chapter 7: the future

The grand ball was hosted as a way to introduce the two princes to society. Although many already knew Cesar through the queen’s influence, most only heard of Edmond through rumors. Many described him as a cold-blooded human, who killed thousands in the north. Others knew him as a great leader in the face of war. Clearly, the nobles knew of only one word to describe him: “bloodless.” The first son of the king was not his own, but a mere child he had picked up during the great war. The child’s origins were unknown, and for which the king chose him was still a mystery. This figure, who was shrouded in dark secrets, was now the only one who could save me from the fate I hope to defeat.

As I entered the ball, people paused in their gossip to turn their gazes toward me in admiration. As I sought the elder crown prince, I detected someone sharply watching me from among the crowd. The man had deep, blue eyes that seemed to pull me in. Black, curly hair and majestic eyebrows gracefully enhanced his features, even though his tall body appeared muscled and masculine under his suit, like a soldier. He draped a white coat over the shoulders of a black suit, on the chest of which I noticed that he had pinned various different medals. Below his throat, a gold chain connected the two sides of his open coat. Unfortunately, some nobles approached me to greet me, forcing me to look away for a moment to properly return their greetings. By the time I looked back towards the spot where the man was standing, he had disappeared.

Did I see a ghost?

More nobles flocked towards me as if I was a famous painting in an art showcase. Each one of them scanned my body with greedy and lustful eyes, revealing their hopes of attaining me for their selfish wishes. After all, I am a lady from a family of significant reputation and great wealth. While some of them saw me as an easy stepping stone, others wanted to add me to their harem of concubines. Each one of them was no different from my family members. I had no choice, but to keep my poise and wish for the day to blow over soon. Exhausted, I escaped to the balcony to catch a breather. However, someone happened to already be there. His figure resembled the man with blue eyes.

Is it him?

[Lucia]: Excuse me, may I join you? [Edmond]: …………

Is he deaf or something? He didn’t show any signs of noticing me. After calling out to him multiple times, I decided to tug on his coat to get his attention. I had to pull a few times, before he finally, and suddenly, stood upright. He turned his blue eyes to stare at me in frustration. Finally, he opened his mouth

[Edmond]: Do you wish to die? [Lucia]: … Huh? [Edmond]: What do you want from me? [Lucia]: I merely wish to pay my greetings to the crown prince. [Edmond]: You have ten seconds to state your business, or my face will be the last thing you see on your way to hell.

Bloodlust shone through his piercing eyes. He was unlike any other person I had ever met. He didn’t hide his intentions, nor did he beat around the bush like other nobles. Deep in his eyes, I saw a vast sadness and loneliness. Maybe he was the same as me.

Should I just tell him the truth?

Suddenly, he unsheathed it, then slowly approach me.

Will he kill me? He is such a strange man. Maybe I should tell him the truth.

[Edmond]: Eight… nine… ten. Time is up. [Lucia]: Please, save me. [Edmond]: From what? [Lucia]: My family. They want me to marry The Crown Prince Cesar. [Edmond]: That doesn’t concern me. [Lucia]: If you let them, I am sure he will become King. [Edmond]: Then, I will kill your family.

Annoyed, I reached out and pulled him towards me by his tie until our eyes met. I was irritated by his arrogant attitude, especially the way he uses death to solve his problems.


A moment of awkward silence followed. Then, he burst into laughter. Puzzled by this, I blinked twice, before I realized I had just grabbed the prince – a member of the royal family. I hurriedly let go of his tie in panic, then bowed down multiple times.

[Lucia]: I am sorry. Please, forgive me, Your Highness. [Edmond]: You are surprisingly brave. No one has ever told me that to my face. Let’s see. I’ve decided to save you from your family, but, in return, you shall prove to me that you’re worthy of my help.

He looked at me straight in the eyes as he spoke. I could feel his breath hitting my face and, for a second, I was captivated by his beauty. I quickly turned around to hide my reddened face. He then shifted his posture and started to leave the balcony. Halfway to the exit, he stopped and turned.

[Edmond]: With your bravery, I am sure you won’t disappoint me. I look forward to our journey.

Puzzled, I questioned him inwardly.

What journey?

With those parting words, he left the balcony, visibly amused to his bones. Exasperated, I faced the stars and wondered if he will truly help me. I lost myself in thought.

What if he had killed me right then?

Then, my wonders turned darker.

What if he eventually kills my family?

So many potential outcomes spiraled in my head, but I was more curious about his mysterious past and his secrets.

[Lucia]: I wonder what happened to him.

That was when I heard a voice call out to me from behind me.

[Cesar]: Hello, there.

I turned to confront the figure that appeared in the direction I head the voice. He was blonde and he wore a splendidly-tailored silver suit. I knew him as my nightmare.

[Cesar]: I see you’ve met my brother. Care to join me for a drink?
- my thoughts:
Hello i am a new author, feel free to join my discord .Please enjoy my work and have a great day.

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5 years ago

Madam Ru could just be waiting for her to have the baby.. test if the kid is the heir and probably kill her 🤷🏻‍♀️

5 years ago

There’s definitely something wrong. I’d throw away all the gifts just to be safe lol

Assey lum
5 years ago

What if madam Ru knew it’s BLZX that been sending JMY’s an inner demon but she pretend she didn’t knew so BLZX would help to get “rid” the inner demon. Maybe there’s no other way to get rid the inner demon without help the one that sending it.

5 years ago

Not sure about Madam Ru’s intentions..still on the fence

5 years ago

Thanks for chapters!

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