Crownswell Academy

Early next morning, Lithana came and picked me up. She was dressed in pristine white uniform with a knee length skirt. Before we reached school, she told me a few things i should keep in mind.

Firstly, i should not reveal my dual elements, there are only 6 students with dual elements in the school including her. A new dual elementalist would gather too much attention, so if i don’t wanna create trouble, i should stay low-key.

Secondly, protecting her brother will bring trouble for me, so she was sorry about that.

‘Well, that kinda contradicts the first point doesn’t it, but i still wanna stay low-key for a while,’ i thought.

Lastly, the school is ‘ruled’ by 4 Kings, they are the 4 most powerful students in the school, and hold equal authority as the professors in school. Though Lithana is not as powerful those 4, she still hold some authority as the School Council President.

“Alright alright, that’s cool to know and all, but can i have my payment for this month first, i’m kinda broke,” i gave her a sheepish smile.

“Ah right, here.”

She transferred a bag full of money and cores to my storage ring.

My eyes lit up at the amount of cores i received. I was salivating at the prospect of devouring this delicious meal.

As i neared the school, i could see the huge pearly gates, it was as if they were trying to… replicate something. There were thousands of students streaming into the gates, some arrived in carriages even fancier than ours, some arrived via teleportation gates, and a few showed up mounted on magical beasts. Seems like even before school starts, they are already showing off their power status.

During school assembly, the headmaster introduced himself as Gwydion Dawnlight. He looked around his 30s, with long hair flowing down his waist, i could see elf ears poking out of the sides.


[Gwydion Dawnlight] [Race: Light Elf] [Age: 450] [7th Circle – Magister] [Magic: Light, Nature] [Abilities: Divine Touch, Clarity of Mind]


‘Heh, he’s quite young for an elf.’

After the formalities are over, we headed to our first class. I was placed into the second year class while Lithana is in the third year.

During the first period, i gave a slight bow and introduced myself to the class. The girls whispered excitedly amongst themselves, the boys gave me a dismissive look.

“Pick a seat, anywhere you like,” the teacher told me.

I scanned the class, and my eyes finally landed on a boy looking out of the window with a disinterested face. I pointed at the seat beside him. He had short jet black hair and ears that are slightly pointed. The class grew hushed.

“You sure you want to pick that seat?” the teacher asked.

I nodded my head and walked to the seat. Some girls gave me worried looks.

I settled down and started a conversation with him, well… tried to.

“Hi, my name’s Eric, what’s yours?”

He was unresponsive, it felt as though i was talking to a wall. After a few more times of trying to communicate with him, though unsuccessful, i decided to wait and try again later.

The lesson soon ended and i once again tried talking to him, but before i could, a voice interrupted me.

“Hey new guy, don’t associate yourself with that freak, you don’t know what he has done, come join us,” a boy with brownish hair spoke.

“I do what i please, don’t tell me what to do.” I said in a low voice.

“Suit yourself dumbass, don’t say we didn’t warn you.” He left.

After a while, i heard a voice from the side.

“He’s right you know, staying with me will only bring you endless trouble.”

I turned my head and saw the boy with elf-like feature talking to me.

“Look whose finally talking, don’t worry about me, i can handle myself, so what’s your name?”

“Parzival… Bladeheart.”

“I see, nice to finally meet you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ah, never mind about that, just know that your life in school will be much better from now on. So tell me, why do they call you a freak?”

Parzival suddenly turned mute.

‘Oh well, i guess i’ll have to find out another way then,’ i thought.


[Parzival Bladeheart] [Race: Half Human Half Dark Elf] [Age:19] [3th Circle – Intermediate] [Intermediate fighter] [Magic: Shadow, ???(sealed)] [Ability: Dark Rage (1th stage)]


‘Hmm, maybe it has something to do with his ability?” I speculated.

Soon i fell asleep from the boring lessons, and only woke from the bell ringing for lunch. I looked around for Parzival but he was nowhere to be found. I asked around and found out some guys took him. I asked around the school and soon found him.

In the back of the school alley, i detected 4 presences. I turned the corner and discovered 3 guys ganging up on Parzival. He is on the ground with a foot on his head.

“Scum, have you bought our money?”

Parzival took out a few gold coins and gave it to him with trembling hands.

“What is this, it doesn’t look like this is all you got?” One of the boys laughed and kicked him in the face breaking his nose. Another one raised his hands and prepared for a spell.

But before he could go any further, an earth spear whistled through the air and penetrated through his hands into the wall behind him.


The bullies turned around and saw me slowly walking out from the shadows. I recognize one guy from my class, he was the one with brownish hair i spoke to previously.

“Morning gentlemen, what do we have here?”

“Don’t involve yourself in this, this has nothing to do with you,” warned the brown haired guy.

“F*** YOU! DO YOU KNOW WHO MY FATHER IS! HE WILL F*** YO- argh puek ” the guy with impaled hands screamed.

I threw some mud into his mouth to shut him up. “Shush, now what will you two do? You better leave, i don’t want anymore fathers trying to f*** me.”

“Watch out new guy, you just made your life hella lot worse,” they dragged away the guy who’s howling in pain.

I turned and extended a hand to Parzival to help him up but he smacked it away.

“Why did you help me! Do you think being a hero will f****** help you? Look at the shitload of trouble you have landed yourself into, do you think it was worth it?! I’m a f****** monster, stay away from me!”

I reeled back in shock, i was not expecting this in the slightest.

I stood there, not knowing what to do, so i gave him some space and left him there.

The day was soon over and Parzival did not say another word the entire time.

It was time to get to the dormitory. As i entered the dormitory, the first thing i noticed was how f****** huge it was. Not long after i entered, Parzival came in. ‘Wow, the bladeheart family sure is resourceful huh.’

He ignored me and went straight to bed.

I finally got some alone time, taking out the cores i stared at them with glistening eyes, ‘finally time to eat my precious.’


I gulped down the cores and my eyes lit up the room.



I heard a sound from my status. Bringing up the screen, i saw some changes.


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6 years ago

And he lies once again. He doesn’t fear death, this has been stated many times throughout this novel. Though he doesn’t fear death this does not mean he will seek it. Hah… Moral and all, yes, but still… So shameless…

6 years ago

Are you dropping this series since you picked up a series from QI?

Princess renesmee
6 years ago

Thanks for the chapter 😎

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