Chapter 75

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Wernh’An’s skin began reddening half an hour later. Low signs of breathing, which Commander Eiga was worried about, were turning into normal breathing. The staff in Eiga’s possession had its top glowing brighter as well.

Eiga was glad to see his lord moving his head and groaning in sleep. Little did he know Genzou was looking at him. Eiga didn’t want to be center of attention. Just one person staring at him was enough to make him uncomfortable but today he gave a pleasant look at the doctor.
“When the nightmare ends, he will wake up.” Genzou said to Eiga, noticing he was close to stick his tongue out.
“He is dreaming?” Commander Eiga’s face changed.
Genzou felt much comfortable to someone with straight face. Yet he chose to end it with a simple nod.
“What is he dreaming about?” the commander asked from the same rock.
Genzou walked slow towards him and caught the staff. He turned its top, covered in spherical glass which imitated light, towards Eiga’s face.
“I don’t see anything here.” Commander Eiga said after not finding anything apparent within it.

“What do you think this sphere is pretending to be?”
The yellowish glow of it didn’t give away a lot to Eiga. For him, the staff was just glowing yellow instead of the usual white.
“What is he dreaming about?” Eiga wanted answer, no further queries.
“About Wutke.” Genzou covered the staff top with his palm.
“You saw it in here?”
“No, he had been complaining about sleep terrors about Wutke in past. The staff turns yellow when he dreams of Wutke. But sometimes I have also noticed it turning black. I don’t know why.”
“What does Lord Wernh’An say about the sphere getting black?”
“He says it is as scary as dreaming about Wutke.” Genzou handed the staff to Eiga.
“Is there a reason for him to be scared? Lord Wernh’An worships Wutke.”

“We can’t understand his reasons….”
Amidst their conversation Shinji was lurking in the opening of the cave, out of their sight. He was hearing them talk. Eiga had effects of Genzou’s preaching but it was a different case with Shinji. He had nothing to do with the tales from Hilcastle.
He drew the burning arrow, placed it on the notch and pulled it till end of the arrow touched his cheek. Bow creeked but Shinji didn’t loosen it despite of shaking hands.
I trust the wind from Hilcastle. Shinji filled his lungs with Nastrian air and loosened the arrow from the gap of his fingers. The arrow tore the wind and got in the pile of wood, creating little to no sound.
“You heard something?” Eiga asked Genzou after getting wind of the unusual sound. Genzou’s old ears did no favors to him.
Shinji’s heart thumped against his ribs by listening to Eiga searching for the source of noise. He wasn’t scared about Eiga. Shinji watched the tiny flame as big as a firefly between the logs. No wind was there to enlarge the fire. Instead it was shrinking more.
Genzou and Eiga talking became the main source of his fear afterwards. Shinji began to sweat, failing to see the fragment of fire.

Shinji dropped the bow in dismay while preparing for the worst outcome. It was only matter of time for them to find out who the man was behind the mischief. Cold sweat dripped through his skin pores.

Genzou crouched then discovered the arrow between the wood pieces. When he moved his head towards the cave, he saw Shinji with the bow and arrows on the floor.
Shinji gasped and grasped the bow again. This time he picked a regular arrow and notched it with a clear intent.
“It was you.” Genzou said, showing no surprise. Shinji stretched the thread, displaying no remorse.
Commander Eiga came with his sword out.
“Don’t worry, commander. Lord Wernh’An is still untouched.” Genzou said to Eiga who was clenching his fist. The look Shinji got from Eiga was like the look a goat gets from the butcher. Genzou’s smirk shook him. The arrow end touching his cheek rubbed against his cheek in fear. He felt chills and cold.
And breeze.
WHOOP! Sound of fire came along with the sudden flame caused by breeze.

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