Chapter 80

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Shinji woke up when ray of sun passed through his eyelids, making it impossible for him to pretend he was in darkness. After opening his eyes, he saw the sun way over the horizon. He had not only slept for the night but also till morning’s end.

Pain was less but he knew it would return once his body continued to travelling. Trying to rub his eyes, he heard his skin cracking. His nail stroked his cheek and a layer of hardened skin got stuck in his nail. Shinji’s cheek bled anyways.
Blisters filled with puss had burst, increasing danger of infection. He checked Wernh’An’s eye in his pocket. The red eye was fine. Shinji put it back in his pocket and turned towards his horse.
His horse was gone. Shinji hadn’t tied the rope tight and now just a loosened strap was left on the tree trunk. In this way his morning began with regret and continued with torment.
The mercenary walked for hours in the forest. The moisture was unbearable. Plus his own smell was making him puke his guts out. Effect of dehydration or sweat? He couldn’t tell. Sweat had doused his clothes, causing rashes on wounds.
Whenever Shinji scratched an itch he either broke a blister of peeled off skin. Despite of everything he kept on walking inside the forest till he found a small trial between the woods. Branches were missing from trees so he knew some people had come here to take leaves for their cattle.
Or for the horses? Shinji was optimistic so he followed the trial. Half an hour later, he was standing infront of a road. Grass in the path had died and traces of wheels were clearly visible from end to end. Hoping he would find some travelers, he began to follow the road. During his walk he also spotted dried horse excreta.
He marched for hours and the road got wider whereas the forest became denser and denser with each step. There was no sign of sun over his head. Leaves above him were thick enough to block sunlight.

Shinji paused. He heard a horse neighing from the distance. Sheep were also vocal along with the galloping tramp. He waited for the noisy cart to come towards him from the bumpy path. A cart filled with sheep in back got passed him.
The driver didn’t bother to glance at Shinji twice.
“Where are you going, ser?” Shinji ran along the cart.
“To the south.” The man behind horse said without looking at him.
“Can’t it be stopped?” Shinji’s breath ran out.
Cart-man sighed and pulled the strap on horse nose to stop.
“What?” he asked.
“Can you take me to South?” Shinji requested, “Hmm….anywhere but here. I just want to be around people.”

The man on carriage checked if Shinji had weapons with him or not. Shinji waited with patience while the obese man was stretching his neck.
“Why would I take a robber to the city?” traveler uttered.
“I’m not a robber.” Shinji calculated what he had to say, “I’m from Pryeg. Azmra’s city.”
“You look like someone straight out of a frying pan.”
“The metaphor is close enough.” Shinji wondered if he should be saying this or not, “I survived the savages.”
“Then you will survive till next cart comes.”
“No! No! Wait.” Shinji put his hand in his pocket.

“Don’t you see these sheep in the back? Here’s no space for you-”
Shinji showed him the pearl to him.
“What is it?” traveler scratched his chin.
“A pearl.” Shinji brought it closer to him.
“Looks rare.” His eyes moved off the gem to Shinji, “Where did you get this from?”
“I’ll tell you on the way. You deserve to know everything about it as its future owner.”
Traveler pondered then came to a conclusion, “Hop in.”

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