4 – The Deity Tries Magic

Although it seemed difficult to rely on constructs to conveniently recreate magic it had already done multiple times before, the deity could still conduct mana the traditional, more-so manual way.

Soil lifted from the ground and was shaped into rods, squeezed onto itself to be more solid.

Since the physical mind the deity had couldn’t exert influence over so large of a volume and worth of ambient mana, the deity had to use its personal, spiritual mana to launch the projectiles.

Fortunately, there were the benefits of having a spiritual consciousness, which was efficient at controlling the personal mana.

They were still at a distance, so the deity was willing to test out the feeling of manipulating kinetic energies, to make long-ranged attacks.

Bam! As each rod collided with the ground, a cloud of dirt burst forth, lunging into the air. But, the deity wanted to frown a little. The force was there, but as a shot, this was not good by its standards.

“A bit out of practice.”

Inaccurate. Launching things in a specific direction appeared to be difficult. Some of the wolves knew how to evade as well.

In terms of power, it was sufficient. When the dirt flew up, though as they were not the projectile and thus dealt no damage, it was a good indicator for how much energy was packed into launching them.

The deity knew such could be better, but it didn’t have the leisure to achieve it, exchanging accuracy for increasing the rate of fire was the most optimal strategy at the moment.

The most significant goal for the deity was to defeat the demon lord, to regain the peace and order that was once in the world. Although this fighting was being considered an exercise, the deity didn’t exactly know if there was going to be another, separate wave of these modified creatures that still retained the normal appearance in general.

Although each rod thrown didn’t cost the deity much, the total amount of projectiles the deity was making and firing was quickly adding up to quite a sum.


There was quite an amount of them to eliminate. If there was this much of a seemingly endless wave from just this one whole group, it found it reasonable to assume that the demon lord was doing quite well.

“Should be. Trivial.”

If the deity was still at its prime, having had a full-on physical body that was all processing power, all for conducting ambient mana, the deity’s personal mana would not have even gotten used.

To end it finally, the deity decided to just unleash a strong attack with a wide area of effect. By doing this, it acknowledged that it’s possible this big usage of energy could be detected by something.

So, the most simple, silent, and least visible attack was chosen, something of wind magic.

The deity’s spiritual mana moved into the physical plane, and applied the energy to manipulate a portion of the atmospheric air. With the needed measurements estimated to wipe everything in one go, the wind could be partly seen having been made into a shape.

To ensure that none survived, multiple of such an attack was done in quick succession. The creatures on the land were swiftly eliminated, at a cost that the deity would not usually go for. Then, it turned its attention upward. The creatures in flight.

In comparison, the air wasn’t so crowded with demonic creatures, so it was back to just using dirt rods. There was the occasional stray monster on the ground that managed to survive, getting close to the deity.

And then, there was quite an air of silence despite the massacre going on.

“… Loneliness…”

This rather straightforward task of just repeating something until it’s done gave the deity some time to think.

Being aware of greater power yet being unable to reach it at present. Energies were activating certain emulators.

“(A feeling like lacking something.)”

Thoughts formed on the basis of past dialogue.

Remembering the events leading up to that fight with the demon lord, Fejil ended up hearing the complaints the party of heroes would have here and there.

Fejil strangely had the ability to sympathize with the words and actions of humans and the races alike, but it had never really felt anything for itself.

Fejil’s weaker mind, which processed slower than its former, gave way for even more of a contrast as Fejil would have easily reached certainty, and unknown information would not have been so questionable.

“(I got defeated because there wasn’t the ambient mana I was so good at controlling, huh.)”

Though, since it never used such emotions, and the spherical brain wasn’t intended for it, the deity shortly steered over to a more factual thinking.

“(I’ll have to rely on allies. If it turns out that ambient mana is all I’ll be good for, then there should at least be the people who are good with their personal mana to help me.)”

The deity’s internal thoughts were more well-built than what the physical body was picking up on. And, those thoughts were a good enough conclusion for acquiring power to achieve victory.

The last rod was then shot quite a while after it had started.


The deity was silent as it measured how much mana was left.

About two tenths was drained. Not a significant loss.

Although the deity lost a bit of strength in other aspects of its soul due to the abstraction of the spiritual plane, it just turned out to be a blessing in disguise, an opportunity the deity took to optimize for better mana generation, though the generation rate was far from outperforming how ambient mana recovers.

“Right, I’m supposed to get allies, huh.”

Fejil looked emptily into the seemingly unending plains.


The deity inspected again the structure of, and the structures within its soul.


Fejil decided to just do it anyway, sending in mana through the constructs, with the intent of fixing things as it went.

“(I want powerful allies who’ll help me.)”

The deity thought back to the time of Lucas. The constructs natural to Lucas that the deity made to the first level were powerful. He was nearly invincible with quick regeneration, an immune system of sorts but for the soul that could judge internal effects, and his construct for great force in using physical blades was a top notch offensive ability.

Those three constructs in one made Lucas a strong frontliner.

Although Lucas had still lost because the ambient mana in the demonic continent had been overwhelming, it would still be reliable for such a person to have a second go.

Spatial Connection. Character Assessment. Construct Creation.”

After the search finds someone suitable, bridge the physical space between Fejil and the person, provide some basic information regarding the person, and create the constructs they have the affinity for.

That was the intent Fejil went with, and a circle of geometric designs manifested below.

As for the constructs being activated to carry such commands out, there was the state of disrepair.

The automatic processing of constructs could make up for the lack of processing power the spherical brain the deity had at the moment, so letting them stay unused was not a welcome idea.

At the very least, repairs are due, better now than later.

However, while being so focused, Fejil sensed something crack.

Operating from memories of such a long time ago, there wasn’t any preparation for handling things, especially in regards to the optimizations the deity had done to itself while in the spiritual plane.

The structures for increased mana generation sent more than anticipated, and the construct that provided the deity its consciousness even without a physical mind was also taking a toll with where energy was being directed.

“Not, good.”

The magic circle then went from glowing gently, to that of a burst of light, before disappearing gradually.


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4 years ago

I really really really want to see Skye’s downfall. The thing about Neal and her though.. is that actually true? Or did Alexandra have a tiny crush on Neal. One easily forgotten after that swimming pool/water stunt.

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