
Hello Everyone

I wasn’t able to go online this past few days, hence, the lack of releases..

There was a blackout on monday and apparently, it was because of an electric pole exploding in our area.. 

I didn’t expect that they wouldn’t be able to fix it in 1 day..

And unfortunately, I need to catch up on the project that I’m working on since I wasn’t able to work yesterday. 

I usually distribute my time within tasks so I have enough time to write.

Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.

So the release might take until tomorrow, since I’m not comfortable enough to write while I have pending tasks.. 

I’ll try my best to compensate for the lost chapters but It might take time.. 

Only allowed on


— New chapter is coming soon —
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