7 – The Deity Learns Of Earthlings

Before the deity could properly react to interfere with the mana being sent to the constructs, it had already activated to a point the deity couldn’t really stop or revert without doing something of negative effect.

With the burst of mana, the search for someone suitable was practically immediate, though it ended up finding more than just one person.

Mana went through the deity’s construct for character assessment, the magical energy then carrying the appropriate instructions, which would return to the deity a short biography of a target person.

Then, over 20 short biographies were submitted, conveniently attached were the top 3 memories, extracted from the healthiest or strongest neurons.

“(The name is RukaruHuman he was born and continues to live in Japan… is this a new country…? on a continent named Asia on the planet named Earth… what?)”

It wasn’t unusual for countries to come and go, however, a name for a continent and the planet was different from what Fejil the deity could remember.

“(How much changed!?)” The deity was a bit lost in terms of places now. “(Allivel… Earth… did they change the world’s name…?)” It was even more strange when it took into consideration that the biography submitted by the construct would normally not mention the name of the planet.

Decidedly, sensing its mana pool draining, everything was to be pulled to the deity’s side. It was too much of a gamble to go to their territory, an unknown place.

Accounting for some measures, the focal point of the spatial transfer was adjusted, and only precisely the room—its floor, roof, walls, and its contents and the people within—was to be teleported.

Now no longer needing attention, bits of the spatial construct gave out to the strain of having been activated. It was damaged, but not wiped that the deity couldn’t repair it at a later time.

And then, the deity continued reading the short biography on the student named Rukaru.

“(Interests… Kendo, and just about anythingHung out with everyone he possibly could that he had met.)”

Rukaru was a student, attending a school that had a name that of course matched with nothing in the deity’s memories.

“(Attends class regularly. Finished each school year with above average marks, but nowhere near the top for a special mention.)”

Then, the deity watched the three memories attached to the short biography, each contained a rather peaceful scene, of him just exercising with a wooden sword, being in some surprisingly clean classroom, and of people in a crowd that had a cheerful mood.

“(The demons didn’t win?)” The deity was confused.

Such seemingly peaceful memories shouldn’t have taken place with consideration to how the deity got attacked by demonic variants of normal creatures a moment after re-entering the physical plane.

A short biography was short as it was summarized, so the diety had to move to the next one.

Each biography mentioned at least one term, somewhat common in such, that the deity did not know of.

Likes in using tools referred to as phones, and computers, likes in taking or making photos, or videos. Likes to browse the internet. These were the most common unknown-to-the-deity terms mentioned.

Aspirations to be doctors, architects, and engineers. Somewhat familiar terms for workers, but felt strangely foreign.

“(What… are these?)”

Knowing nothing of these words, the deity could only see them as otherworldly.

Earth. It was too different from Allivel, that either the deity was just too late in coming back, or that it was just another world.

The definitions for such terms were accessible, but such only served to add to the mystery.

The next step as initially intended was to develop constructs in their souls.

There was a bunch of people to go through, and with the proportionally little mana leftover that the deity had in store, the deity was going to have a slow run of construct creation.

The construct for making constructs. It was the largest in the deity’s soul, with the complexity and intricacy that came with storing all sorts of commands for mana to accomplish a rather ambiguous and generally large-scoped task.

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As such, it had developed to be capable of just running by itself. Fortunately, as it was the most used, and thus the most solid, the deity saw little damage in it.

Though, the deity still had to be cautious as to not undermine whatever mistake could happen, like with how the search and spatial connection malfunctioned, and seemed to breach into another world.

As for the physical vessel of Fejil the deity, the vessel’s cognition would be spent to get ambient mana to supply the efforts, though, as it was yet to be much of a great processor, the deity still had to supply it mostly with its own mana to quicken the process.

There was the concern that something might come attacking, but since that wasn’t the situation at the moment, the deity only had to keep that in mind, the only need there present was to strengthen these people first.

As a matter of course, if the deity came upon those of bad nature, the deity would not develop them.

“(Rukaru…?)” Rukaru was the first person targeted for mind reading, however, something clicked. “(Lucas?)”

The deity perceived something familiar with how the construct of the first person targeted, who was the initial focal point of the spatial connection, was being developed.

There was considerably similar details as to those of the person the deity thought of when it initiated the search for allies.

“(What a fate…)”

There was precedence for distinct similarities with people of the past, but the deity didn’t think that the result would be an exact match with what was thought.

At this point, the deity decided to start using a construct for reading minds, seeing memories. This was similar to the one for character assessment especially with the memory seeing, but instead of mainly wordy interpretations, it would be a direct visual (and auditory) translation.

Though it would delay the construct creation by a bit, it was more important to know these people’s experiences.

The guy, Rukaru, was diligent in terms of physique, having regularly exercised his body, and engaged in dexterous work.

Rukaru was chatty and hung out with people, but didn’t go so far with it as to be particularly close with anyone. He befriended everyone he could, but consequently, there wasn’t a specific group he would be considered attached to for the most part—though a ‘most’ and ‘least’ could still be defined.

He was competitive but a good sport. In terms of his time management, there was a healthy balance between being alone and being with others, supplemented by a sort of schedule adhered to.

Although Rukaru declined being a leading figure, he had the personality and values to fit the image. As the deity intended with the search that found him, he had more so the qualities of the frontline hero.

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The sense of distance he had from others despite being able to befriend them quite easily was as if he were planning a self-sacrifice that wouldn’t worry anyone long-term. The deity perceived that kind of resolve within his behavior and attitude.

Then, the reading of Rukaru’s neurons finished, succeeded by others’.

“(… Interesting…)”

As the reading of minds progressed, the deity gradually learned of their world. It was a relatively peaceful world, demons and such were considered fictional, even magic itself.

No memory came up of a present war, such was considered a thing of the past.

Though these were just students, they were able to learn quite a lot… They were mandated to learn a lot, their world just had that much development.

In terms of fictional works, there was a diverse multitude of ideas played out, some more explored than others. There were students whose memories contained something that was in tune with the situation.

“(Another world… or isekai, as they say it…)”

In terms of what they’ve seen, it was typ   ical for them to become powerful. Considering the first person, Rukaru who was essentially the reincarnation of the former primary hero, the deity had a matching hope.

To maximize the speed, the deity had to remain spiritually unconscious to the physical world, to prioritize finishing the awakening of their constructs.

A variety of powers. Some were similar or exactly as another. Some were a cut above the rest.

But overall, they were turning out quite nicely, all of them could be justifiably considered as powerful.

The experiences that shaped their soul on their world was more distinct from that of the dull-in-comparison world of Allivel where people had relatively simple and straight-forward lives.

“(These guys will have to do.)”

With having respect for privacy, added to by the lack of magical energy, the deity didn’t delve so deep into their minds, so there was some curiousity retained within the deity, questions the deity could ask them.

Of course, out of default respect, the deity skipped past the memories thought to be embarrassing.

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