s head.
Fujimoto hit the armor’s leg with his sword.
Progress was just a tiny dent. Armor pushed Fujimoto to the wall, making him to see everything brighter than ever. While he dealt with dazzling light, he heard the armor drawing his sword out.
Opening his eyes, he saw the terrible sight of the armor swinging its sword towards Fujimoto. For another time Fujimoto closed his eyes with hopes of not seeing where the sword was going to kiss him.

The blade of his sword clanged on something. Fujimoto opened his eyes then he saw Shinji stopping armor’s sword by his own.
By the time Shinji had lost the war of strength, Fujimoto had retrieved his sword. He waved it towards the armor with full strength.
A dent again.
Shinji walked few steps back till he touched the wall from his back. Wood creaked when the armor also stepped on the basement door plank. Shinji could feel the plank bending due to their weight.
Jamming his sword in gap of the armor was fruitless. He twisted the sword, causing the armor’s hand to become loose. But he was startled to see hinges holding the metal parts together.
Shinji pulled his sword and targeted the hinge holding the armor’s knee together. His sword sliced through the metal then chopped another leg as well.
The armor fell on the door and the trapdoor gave up due to the impact.
Both of them fell into the deep room. Armor fell first but did not shatter whereas Shinji wondered how many bones he had broken by the fall.

Fujimoto jumped in and hit the hinge holding armor’s helm from its body. On the second swing, helm was severed. Then only the armor loosened grip on its sword and fell chest first on hard floor.
Shinji wiped blood from his nose.
“Shinji!” Fujimoto’s voice was shaking.
Turning around, Shinji saw hundreds of armors standing in rows. Inside the immense room, one of them was right beside Shinji. While taking his stance, Shinji bumped into an armor. The armor leaned towards him.
Fujimoto managed to haul Shinji towards him.
The armor fell on floor and didn’t move.
“They are lifeless.” Delight came to Fujimoto’s voice.

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