Chapter 4: Evaluation

When Bria grabbed my hand, it felt like an iron rod was pulling me in. I didn’t– couldn’t resist. Going closer into the swirling lava like aura, I expected it to char my body and newly acquired Anycloth. However, I only felt a bit of nausea, then my vision, body, and mind started swirling. Before I knew it, an endless void conquered my thoughts.

When I opened my eyes, a dull wooden ceiling greeted me. My head still felt groggy as I struggled to sit. My vision was still blurry, so I tried blinking it away while scanning the room. There was a wooden cabinet without anything on top right beside the bed I was sitting on. Taking a closer look, the bed was also made of wood, although there was a thin, soft cushion underneath. 

Where am I? I thought. That was one crazy dream, though that felt very real. I sighed, feeling a mixed emotion of disappointment and joy. Then, there was a sudden sharp pain on my head. My body felt weak, so I struggled to lie down again.

Just as I pulled the fluffy blanket over my chest, the rustic wooden door creaked open.

“Oh, I see you are awake, Master,” a feminine voice said behind the door.

My head throbbed, as if someone was rhythmically beating on my brain. Confused and in pain, I asked,  “Who are you?”

“It’s Bria, Master,” replied the voice.

“Bria?” Oh… So, it wasn’t a dream, after all. 

“Master, I advise you to not move much yet.” Bria, whom I finally managed to see, handed me a clear crystal vial with orange liquid inside. “I apologize for the rough teleportation. I over– misestimated your abilities. This potion will help ease the teleportation’s side effects.”

I received the vial and stared at it. Suddenly, a window popped up.

[Debuff Potion]

Seeing that assured me. Not that I didn’t trust Bria, it was just that all of these unfamiliar everything didn’t bode well with me. I opened the vial and downed its contents. Weirdly enough, the liquid tasted light. It wasn’t sweet, bitter, or sour. It tasted… light. It was as if my tongue lost a few grams of weight.

The potion was quite potent. Just after a few seconds, I could feel energy surging throughout my entire body. It was as if I’ve just finished a morning exercise routine. My head cleared up and my vision cleared up. Is this the same potion she made me drink when I was having a breakdown? 

“Thank you, Bria.” I nodded slightly. “Where are we?”

“Serving you is a pleasure, Master.” Bria bowed. “We are still inside Demon Lord Lureschka’s dungeon. We are at the lowest realm, the Hatchery. This is where infant demons, monsters, and eggs are kept and raised. Since this is its primary function, it has access to all other realms. Even though it’s technically the lowest realm, this is actually the deepest part of the dungeon to protect the young.”

“So, this is basically a giant incubator, huh.”

“Incubator? What is that, Master?” Bria furrowed her brows.

“Ah, uhmm…” I scratched my head, trying to come up with an explanation, but eventually gave up. “Nevermind. Also, please stop calling me ‘master.’ Why did you suddenly decide to call me that, anyway?”

“As you wish. By the moment our Lord has assigned us to serve you, you have automatically become our master. It goes without saying that we will treat you only second to our Lord. In that regard, how do you wish for me to refer to you, Master?”

“Oh, is that so.” I didn’t expect them to treat me so highly, but it did feel good being treated that way. “Then, just call me Kaito. Anyway, what am I supposed to do now?” 

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The door creaked again, a jet black armor walked in, sounds of metal echoed inside the room every time the sabaton hit the floor.

“My liege, the Lord commanded us to train you,” a husky voice coming from the armor said. 

“Train me? How are we going to train?” 

Honestly speaking, I didn’t want to be the demons’ champion or some sort of demons’ allies. At least, that was what the me in the previous world would want to do. However, the sheer injustice made me agree. But even though I agreed, that didn’t mean I would eagerly train my body to the limit or jump straight into a bloody battlefield for the sake of creatures I’d just met. More so that they were literal demons and monsters.

Only allowed on

“That would depend on you, my liege,” Shiki stated matter of factly.

Even though he said that, it didn’t help me understand what he was actually saying, and I might have shown it on my face.

“It depends on your strengths, Ma– Kaito. Although he specialize in swords and blades, Shiki commands mastery on most melee weapons. On the other hand, I hold pride in all sorts of magic and sorcery,” Bria expounded, probably noticing how dumbfounded I was.

I nodded. Strengths, huh. 

“How will we determine my strengths? Is there any sort of evaluation?” I asked.

“Everybody usually knows or easily figures out what their special skills are. Do you have any area or skill you are particularly proficient in?” Bria looked at me, her eyes glittery and wet.

“Skill… or expertise…” I did my best to recall something, anything, but to no avail. “I, uh, don’t have any…”

“Oh…” Bria’s shoulders slumped. She sighed, but I could somehow determine that she wasn’t surprised. “Then, how about your strength, mana, knowledge?” She looked at me again, but not so hopeful this time around.

“Strength, mana, knowledge…” I repeated what she said, then it hit me. “Oh, yeah! I can check my stats!”

“Stats?” Bria and Shiki exchanged looks.

I ignored them, closed my eyes, and imagined the window to open. A few seconds later, a character window popped up.

Name: ??? Title:
Age: 16
Level: 1
Race:   Human (Demon)
MP: 10
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 3
Wisdom: 4

I sighed, feeling a little relieved. I was a bit worried that nothing would happen and that I’d end up embarrassing myself in front of Bria and Shiki.

“Uhmm, my strength is 5, intelligence is 7, agility is 3, and wisdom is 4,” I explained while pointing at the window.

Bria furrowed her brows and stared at the tip of my finger. 

“What are you pointing at, Kaito?” Bria asked.

“Uhmm… the window. My character window,” I replied matter of factly.

“Character window? What is that?”

This time, I was the one who furrowed my brow. “This,” I said as I pointed at my stats again. “The window that shows my info and stats. Can’t  you see it?”

Bria’s eyes shone like a jewel. “I can’t. Can you, Shiki?” Bria looked towards Shiki, curiosity painted on her face. Shiki’s helmet simply shook, which I assumed was a no. Bria turned towards me again, her eyes inching closer to my face.

“Okay, okay. I get it. If I imagine it hard enough, a window similar to the aura you used to show me scenes pops up. That window shows the numerical value of my abilities.” 

Bria’s face shone brightly, but it suddenly became grim. “That’s very interesting, but your abilities…”

“What about my abilities?” I stared at her, then at Shiki, but I couldn’t read their expression.

After a while of awkward silence, Shiki said, “My knowledge may not be as vast as the witch’s, my liege, but your values are akin to that of a child.”

My eyes grew wide. I kind of expected them to be low, but I didn’t expect them to be similar to a child!

- my thoughts:
It's the weekend, so I figured I'll post double chapters!
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